good news. for all of us. (hint: this means giveaway)

You guys.  It’s Monday.
And Mr. Husband graduates on Friday.
And on Saturday we are driving out to Cali to go to Disneyland.
And this morning I got on to check my grades. 
And guess what?
I got an A+ in literature.
Not just an A, an A+…
Life is so good.
I feel like sharing the love.
So I fell in love with this dress, by Kate Spade a few weeks ago.
Love the skirt on it, love the cobalt blue and white.
Guess what I didn’t fall in love with?
The $325 price tag.
When I found this awesome fabric at my favorite fabric store I seriously did a little jump for joy.  So I brought it home and made it into a skirt.  And then I made a top to wear with it.
And I kinda love it.  And all the remixing possibilities with the separate pieces.
And now the good news for you:
Do you,

Want one of these lovelies for your very own?
That’s right girls, I’m giving away one of these custom made skirts to one of you fabulous ladies out there.
Do you want one?! 
Yay! I thought you would.  
Okay, here’s what you have to do…
To enter:
Leave me a comment telling me your favorite reason to get dolled up.
That’s it babes!
for an extra entry:
Become a follower.
Because let’s face it loves, math was never my strong point. 
The giveaway ends on Friday, May 13th at 10pm.  After we get back from Mr. Husband’s graduation.
So hurry up and enter, and we can all celebrate together!
Have a lovely Monday.
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  1. Ash wrote:

    I have been a follower of you since I stumbled onto your blog about your bro for spread the word to end the word day. I loved that blog entry, and I’ve loved all of them since!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  2. Ash wrote:

    I take care of a girl who has special needs, so I don’t get dolled up on a daily basis, but I love being able to do so every Sunday for church! It feels great to feel put together and pretty-I feel so much more confident when I love what I’m wearing!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  3. Gabi wrote:

    I get dolled up to feel good through out the day. If I have something bright on or sparkly it just makes me smile:) This skirt is LOVELY!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  4. Gabi wrote:

    I follow through google reader:)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  5. Terriann wrote:

    I like getting dolled up for date night!
    Since I probably won’t win, did you use a pattern for the top? I’m sure I can figure out the skirt but I could use a little direction with a top like.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  6. Kristen wrote:

    I love getting all dolled up for date nights with my boyfriend!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  7. Katie wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dolled up – it makes me feel good! I recently lost 15 pounds and one dress size, so dressing pretty = feeling pretty for me!!

    Your skirts are adorable and I would love to have one! :-) If you can make one in a size 10, that is.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  8. D'Rae wrote:

    I follow through bloglovin.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  9. D'Rae wrote:

    I like to get all dolled up just for the fun of it! I am usually the one that is a tad overdressed for any occasion.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  10. Julie wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is for girl’s night out! I have such a fun group of gals here in South Carolina and we always laugh until we cry and our mascara runs! It’s great!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  11. caligirl wrote:

    I get dolled up for dates or when I am in a good mood

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  12. Julie wrote:

    I am a follower!
    ps-Dying over that skirt. Must win. :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  13. caligirl wrote:

    following your blog on GFC

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  14. Jenni wrote:

    I would LOVE to have this cute skirt….you are so talented! That cobalt blue is perfect! I love to get all dolled up for no reason at all, really, but especially for date nights out with my hubby! =) Thanks for the chance at this fun giveaway!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  15. Jenni wrote:

    Oh, and I’m a follower of your fun blog…love it!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  16. Spring is the best for this very reason! Adorable skirts without getting so hot you don’t feel cute anymore!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  17. erikaon8 wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for church and date nights. And my hubby really likes it :)But I make it a point to look nice everyday, it just makes me feel good and pretty.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  18. Already following you hot momma!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  19. Betherboo wrote:

    I like to get dolled up for a date night with my hubby!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  20. Betherboo wrote:

    And I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  21. Michelle wrote:

    Absolutely gorgeous esp. with the pops of red! So envious of your sewing skills – it’s never ever been of one my strong points! lol Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway … I would love to own a skirt so beautiful!

