Skirt: JCrew(on sale!). Vest: Old Navy(on sale!). Tee: Target. Hat: Target (thanks sis!) Booties: Target(on sale!). Ring: TJMaxx. (similar.) Tights: Target.
Hey look, another Smee-like hat! Mr will be so pleased… haha. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but the tiny town we moved to earlier this year has no Target. I repeat. HAS NO TARGET. I’m not going to tell you the kind of withdrawals I’ve been going through for the past 6 months or so. I thought it would get better with time, but it turns out you never get used to not having a Target. (hey Target, want to build a store in Cache Valley?!) My older sister, knowing how much I’ve grieved over not having a Target close (seriously an hour away is the closest one!) kindly brought me home this beanie from her most recent trip (going to Target is an event around here) and I love it a whole lot. It’s funny how just a little bit of kindness can go a really really long way. This hat made my week.
So this vest. I was kicking myself for the last month or so for not picking up the fantastic grey tweed one from JCrew factory earlier in the season (like when it was still hot) and then low and behold, they had a similar one at, where else, Old Navy. Not quite as fantastic, but they carry it in petites(hallelujah) and it will do, plus half the price. (win, win) I had kind of given up on Old Navy a few years ago, but they’ve won back my heart this season. I mean, I got this scarf there. And it’s basically the world’s most perfect scarf.
Happy Thursday everyone! Do you know what I’m doing for weekend eve? I’m going to see Hunger Games with my mom and sisters, because we are grown-ups and one of the best things about being an adult is going to the movies on a week night.
And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

you look so cozy in that vest and those tights! love
Great outfit. Love how you styled the vest with the emerald skirt. Gorgeous skirt. I’m headed to J Crew this weekend. Can’t wait to check out all their fabulous things.
I literally had this exact same dilemma earlier this season with j.crew’s fabulous tweedy/herringbone vest that I didn’t pick up! Alas, this old navy vest was my solution too! I am so glad you posted this today, because I was starting to maybe not feel the love so much and was considering taking it back, but as always, you have restored my faith that it’s a perfectly perfect (and cheaper!) substitute!
If it makes you feel any better, my closest Target is 4 hours away. I’ve gotten really good at online shopping. But I would happily drive one hour just to go to Target!!!
Okay, you win. Four hours is worse.
I just moved to Herriman from Sandy and I’m grieving the loss of Target just down the street. I guess a 20 minute drive isn’t so bad!
Cutest outfit! And I don’t know how you live without Target! Seriously, I do go there at least once a week (my hubby isn’t so happy about that lol )
They have the cutest stuff right now!
J.Crew Necklace Giveaway on
Seriously though. We just left Cache Valley earlier this year. I missed Target so much during our 2 yrs spent there. I sure did save a whole lot while living out there (in Hyrum) but going outside with the beautiful views was worth it all! I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying having a target every which way I go now too! Haven’t commented before, but thought it was funny because our little babies have the same birthday and then I started seeing you post about Logan right when we left town. Fun to have silly things in common ;)
I feel your pain! My closest ‘real’ Target is also an hour away. Here in my town they have Target Country, which is basically a pathetic excuse for Target because those of us that love outside the city don’t want any reasonable shopping experiences, right? Wrong! I think it just makes things worse, having Target but not. :(
The small town where we live also does NOT have a Target. It’s sad. It has Wal-Mart, though, which I refuse to enter. It’s just not the same. Luckily, I work in a nearby larger city and there’s a Target on my way home! I stop there often since, you know, it’s on the way home! :)
Nobody wears a beanie quite like you! (Is that creepy to say? You’re just rocking these winter hats!)
Love the smee hat! You are adorable! And I’m doing the same thing as you tonight! Being a grown up def has it’s perks, doesn’t it? ;)
Love this! The color of the skirt is gorgeous. I know how you feel about not having a Target. We live in a small town too and we only have a couple clothing stores, plus some small boutiques and of course Walmart. The closest Target is two hours away from us. Whenever we go out of town we make sure to stop by Target.
I was reading over your post to see where you got that amazing vest.. once you started with you don’t have a Target, I was thinking.. I just moved from a place where Target was across the street to somewhere without a Target and what do you know? It was Cache Valley!! What a small world :) I will definitely have to go give Old Navy a try, the only place I’ve really shopped has been Kohls but it’s just not the same!
How funny! It is a small world. I don’t think they carry the vest in store at least at our ON, but you can definitely find it online.
I seriously love this look and can so see myself in this entire outfit!
this outfit is awesome! and RIP to your target loss. Hopefully they build one closer near you soon!
I’m a little confused by your style blog. I love the clothes you make and your dedication to American Made manufacturing, but your blog promotes fast fashion stores like Target, Old Navy, Gap, etc. Seems a bit contradictory to me.
I seriously LOVE this outfit! You look so great, and I am obsessed with that J. Crew skirt! I keep trying NOT to buy it in an attempt to save money… but I think you just made me cave. :) ANd I feel your pain about the Target thing… Hubs and I are moving to Rexburg in a few weeks and there isn’t a mall/Target/ANYTHING nearby. The closest Target is 30 minutes away, which isn’t awful… but it’s a huge change when you’re used to it being right down the road! AH!