Hey all you Momma-Go-Round readers!  I’m Cori and I blog over at La Vie Petite where  I love sharing my adventures with my 3 crazy littles, sewing my own clothes, dressing my petite body, learning French, and braving white pants with toddlers.  This is serious ladies.  I like to live on the edge.

I want to thank the always lovely Nina for giving me the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things today:  clothes!
So I’m short.  Like really short.  As in, a couple inches shy of 5 feet.  And apparently there aren’t enough of us super shorties out there because stores just don’t cater to us.  I used to shop the kiddo section, but once I had babies, wearing kid’s clothes was no longer an option, because with mommy-hood came mommy-hips.  And incidentally they don’t account for mommy-hips in little girl jeans.  Hmpf, go figure.  (Side note: I actually once altered a pair of size 12 little girl jeans into maternity pants.  I don’t think that was their intended purpose…)  To make a long story short, when I decided a few years ago that I was ready to take on the challenge of learning how to dress my body, in clothes that fit, and that I felt comfortable in, that fit my personal style and made me feel good in my own skin, I knew it would be a challenge because while I’m small, I’m also cheap.  I like sales, and I flat-out refuse to pay full price for anything.  Thanks mom. 
Since dressing myself was/is such a challenge I’ve learned a few little tricks along the way.

First, fit is everything.  I’m hyper-aware of fit because most stuff I try on is way too big and I HATE when something is too big.  I feel like I stole something from my big sister’s closet.  If your clothes don’t fit right, it doesn’t really matter how cute they are, they distract from you.  Coco Chanel used to say: “look for the woman in the dress; if there is no woman, there is no dress.”  Well fitted clothes complement your best body features and downplay trouble areas.  Never hide behind baggy clothes, but don’t be afraid to go a size up, either. NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR TAG!  There’s nothing worse than that saggy belly skin hanging over your jeans. If that’s happening, just buy a size up,  Who cares if it’s a 6 instead of a 4?  Nobody knows it but you.  You’ll look a lot better in clothes that fit your body, right now, just like it is.


 Second, accessories are your friend.  Start out with good, basic, well fit wardrobe staples and then stock up on accessories.  Scarves, shoes, statement necklaces, and belts are all a great way to remix an outfit and take it from “half-baked” to “holy-heck she looks good.”  Keep in mind that there are many ways to wear a scarf, necklace, belt, or brooch.  Don’t be afraid to make your accessories pull a double duty.  But make sure you don’t go into over-kill land either.  My mom used to tell me, you should never have more than ten points of interest on an outfit.  And I try to remember that when I get dressed. 

Third, don’t be afraid of colors.  Repeat after me: colors are your friend.  Things don’t always have to be too matchy-matchy to work.  My best outfits are the ones were I throw in a splash of color here or there, something unexpected.  Don’t be afraid to experiment with color pairings that you’ve never tried or even considered in the past.  You might discover something fabulous.  Be aware though, there should be an underlying structure.  Make sure the colors complement each other, and don’t get too busy with the colors either.  Remember the ten points.  We don’t want to look like Rainbow Brite threw-up on us.  Keep in mind also, that going monochromatic is a great option as well.  When done right, it creates a long lean line which make you look taller, and ahem, slimmer.  You can always add a splash of color with an accessory.
And fourth, have fun with textures.  Layering different textures and patterns can be fun and surprising.  I love wearing a pair of distressed jeans with a silk top, a pair of riding boots with a nice pencil skirt, or a sequined shell with a chunky sweater.  The point is, fashion is supposed to be fun.  So have fun with your clothes and be fabulous! 

Come stop by La Vie Petite and say hello!

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