    I am following you via Google (Michelle in CA). I will enter a second time with an answer to your question later in the week.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  22. Andrea wrote:

    Aw, you’re so sweet! My fave reason to get fancy is date night with busb. Eating out sans kids? Yes, please!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  23. I follow . . . one of the best blogs yet.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  24. I love to get all dolled up . . just because. Living w/7 brothers it’s kind of nice to get dolled up and actually feel like a girly girl.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  25. Javacurls wrote:

    Bonjour Cori! Oh, I’d love to win a custom skirt!! The material and pattern is absolutely lovely! Let’s see…My favorite reason for getting dolled up is pretty simple… it makes me feel great about myself. I also like looking good for the two most important boys (hubby & son) in my life. :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  26. rebecca wrote:

    Can I tell you the truth? I like getting dolled up for no reason at all. And suddenly, Wednesday isn’t any old Wednesday. I feel put together.. classic.. and I love it! This dress is stunning!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  27. rebecca wrote:

    I’m following!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  28. Javacurls wrote:

    Javacurls again…. I just signed up to follow your blog. Have a great time in Disney! And congrats to your husband & to you on your good grades!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  29. Rachel wrote:

    Dude, I SO want one of those skirts! Beautiful! I love to get all dolled up just because. I realized about a year ago that my day is always better, I always get more done, and I always feel better about myself and life in general if I put on a cute outfit, did my hair, put on my makeup that day. And I’ve only pulled like 2 pajama days since ;-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  30. Rachel wrote:

    And I was already a follower, of course :-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  31. I love dressing up for church. It feels so good to be put together.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  32. And I follow you on Google Reader!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  33. Laura wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for no reason at all. Date nights, events, etc are fun – but sometimes the best is just wearing a pretty sundress to get groceries :)

    laurabostwick at hotmail dot com

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  34. Laura wrote:

    Been a follower for awhile now on bloglovin’. Yay for fellow petites!

    laurabostwick at hotmail dot com

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  35. Laura wrote:

    Ohhhh so pretty! I love it. Totally couldn’t tell it was separate pieces, though! I would be thrilled to have one of these beauties.

    My favorite time to dress up is actually when I am feeling lousy (sick or just sad), because pretty clothes just instantly put a smile on my face. And I am true believer that if you look put together on the outside consistently, you can really start to feel put together on the inside. Not that clothes make the woman, by any means, but they can truly help shape her!

    I am also a follower :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  36. Arikka wrote:

    You are so sweet to share your sewing talents with one of us lucky readers. My favorite reason to get all dolled up is for date nights with my long-distance boyfriend. We’ve been balancing a distance relationship for almost three years so I like to look extra special on the occasions we get to spend together.

    Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  37. Arikka wrote:

    And I’ve been following you with Google Reader since the 30 x 30 challenge!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  38. Ashley wrote:

    I am a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  39. Thank you for this very gracious giveaway, lady! I’ve been sewing so much lately, but for some reason, nothing ever fits right, even when I make it to fit my specific measurements.

    My favorite reason to get all dolled up is to show the world that MOMMAS have style, too!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  40. I have been following via GFC for a few months, now! :)

    thanks, again!


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  41. Ashley wrote:

    With four rascals at home, I rarely have time/energy to get dolled up, but when I do, I try to do it well!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  42. Oh wow! How adorable is this? I sooo want a skirt just like it!

    Another church dresser upper here, especially since I know I can put something on during that time and not slop something down the front of it.;)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  43. And I follow you on Bloglovin’. :D

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  44. Shannon wrote:

    I have been a follower for about a month now and loving every minute of it. I am getting a sewing machine for my birthday because of your Easter dress. I can’t wait to make one and wear it! PICK ME!!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  45. Mandi wrote:

    I follow through Google Reader-found you via clothedmuch and I love your style! Modest, frugal, adorable, colorful. It’s so great to have inspiration.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  46. Angela wrote:

    Love getting dolled up for husband.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  47. Angela wrote:

    I’m a follower.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  48. Mandi wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is that I am a WAHM mom who sews and teaches voice lessons, and when I look cute, I’m a happier, less-stressed mom, and better teacher, and more efficient sewer. It’s amazing how that works!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  49. Shannon wrote:

    I have been getting more “dolled up” on a daily basis since reading your blog. I think it make me feel better about myself and helps being a wonderful wife and mother. I am also a stay at home mom going to school so it is easy to stay in a rut in my clothing. I love clothes and always fashionable but since having a baby and the weight that goes with it I have been blah. I am getting my groove back :) thanks to your blog!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  50. Kallie wrote:

    I love getting dolled up because it makes me feel girly! And pretty. :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  51. Melissa wrote:

    I LOVE it!!! And you look absolutely breathtaking in it! Hm…I get dressed up to go to work every day. And I need to find more pieces that are knee-length or longer and cover everything up.

