structure, pronto.

Cropped Pants: Old Navy.  Shirt: Thrifted.  Shoes: Ross.

Note to self:  Belt this thrifted shirt from now on.  Seriously.  I promise that I am A. Not pregnant, and B. Never going to wear this shirt without a belt again.  Baby needs some structure, pronto.

See, this is how effective daily outfit pictures are.  The mirror was totally not honest with me about this outfit.  Little liar.
And yes.  My legs are ridiculously short.

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  1. Jenni wrote:

    I love this whole look…but a belt would be cute too…I agree. Your hair is adorable in a bun! I have to agree with you about the lying mirror…I have looke in the mirror so many times thinking I looked ok and then took the pictures…the camera shows all! =)

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  2. kileen wrote:

    i love the pattern of this shirt and the grey pants are perfect with it! and i belt just about everything, but that’s cause i know my mirror always lies about things like that. :)

    cute & little

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  3. Oh my your thrifted that top?? It’s gorgeous!! Love the print!!!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  4. Oh Cori, you so do NOT look pregnant. You are doing loose on tight and it turned out so cute!!!

    Posted 4.5.11 Reply
  5. Gertrude wrote:

    The shirt is fab! And don’t worry about the short legs (I’m petite as well), that’s what make us cute hehe xo

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  6. Nav wrote:

    cute look!!!! and i like your bun too. xo

    check out my 30X30 here:

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  7. Michelle wrote:

    I am a new reader and have been loving your blog. I am not officially petite (5’4″) but your style definitely is inspiration for all heights and sizes!

    Love the shirt and you are absolutely gorgeous! I wore a similar one yesterday and I found just tucking in the front a bit helped although I agree with other posters, you do not look preggers.

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  8. Brittney wrote:

    hah! “little liar.” seriously, isn’t that the truth–i’ll think i look fine, then be ghastly surprised when i check out the actual photos. thanks for nothing, mirror. NOTHING.
    i think you look great still–you’re rocking those skinny cropped numbers! love.

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  9. love, kate wrote:

    you do NOT look pregnant!!

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  10. Emily P. wrote:

    I just found your blog from some mormon blogger link somewhere…and I love it! Alas, at 6ft tall I am NOT petite (and I don’t want to hear how cool it is to be tall, either, because finding clothes is IMPOSSIBLE!). But I absolutely LOVE every outfit. Here’s hoping I can find stuff to work in my proportions. I will definitely be back for more! :)

    Posted 4.6.11 Reply
  11. so, I think it’s just that first pic, because you are super cutie in all the other pics. Though, yes- a belt and that fun patterned top would be the perfect match.

    Posted 4.7.11 Reply
  12. Anonymous wrote:

    Saw you on pinterest. You are so cute and you are rockin those outfits! Thanks for posting!!

    Posted 12.30.11 Reply