Cora Dress. Shoes: Nine West. (similar.) Jacket: Anthropologie.
So, on Saturday night, the Mr. and I had big plans to go to the cinema (Don’t you just love the word cinema? Sounds so refined. Like when movies used to be art. Let’s bring that one back). Anyways, I love seeing movies, and we thought it would be fun to go catch a late one. But, as it goes when you’ve got four kids, two of them were a little sick and so, we decided to stay and have a date at home. We picked up a couple milkshakes, some fries and then camped out in our upstairs loft for an evening with Netlfix. It was a classy affair.
We settled on “Call the Midwife.” No-scratch that, first we tried to watch “Dumb and Dumber” again but discovered that A. it’s not really that funny after you’re not a teenager anymore, B. 90’s movies have possibly the worst musical scores, ever and C. it’s also basically one of those movies that’s way more funny to quote than to actually watch. Maybe it’s just me, but really, I don’t think it’s just me. Anyways, I have this theory about not re-watching childhood/teen favorites because what you remember as being soooo good, can be ruined in a single Saturday night of nostalgia watching. Like the time we tried to watch “The 5th Element” right after we were married, because Craig thought it was “so awesome” (and I quote) when he was 15, except it’s actually the worst movie ever made, possibly in the history of movies. (And that’s saying something.)
But where was I going with this… oh yeah. Call the Midwife. If you can believe it, it was Craig who suggested we watch it because it’s a BBC show and everybody knows those BBC shows are amazing. Granted, he fell asleep before the opening credits had finished, and I stayed up until a ridiculous hour watching four episodes in one sitting. Darn you Netflix for making binge watching so disgustingly easy! After pulling all-nighters for the past week, trying to get our Black Friday orders buttoned up and out the door (we’re still working on them, bear with us!) staying up until the wee-hours of the morning before I had to get up and get all six of us out the door for 9am church was probably not the most practical of choices, but what can I say, I live on the wild side.
So, Call the Midwife. I really should listen to my mother more religiously because she suggested this show to me over a year ago and I shrugged it off, because it didn’t sound all that appealing. Except it turns out, it’s another one of those awesome BBC period pieces, that they get just so right, and it also makes me appreciate childbirth and the children I have, and the circumstances/time I was born into and our medical technology, and still somehow also wish I was living in 1950’s London and wearing circle skirts every. single. day…
Does the BBC ever get anything wrong? I’m pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but I just want to put it out there into the universe and see if it’s even a possibility.
Also, I’m starting to remember why we don’t have T.V. I have no self-control when I love a show.

Love this dress! Such a great print and shape. For sure have to check out this show!
Agreed about everything you said regarding Call the Midwife. And about why you don’t have a TV. I was just explaining that to someone. I feel like my shotty internet connection and online-only tv watching keep me reeled in but if I had a TV and DVR…the world may never see me.
Stunning dress<3
Shall We Sasa
That dress is soon beautiful!! I have to have it!!
Absolutely love this dress – the floral print is gorgeous!
This dress is all kinds of awesome!
Great show, great music in it, too! It keeps getting better and better. I just read the trilogy of books and the 3 seasons are spot on with the true stories. Amazing.
I absolutely adore this series. And you have to look up their holiday specials – they run one every year – Though I would get caught up on the series before watching the 2014 special otherwise it will spoil so much for you. They are ever so sweet and make me wish to have lived during that time, aside from all of the cigarette smoking ;)
I love the dress and love the show! I began watching it on Netflix last year and was so upset when I had binge watched every available episode. Its one of those that I randomly check to see if they have added a new season. I also long for the “simpler” days when watching shows like that – everyone dressed and looking so chic (most of the time).
No, the answer is No! BBC makes great films. I watched call the midwife while I was pregnant, i know, what the hail was I thinking, but you know what it gave me strength and appreciation and just such great idea of what our bodies are capable of and of course it made me cry like a baby…i loved it!!! love it!!!! So glad you watch some epis…you’ll love it even more as you watch more epis. Enjoy
You should read the books, they are so amazing! I am obsessed with the show. I’m starting nursing school in January and wish we still had their same uniforms. :) Glad you have experienced the amazing-ness that is CTM!
Great dress! Esp with the jacket.
Thanks for the warning about Dumb and Dumber! Wow, don’t want to ruin it for myself! I should try to watch those shows you mentioned.
As a Brit living in California I am missing the BBC more than you would ever realise. American TV shows just don’t seem to cut it for me. Oddly enough all the Americans I know watch BBC shows too and don’t get American TV either.
If you haven’t already watched The Paradise, that’s also on Netflix, its BBC and its about a shop girl. You would love it! x
I have been watching that show a bunch too, and love it! Also, beautiful dress!
Stunning outfit! So inspiring!
Such a cute dress and I love how you styled it with the jacket.
xx, Jodi