
My eyes hurt.  All my classes wrap up next week, which means this weekend is a bit of a marathon.  I’m paying just a bit for shirking my school stuff for our Easter creations.  
I don’t regret it.  Not at all.  
And, now I’m pretty much glued to the books.
But I have something big brewing, oh yes I do. 
 I can’t wait to tell you all about it…
after I finish this gigantic paper.
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  1. Good luck! I know you’ll show that paper whose boss. I’m always happy to proof read if you need another set of eyes on it!

    Posted 4.30.11 Reply
  2. Kati wrote:

    Good luck with your papers! Just think how amazing you will feel when it is all done!

    Posted 5.1.11 Reply
  3. Oh, I feel your pain. Although instead of finishing a paper, I am looking at your blog. Stupid, stupid.

    Ask the Duplex

    Posted 5.1.11 Reply