so, my pants are kind of dirty.

Blouse, Pants(cropped by moi): The Loft.  Necklace, Earrings: Ross.  
Luckily, you can’t really tell in the pictures.  I don’t know what my problem is, I just can’t stop wearing white pants.  So crisp, so bright and cheerful.  Until that first little shoe print appears after I scoop up my 3 year old and his flip-flops meet my pants.
So, funny story.
A few years ago after a hades-ish week my husband bought me a plane ticket to go up to the Beehive state and see my family.  (My husband is the bomb like that.  He’ll seriously do anything for me, not even joking.)  Anyways, the flight was super early in the morning and I had decided to carry on my baby, since you know, Grandma begged me to bring him along.  Little baby was almost 2 at this point, so he was more of a giant baby, but you know, still all the baby gear, stroller, etc.  
After we got through security.  (He**ish ordeal, thank you TSA for making me remove my baby’s shoes too, cause I’m definitely smuggling something dangerous in those) I decided I was starving. It was, after all very early.  And there was a Starbucks that had all these croissants in their glass display (I love croissants) and then I was thinking how good they would taste with some hot chocolate (I looooove hot chocolate).  Oh, and did I mention, I was wearing white pants.
So I get my little breakfast and about the time I wheel myself, child and all our obnoxious gear over to the terminal, they are ready to board the flight.  No time to eat.  So I go sloshing my way down the ramp, and get on board.  All while pushing stroller, carrying bags, struggling with child, croissant, and yes, the hot chocolate.  I made it on board, still intact (miraculously) no spills yet, and go to sit down.  Baby takes one look at the guy next to us, who had a beard (very frightening to children apparently) and freaks. out.  Drink starts a-sloshing and wham.  Big huge drop of hot chocolate right on my pants.  Brilliant, Cori.  Bravo.  I stood up, marched right over to the stewardess and handed her my full cup of hot chocolate.  We can eat our croissant with ginger ale.
ps. Baby wipes take almost anything out of almost anything.  Very affective those things are.
And I’m a momma.  I always have baby wipes.

And also, you don’t get to see my shoes.  I bet the mystery is just killing you. And I’ve had a bunch of requests for a tutorial on the pleated skirt.  I will get right on that.  Assuming I can actually create a tutorial.  You guys give me way more credit as a seamstress than I actually deserve.  Loves to you.

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  1. onyasay wrote:

    wow you’re wearing the same shirt today as this other lady i follow’s wearing today:

    not advertising hahah just thought it was a funny coincidence, i follow both of you and in my reading list you’re blogs came up next to each other, i’m like heyyyy i just saw that shirt! hehehe anyway, it’s a cool shirt, i like your shirt

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  2. love, kate wrote:

    baby wipes are a gift from god!!!!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  3. Julie wrote:

    Would you hate me if I just ran right out, bought this shirt and copied your outfit? Because you look A-maz-ing! And I want to look like you! :)

    ps-Is this shirt new, on sale, bought w/coupon etc etc. I remember you saying you usually can get your stuff there on sale so you don’t have to pay the high prices…
    juliebrookeneff at yahoo dot com

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  4. I think I would never notice if your pants were dirty because I am totally mesmerized by your prettiness! Such an engaging smile and I have to admit I have a hair crush!

    I love mommy stories, haven’t started my family yet but every time but husband and I are on a plane we think parents deserve an award! Definitely looks challenging, especially with a hot chocolate in toll.

    Virginie’s Cinema

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  5. rebecca wrote:

    I am in love with that top! It looks so comfy and cool and gorgeous!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  6. I saw you on the color brigade, and you are SO stinkin’ cute.
    First off I love this story.. and the fact that “you can’t stop” wearing white pants. I have been shopping for the perfect pair myself!

    Love it. And I will need to invest in a travel size baby wipe oacjage!

    matters of merrymaking

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  7. and by “oacjage” i meant package. oh lord, i should proofread BEFORE hitting post.

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  8. Shelley wrote:

    Agreed about baby wipes! And you have officially made me add white capris/linen pants to my shopping list. :) Suggestions of places to shop are welcome. Love the blog!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  9. Anjelica wrote:

    LOVE you shirt! And you have it in the color I really liked! So cute with the white bottoms

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  10. You look so Adorable!!! LOVE the outfit… My sister and I just started a blog and would love for you to come check it out!
    We would also love any comments or tips on making a FAbulous blog (just like yours)

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  11. I can so top your story, imagine big blow out covering me basically from heat to toe on an international flight for Europe to US and two more flights to go! By the way, you look adorable!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  12. You’re adorable! I love white pants but they never stay clean no water what I do!

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  13. Melissa wrote:

    I LOVE this! So simple, so chic and so sophisticated. And I don’t see any dirt on your pants. I love the stripes with the statement necklace!

    At least you WILL fly. I’m too scared. Last time I flew was to Thailand for a missions trip and although there weren’t any issues on any of the flights, I still will not fly. Nope.

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  14. Angela wrote:

    Love this whole look.

    Method Clothe

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  15. DeeAnna wrote:

    You are one of my style inspirations! I’m 5’3 and I still think that dressing my frame is kind of difficult. So I like to see how things look on you so I can convince myself to try it! Thanks!

    Posted 4.7.11 Reply