T-shirt: my design. (almost sold out, again.) Pants: Gap. (best ever.) Jacket: Old Navy. (similar here.) Umbrella: Old. (similar.) Watch: Michael Kors. Boots: Hunter kids. (adult version here.)
Another rainy weekend for us, but don’t you worry about me.
I’m all set.
Happy Saturday!
Best deals this weekend:
Extra 60% off sale styles at Loft. They also have hundreds of jeans on sale for $19.88 (I’m not kidding, and I have no idea why, but run. online only) I picked up this top, this sweater, and these jeans (they’re $25 off right now) the other day, and they are heavenly.
Gap’s got 40% off on kids. (woot,woot)
Extra 40% off sale styles at JCrew. use code: HELLOSALE. I know nobody feels like it, but this is a really great time of year to pick up a new coat. I love my coat from JCrew and these are on major sale right now, especially with the 40% off, literally saving hundreds of dollars. Also there’s still a few sizes of these amazing jeans left in stock. I highly recommend.
40-50% off knits and tees at JCrew Factory. (I’m grabbing this tee for Craig (the man who will never buy clothes for himself, ever), aaaand I don’t really need another striped shirt but this one… swoon.
ASOS has up to 70% off clearance. This blush leather pencil skirt is calling my name.

The tee is really cute! Love your rain boots<3
Shall We Sasa
You are so cute Cori! Sometimes I forget that you are a grown woman with a household of your own and a business lol you always look so polished!
Also, when do you have the time to do your nails? I can never get them right or keep them on long enough because with all the dishes and washing I do, it comes in a day or two
That jumper is amazing, perfect for a rainy day.
That’s such a gorgeous shirt. What a great design. I love your gigantic umbrella.
:] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲
Adorable top!
I love the pop of red of your rain boots!
Girl, you get me in trouble. Every time I come to your blog I want to go shopping!!!!!
I ordered some overalls just now based on your post. I hope they work. I’m not as petite as you, but I’m somewhat daring. We’ll see! Happy Sunday!
Such a fun and lovely outfit with the theme of a raining day, cute! Pretty red hunter boots, adore how striking it is, awesome!