    Congrats on the A+!!! That’s awesome!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  52. Kallie wrote:

    And I’m now a follower! :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  53. Liv wrote:

    I like to get dolled up for ANYTHING! Whether I’m running errands or staying at home with the baby… it just feels good to be dressed and made up. It’s a hard habit to break since I used to work full-time before becoming a mom. I never went anywhere without my heels!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  54. Liv wrote:

    I’m a GFC follower as well :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  55. I’m sure pretty much every other person gave this same answer, but here it is anyway.. A night out with the husband, sans babies. Best. Reason. Ever. I really do love your blog. You are creative and pretty and just a really, really cute dresser, so keep up the good work.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  56. Jessica wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dressed up would have to be, because it makes me feel so much better, and like a lady. I have 4 kids (9,7,22 months,& 8 weeks) I homeschool(glad thats wrapping up) and when you stay home all day it’s easy to not get dressed. But I find when I do it makes me feel so much better Like I can actually get through the day sane(at least half way :-)).
    I would also like to know what pattern you used for the shirt, your clothes are always modest (not easily found these days) And I am all about modesty!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  57. I love to get dolled up for when my husband has a “surprise” night out planned. And i had done a bit of detective work and figured it out previously, so I be sure to look perfect, while still looking surprised.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  58. following through

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  59. Jessica wrote:

    I am also a follwer of your blog

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  60. Susanna N. wrote:

    You are so talented! I love this skirt! Love getting dressed up for a night out with my hubby!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  61. Susanna N. wrote:

    I follow your blog!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  62. I wish I had your mad tailoring skills. You look fab. and I love your blog.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  63. Blanca wrote:

    getting dolled up is fun!! not to mention confidence booster

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  64. Oh, I forgot, I love to dress up to go out with the ladies. And I think I am going to go buy those amazing wedges you have.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  65. LaynahRose wrote:

    you’re incredible! clever idea, to make it two separate pieces.

    my favorite reason to get dolled up is when im going on a hot date! which doesnt actually happen all that often unless i take myself out, BUT its going to start happening ‘all that often’ because i met a boy.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  66. I want to get all dolled up and go on a cruise in my pretty new dress with YOU!!!! I will be an official follower momentarily but I do check in daily :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  67. LaynahRose wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  68. LaynahRose wrote:

    oh and also, im following. faithfully. ha :) have a good week!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  69. Shellsea wrote:

    I love getting dressed up for date night.

    Love, Shellsea Blog

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  70. Shellsea wrote:

    I follow too. :)

    Love, Shellsea Blog

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  71. erikaon8 wrote:

    I am a follower :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  72. Anita wrote:

    I try to dress well and be chic for my college students. This skirt would be so perfect. You are such a fabulous seamstress!

    suess_kaushik at

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  73. Anita wrote:

    And I follow through the RSS feeder.
    suess_kaushik at

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  74. rori wrote:

    WHAT?!?!?! i’m so excited. I’m going to use lots of caps. I LOVE getting dolled up when my FIANCE who will be my HUSBAND in JULY comes in from ARIZONA to see me in UTAH (long distance :( ). But then he’s going to take me away to Mesa and I’m kinda nervous.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  75. i’m a new follower but one nonetheless!

    i love getting dolled up for a reason to put on pretty skirts and a little bit of makeup. there’s always a lighter spring in my step when i’m wearing something pretty – it makes me smile.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  76. Ana wrote:

    Seriously I love getting dolled up for anything. It can be a date, church, or just a plain running errands day. I love feeling put together no matter what. Great giveaway. Such a beautiful dress!!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  77. Ana wrote:

    I’m a follower also!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  78. totally love that skirt! Why do I love getting dolled up? Who doesn’t like to feel pretty!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  79. I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  80. Nicole wrote:

    I follow you and am addicted to your blog. I love getting dolled up for my husband. We go on weekly dates and I love being cute for him.we are getting ready to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in a few weeks and I would love to have a “Cori” made dress for this special day!!!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  81. Lori wrote:

    I love getting dolled up to go to work and out on the weekends (so pretty much every day) because it makes me feel taller! I feel so good when I get dolled up I definitely walk straighter and with more confidence!
    I love your blog! :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  82. Mayzie wrote:

