where’s the funeral?

Shorts(altered from cropped pants):Anthropologie.  Button-up: The Loft.  Belt, Shoes, Ring:Target.  Earrings: Pier1.

 Ladies.  I went black on black yesterday.  In the spring.  And I wore puffy sleeves and tucked my shirt in.  I’m breaking so many rules here, I don’t even know where to start.  I thought  I would be singing a goth tune in this ensemble, but with the yellow belt and colorful shoes, I felt great.  Don’t you love it when an outfit makes you feel great?  I tell you what, black on black is super sleek.

Also, as a general rule I avoid puffy sleeves like the plague (I don’t need anything making me look more infantile), but for this shirt, I make an exception.  Because it’s fabulous.

And by the way, white legs are super sexy now.  I’m surprised you didn’t know that…

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  1. Callandra wrote:

    I don’t think I’ve ever tried black on black except for funerals………I’ll have to give it a try ;)

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  2. Girl, I’m gonna have white legs ’til pigs grow wings and fly on their own. And those sleeves aren’t extra puffy. Total ‘do.’ Plus, you broke it all up with a mustard (my favorite!) belt? Yep, black on black for the WIN!

    p.s. you remind me quite a bit of Isla Fischer, which I hope you don’t mind, because I think she’s fantastically beautiful!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  3. Yay, you wore those cute shoes! Mine are sort of falling apart..wish I would’ve bought another pair. Cute outfit!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  4. Thank you for making me feel sane for altering pants into shorts. I thought I was the only one! I feel ya on the all black making ya feel good….I actually did go to a funeral last week and I felt guilty feeling like I looked so good. But she would have laughed and wanted that, so I guess it’s all good!

    LOVE the top! Puffy sleeves are usually my nemisis too, but when they are talored so perfectly like those, you can’t go wrong!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  5. Cami wrote:

    I love black on black…in the salon I worked at we used to have to wear all black. It was awesome cause it totally makes you get creative with your wardrobe…and it always looks put together even if its just a black t-shirt and black pants!
    Love the flats and the white legs (that aren’t so white! You should see mine!!)


    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  6. Im not sure I could pull this off but Im chicken like that.
    *PS* You’re gorgeous! I hate you:)

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  7. Laura wrote:

    Oh boy am I ever glad to hear white legs are sexy again, because I got me some of those!! You look super chic in all black, and added the PERFECT splash of colors with your shoes and belt. You know how to accessorize girl.

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  8. Gertrude wrote:

    I love this black on black outfit with a bright accessory! You look great :) xo

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  9. Julie wrote:

    How very rebellious of you! Breaking all those rules :) Looks great!!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  10. Kayla wrote:

    I love black on black and you totally Springed (?) it up with that belt and those shoes. Love it.

    Freckles in April

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  11. Jodi wrote:

    I love me a good puffed sleeve! Your outfit is great!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  12. You RAWKED the outfit! I LOVE black! It looks so good because you FELT good!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  13. Karri wrote:

    I think the outfit is AWESOME!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  14. Rin wrote:

    I’m in love with this outfit!!!

    Posted 4.20.11 Reply
  15. this is really a great outfit on you!

    Posted 4.22.11 Reply
  16. I love the black with itty-bitty yellow! I have been avoiding black for some reason, but am feeling inspired now. It’s so classic. :)

    Posted 4.25.11 Reply
  17. You look gorgeous… love the black on black!! I’m loving that you broke it up with the yellow skinny belt and the floral print ballet slippers also lend pattern & colour to the outfit! SO beautifully put together. Happy Tuesday. xx veronika

    Posted 4.26.11 Reply