Pants: Loft. Sweater: Target. Bag: Target. Jacket: Old Navy. Shoes: JCrew Factory. Necklace: JCrew. (now here.)
Of all the months of the year, October is the most alive. And I swear I can feel it, weeks before it even arrives. it’s in the air and the sky and all around me. I can feel it in my toes and see it in everyone’s face. That giddy anticipation. Fall. Is there anyone who doesn’t love fall? It’s the perfect season. And October is it’s crown jewel.
I know we still have a little over a week before it arrives, but I’m already rubbing my hands together like a villain in every time I go outside and see another tree starting to turn. Mwah, ha, ha-ctober…
Here’s to hay rides, pumpkin flavored everything, cozy sweaters and all the gingham our little hearts desire.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers…”
-Anne of Green Gables.
ps. JCrew Factory’s fall under $35 sale started today…
Shop here.

Love this post. October is my favorite too :)
Love fall and love your outfit! Cute bow flats and necklace<3
These fall hues are perfect!
Pink Champagne Problems
Love the shade of the top, perfect for autumn.
Lovely pants!
oh these flats are killer!
ladies in navy
This is so cute! I love this! Love the pants, love the shoes, love the necklace, love the sunglasses, Love it all! Just gorgeous!
Love the print with the colored sweater. Great look!