    I like getting dolled up for dates with my honey! :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  83. Mayzie wrote:


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  84. Kenny wrote:

    I am officially a follower…now.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  85. Kenny wrote:

    I get dressed up for my best friend and husband… and to get out of my “homework clothes” or sweats! It feels so good:)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  86. Becca wrote:

    I loved getting dolled up for dinner and movie night with my hubby.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  87. Becca wrote:

    I’M NOW A FOLLOWER!!! :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  88. miamihoney wrote:

    I follow and I have shared you with my bestie, which means I love your blog!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  89. miamihoney wrote:

    I love to get dolled up to go out with my hubby!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  90. Hi Cori! It’s Melissa (Albright). I just had to say I love reading your blog. Your too cute!!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  91. sandi wrote:

    i like getting dolled up for a date night with my hubby. and for church (many people wear jeans to church and i am not a huge fan of that) and for trips to the zoo with my children. i have some pants in my closet but feel most modest and comfortable in skirts.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  92. Emily K. wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for date nights with the husband, and girls nights with the girls.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  93. Emily K. wrote:

    I follow your blog, and am completely, utterly addicted.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  94. I like getting dolled up for my hubby. I don’t go out often, but sometimes I like to dress up a little bit around the house, just to show him I still want to impress! haha!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  95. I’m a {new} follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  96. I get dolled up for:

    -a date
    -a party
    -a night out
    -the theatre
    -a holiday
    -because it’s Tuesday

    I LOVE to get dressed up—I almost NEVER wear pants, in fact. Love, love, love dresses and skirts. They’re more flattering anyway (at least on me).

    Hope I win! So cute!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  97. Also, I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  98. I love getting dressed up for church!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  99. this is soooooo cute! i totally thought it was a dress! my favorite reason to get dolled up is church. i love looking my best for heavenly father!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  100. I follow you on Facebook!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  101. also, i’m a follower. :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  102. m-l-e wrote:

    I actually love getting dolled up when I teach- professor chic is a hard look, but really fun when I can pull it off. Plus I feel more confident and do a better job when I manage it. LOVE the skirt. thanks!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  103. Deveny wrote:

    Alright, I’ll take one for the Short Girls team. :) I usually get all dolled up for date night with the Mr. but I’ll be honest I get dressed up nice to do the grocery shopping, let alone, go out somewhere with the Mr.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  104. Deveny wrote:

    <-- Follower

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  105. Kayla wrote:

    Holy cow, you look amazing! That skirt is to die for. Sign me up.

    I like to get dolled up for EVERYTHING. It makes me feel good, even when the other moms are wearing sweat pants and looking at me funny.

    Freckles in April

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  106. I am your newest follower, but that particular skirt silhouette does not work very well for me, so I will be excited for whoever wins.

    Lovely outfit you made and I like it even better than the Kate Spade!!

    Followed you here from Real Momma, Real Style!


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  107. Chloe wrote:

    Wow I love that skirt. And would love to enter, I love getting dolled up for the weddings as they are such lovely occassions and looking gorgeous is always a bonus.

    C x

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  108. Chloe wrote:

    I’m also following you via GFC and have no idea why I didn’t before.

    C x

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  109. Shelley wrote:

    I love to get dolled up for weddings, tea parties, date night…you name it. This skirt is so cute!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  110. Shelley wrote:

    Also, I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  111. Ashley wrote:

    I absolutely Love it!!! My fav reason to get dolled up is for a night out with the hubs!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  112. Ashley wrote:

    I’m a follower

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  113. Mae wrote:

    Beautiful. I happen to be graduating this summer. It would be so nice to have something new to wear. Thanks.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  114. Mae wrote:

    I am a follower as well.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  115. Love this! I’m a pretty casual gal, and tend to get dolled up only for weddings/synagogue. But this fab skirt would give me a reason for sure.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  116. And now following (Google Reader)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  117. Kristine wrote:

    I love your blog, I just came across it about 2 weeks ago. I like to get dolled up when my husband is having a bad day, it makes him smile!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  118. Kristine wrote:

    I follow through google reader!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  119. Bec:) wrote:

    I get all dolled up for my Husband. Not original but who else would you get dolled up for:!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  120. Wow what a great giveaway – you are so super talented :)

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is definitely a date night with the husband. Probably on a special occasion like our anniversary :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  121. I’m already a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  122. Ashley wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for church! It’s the one time during the week that I have a real excuse not to be in sweatpants


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  123. I love getting dolled up to go into the city for the evening, like over the weekend the hubby & I went to dinner and to the symphony, it was great!


