Sweatshirt: J Crew Factory. (love: this, this, and this.) Boyfriend Jeans: ZARA. (great boyfriends: here, here and here.) Floral Clutch: Target. (old. similar here, and here.) Shoes: Joe’s Jeans via Amazon. (similar here, and here.) Necklace: JCrew. (similar: here, here, and here.) Watch: Michael Kors. Bracelet: similar. Sunglasses: Target. (also these.)
Forgive me for a moment while I gripe about a total first world problem. That problem being finding great pumps in any size under six. Do you know how many times I have found the most perfect shoe on the planet, and look at that it’s on sale as well(!) only to find that the smallest size it comes in is a six. Now if you know me, or even if you don’t, you’ve probably gathered that I looove wearing heels. It’s one of those stupid, makes no sense, kind of self indulgences, because being a mom makes wearing heels all the time quite frankly ridiculous, and it complicates a lot of situations where a pair of sneaker
s would make my life like a whole lot easier. But, I digress. The point is, I love wearing heels and also, finding just the right ones in my size is like nearly impossible. Now, sometimes you can fudge on sizing in flats. I can get away with a six occasionally, if it’s a small narrow size six (especially since I have wide feet-it’s true I do. Bonafide Flinestone feet.) But, you can’t fake a size in heels! The half dozen times I’ve gone ahead and bought a pair of pumps in even a half size too big thinking I’ll just “make it work,” it hasn’t ended well. In other words, the shoes have ended up in my sister’s closet. (I’m still mourning those houndstooth stilettos, Meghan. I hope you are giving them the love they deserve. ;-)
Where am I going with this… we may never find out… Haha. But seriously. Mint. That’s where I’m going. So I really love the color mint. Aqua, mint… whatever you want to call it. It’s my jam. Especially to wear. I’ve been needing (i.e. wanting) a pair of mint heels to fill that space in my shoe rack for months and months and just–nothing. Every good lead turned out to be a dead end size six. Until(!) Until I got some sense into my head and checked Amazon for a pair of mint pumps. Why, oh why didn’t I think of that sooner? But seriously, Cori. Why? Craig and I order everything off Amazon, and hello prime! I’m such a shipping snob now. “What?! It’s not going to be on my doorstep in two days with free shipping?”
Anyways, I found this pair from Joe’s Jeans on my beloved Amazon, and I promised to love and cherish them if they would please take residence in my closet. They in turn agreed to make all my mint/aqua pump dreams come true. It’s a healthy relationship. We’re quite happy with each other.
Happy Monday!
Ps. JCrew Factory is having an extra 25% off sale for the next 24 hours, and this beauty from last year that sold out so fast is back in stock… (use code: BRR)

GIrl, I order everything off of Amazon Prime too!! Those shoes are such an amazing find! I definitely think I should look into shopping for clothes & shoes more often at Amazon haha!
Flintstone feet right here as well!
Oh yes, I have tried to fudge sizes before as well with pumps. Like right before work or a job interview, for instance. You are okay in the house, then you get in the car, drive to your destination, and have to walk somewhere. Yeah, you can’t do it. Well, you can do it, but your shoes don’t come with you. Then you look like an absolute fool. I’ve learned a bit since then. Wear shoes indoors a bit first…
I’m going to need that sweatshirt. But I’m going to try to find some mint flats, because as fab as you look, I couldn’t pull those off! Not being a negative Nance, but I couldn’t. But I like flats.
Glad I’m not the only wide-footed lady! I have an awesome pair of mint flats from Target, but I don’t think they are available any more. ;-)
All of this mint talk & drops of color has me wanting ice cream. Love the casuality of the ensemble but the added necklace & coordinating clutch take it up a notch. You look great.
thank you!
Loving the matching mint. You make a pair of boyfriend jeans looks so cool and elegant at the same time.
I hear ya – Tiny feet are hard to dress. I’m on the hunt for black size 5 pumps and I’m kind of dreading shopping for them because I know it is going to take a while before I can find something that works on my feet :(
Love the mint pumps – maybe I should try Amazon too?
I feel your pain. I, too, wear a 5 and understand the difficulty of finding shoes. I like shopping from Shoebuy.com One of the nice things is that you’re able to shop specifically by size & color which means you don’t have to scroll thru shoes that aren’t your size or color you want. Check it out! Hope this helps.
Thanks Jill! I’ll take a look tonight.
I always have a stash of those padded heel stickers. Helps when she’s have a little too much room. Might not make up for 1\2 a size but can be some help!
Mint green always makes for a refreshing summer look, chic!
I´m a size 4/5 so totally understand your pain! But then I moved to Asia and now I have a shoe-man who makes all my shoes out of real leather to specifically fit my feet. It´s sooo amazing! The only downside to it is that I have to wait a week until my shoes are ready.
you’re so darling! love the minty look!
ladies in navy
love your minty-ness and this entire outfit. but…i truly love your hair. your bangs and the cut and color..it just all…works. ya know? perhaps because my hair is currently blonde-ish and about 7 inches shorter than i’m used to (crying) and i just am yearning for my long brown hair back. you look amazeballs. and i don’t say that about just anything ;)