Shirt: JCrew Factory. (c/o) Sweater: Target. (also similar here.) Jeans: Madewell. (similar.) Hat: Gap. Boots: Hunter Kids. (adult version here.) Bag: Kate Spade. (similar.) Necklace: JCrew Factory. (similar.) Umbrella: Target.
Christmas eve is a more formal affair in our house, but when it comes to getting dressed on Christmas day, (you know after I finally get out of my jammies) I like to stick to the 3 C’s: cozy, comfy and Christmasy. Since it rains a lot here in Seattle in the winter (and we’re having a wet year, so buckle up) my red Hunter’s are pretty much a given, a great pullover sweater paired with the newest festive addition to my plaid shirt family, my favorite pom beanie (because it’s Christmas you should look like you have a snowball on your head) and my new red purse.
That way I can go to the movies (our Christmas day tradition), warm up Christmas eve. left-overs for dinner (another tradition) and read/nap on the couch (my favorite tradition ;-) while still feeling Christmasy and comfortable.
What do you do on Christmas day?

Cute hunter wellies! I like them in red.
This outfit is beautiful, Cori! I love the umbrella as well :)
thank you so much!
Buf nena, en menudo barrizal te has metido. Menos mal que con esas botacas puedes hundirte en el barro hasta los tobillos sin ningún problema.