greater forces.

Guys, there are greater forces working against me today.  Shall I list them out for you?  Here I go:
1. All of my school work is coming to a head at once.
2.The general crabbiness of the boys all day.  Post- Easter candy high= no fun, lots of whining.
3.My allergies.
4.Stupid Arizona heat/gale force wind/dust combo that not only agitates the CRAP out of my allergies, but also made me wake up twice last night to use my inhaler (asthma people), and also in class today, which was ridiculously embarrassing.  (think quiet classroom, me wheezing, fumble through bag, shake, puff)  Yeah, I’m so smooth.
Worst of all, it made my lovely little hippie-braided ‘do go from this:
little side view…

to this.  Boo.

I am thoroughly convinced that Satan is behind this wind.  Seriously.
On the bright side:  
1. My new bike is a dream, and I’ve been riding it everywhere.  (by everywhere I mean my neighborhood, and to Hannah’s school and back) 
 2. My daughter is pre-cious, and gave me her last mini Snickers today to make me “feel better.”  
And 3. my husband is perfection. I came home from class to homemade oatmeal cookies and a bouquet of spring flowers.  I married up ladies.  I married up.
 love. him. 
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  1. Love that you can turn downers into positives :) Brighter days are on the way!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  2. sarah wrote:

    Hope your feeling better soon. This too will pass! :) I have your bike (mine is cream). I love it also. Enjoy that sunshine, or send some our way in Oregon.

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  3. Kam wrote:

    Love the A’s hat! Grandpa would be proud. :D

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  4. What a sweet baby girl. Love miss Hannah. Craig, you are a good man!


    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  5. Melissa wrote:

    You’re adorable no matter what. Your super sweet daughter is a testament to what a great mom you are. :) Hope you have a great day and keep looking at the positives!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply
  6. Laura wrote:

    Thank you for always finding the good in a world full of people who mostly see the bad. You are such a refreshment every time I visit your blog Cori.

    I wanted to let you know that I’ve passed on the sunshine award to you. Feel free to check it out!

    Posted 4.27.11 Reply