from your closet halloween: where’s waldo?

 I feel like it’s really important if you happen to read this blog, that you understand me, and to really understand me–you know–fundamentally as a person, you need to know that when it comes to All Hallows Eve, I’m a bit of a freak.  I love Halloween.  I’ve adored dressing up for Halloween ever since I was a child, and that hasn’t really gone away at all in the years since I’ve become an adult.  There’s just a whole bunch more people to dress up now, mwahaha.  (cue evil laugh.)

There are some years when I go (seriously) all out, spending hours at the sewing machine, and other years when life is a bit hectic and we go simpler, but we pretty much always dress up… I thought it might be fun in this, the final week before Halloween to show you some of my favorite quick and easy last minute costumes, and (bonus) most of the pieces can already be found in your closet…

Where’s Waldo.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who loved these books as a kid.  I can’t even tell you how many countless hours I spent ruining my eyesight trying to find that little strip-ed nerd.  It was a blast.  I found a Where’s Waldo book at Target yesterday and it seriously made me smile for a good two minutes.  I think this costume is fun and nostalgic and most of all, so so easy to create.

what you need:

red and white striped shirt, blue pants, red hat with a pom pom on top (you can also make this by wrapping a rubber band on a slouchy beanie), glasses, and a cane or hooked umbrella, boots.



a few more great “Waldo” options:

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see last years halloween costumes here.

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  1. Tiffany wrote:

    This should be fun! I always wait until the last minute.

    Posted 10.28.14 Reply
  2. tamathabanks wrote:

    You look SO much like Hannah in this pic!

    Posted 10.30.14 Reply