Fedora: Kohls. White Jeans, Scarf: The Loft. Chambray shirt: Forever21. Shoes: Payless. Belt: Ross. Bag: Thrifted. Necklace: NY&Co. |
I was really afraid to try a fedora. It turns out they aren’t that scary. And also they are an awesome solution to the glaring Arizona sun.
I was afraid to take my final for literature yesterday. Studied my patootie off. Turns out it was easy-peasy.
I was afraid to go back to school after I had 3 kids. But 2 years later, I’m still alive. And it turns out, I still know a thing or two.
I was afraid to buy these white pants, but it turns out, white pants are still possible for a mother.
I was afraid to start a blog, because I thought it might mean I was ridiculous. It turns out we’re all a little ridiculous anyway.
“To conquer a fear is the beginning of wisdom.”
~ Bertrand Russell.
fear not.

Ok, that fedora hat is AMAZING on you! Totally inspiring me to try one too! Love this outfit! For some reason it makes me really want to go on vacation!
Cute post (and outfit of course :) I was afraid to start a blog too, but I did it!
Love love love the hat on you! So funny, I was totally thinking about an outfit like this today. Guess I stalk you a little too much ;)
Oh, and I now have “fear not, though the enemy deride. Courage from the Lord is on your side” stuck in my head from your title!
You look great! I don’t know if I can pull off a fedora with my short Katie Holmes-like bob hair-do. :/
Great message! I needed that today.
I love this whole outfit!
dannnng girl you rock that fedora! love it. <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com
New follower frm WIWW @ thepleatedpoppy.
Could you be ANY cuter? Seriously.
Mama needs a fedora. Now.
Loving the outfit, head to toe cuteness!!!
LOVE the hat–I need one of those;) The entire outfit looks effortless and very put together.
I’ve been meaning to grab one from Wal Mart. They have a bunch for ten (!) bucks. You look great, as always!
Freckles in April
Wow – I love that you just look so effortlessly chic. Great job!
I. LOVE. THIS. POST. Also, I’m dying to try a fedora!
I love the whole outfit and I think the Fedora is the thing that really makes it pop! Love it.
AH! I am so afraid of my finals this week, fedoras, and anything white. I am so glad you posted this. Although, I have not conquered these fears..I may soon.
Ask the Duplex
love this post! and the fedora looks great on you!
I too LOVE fedoras! But I fear I just do not look as cute as you do in them!
i love your blog and your style. i really needed the fear not message today :)
The hat is wonderful. I just bought two fedoras.
I’m new to your blog, but your style and feel good message are so inspiring. Great fedora, I’ve been on the hunt for one myself!
Oh, I am sooooooo glad to find another blogger who is as small as I am yay. Thankyou so much for the inspiration I love this outfit. :) .
I adore this outfit. I was afraid of fedora’s too, but they looked so cute on everyone else so I gave them a chance. Now I have two! I am also afraid of white pants, but you may have inspired me! You are too cute–thanks!
Be Sassy Classy
I am LOVING this look!!! Gorgeous!
Seeing you in cropped pants makes me so happy! I saw in your “about me” that you are short. I’m only 4’11” myself and have always been terrified of looking shorter with capris or crops. However, you have shown me, tis not so! Gotta get me some crops now!