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  124. Cori,
    Don’t worry, I am not entering to win (I can make one) but I wanted to tell you how wonderful the dress was. So cute:) Love it!!!


    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  125. Elise wrote:

    I get dolled up for photoshoots. What a fabulous outfit that would be for a dock photoshoot!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  126. Katie wrote:

    I get dolled up to feel good the rest of the day. When you look pretty, you act pretty.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  127. Monique wrote:

    I LOVE to get dolled up for a night out on the town with my husband. I love to feel pretty every day, but especially for him!!! I also like to get dolled up for church. Silly? Maybe. BUT, I love to look nice and feel feminine. And, of course with my girls! It’s fun to be dolled up with your closest friends. I just wish I had a better wardrobe! Maybe this dress will help with that! :)

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  128. Monique wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  129. Jayna Rae wrote:

    That skirt/top is AMAZING!!!! My favorite reason to get dolled up is for my man, and because it makes me feel like a woman.

    Posted 5.9.11 Reply
  130. Elaine wrote:

    Definitely when the husb and I go out on a date!!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  131. Bets wrote:

    I am a follower. :) I love your adorable posts. This outfit is lovely!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  132. Bets wrote:

    These days I just like to get dolled up as a change from the months of curled up morning sick. :P It’s nice to look decent for a change. ;)

    Congratulations to both you and your husband! Hope you have a great trip.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  133. CMH wrote:

    I love the skirt & I love to get dolled up for church!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  134. CMH wrote:

    I am a follower!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  135. Laura wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    Born To Be Styled

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  136. Laura wrote:

    I love getting dressed up because it’s the perfect chance to show off your creativity by piling on the accessories. It’s so fun.

    Born To Be Styled

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  137. Ashley J wrote:

    I cannot believe you made that, it is amazing!!! If I win I would wear that skirt to work on a Friday and then out to dinner and drinks with my fabulous friends because it is a perfect transition piece!

    Ashley J

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  138. Ashley J wrote:

    I am a follower!!!

    Ashley J

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  139. Nell wrote:

    I love to get dolled up for a date night with my hubby. :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  140. Nell wrote:

    I am a follower.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  141. new follower ~ thanks for chance to win.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  142. I get dressed up on Sunday ~ too old school to be comfortable wearing pants to church.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  143. HI!! I just love your blog,so refreshing. I too live in Arizona and relate to all your fashion “concerns” because of the heat. ha! Anyway, I would love to win this fabulous dress~shirt&skirt ;)Date night anyone?

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  144. Andrea wrote:

    Just found your blog via Momma Go Round! Adorable!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  145. Andrea wrote:

    I’m a new follower, and I love getting all dolled up for date night w/ my Hubby!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  146. You are seriously the cutest thing ever! I found you from Nina, and I am definitely a follower now :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  147. Thank you so much for the wardrobe inspiration. I think my favorite time to get dressed up is now…so I can rock it like you! :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  148. rebecca wrote:

    i love getting all dolled up when i visit my sister. she notices everything so all my hard work gets appreciated!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  149. rebecca wrote:

    and i follow you of course!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  150. My favorite reason to get dolled up is a Saturday full of fun in the summer! Of course, my version of dolled up is wearing cutoff shorts and sandals, so long as my makeup and hair look good. That counts, yes?

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  151. And PS: I’m a follower. I pretty much NEVER enter giveaways, but this skirt was just too dang cool to pass up. Definitely share a tutorial/the pattern you used once the giveaway’s over.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  152. I love to get all dressed up to go out on a date with my husband (doesn’t happen often with our schedules). But, really, I’ll get dressed up for about anything – it’s my favorite part of being a girl :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  153. Mari wrote:

    Just found your blog from momma go round. You are too cute! I like to get dolled up when the husband and I go out of course, but I also like to look super cute on a blah kind of day (rainy, cloudy, grumpy) because if nothing else is going right, at least I feel good.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  154. Mari wrote:

    I am a new follower :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  155. Cindy wrote:

    Yes! I’d love one, I’m a follower!
    Hugs, Cindy

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  156. Meg wrote:

    I love getting all dolled up for church and since its at 1 this year I actually have time! But lately I’ve tried to get a little more dolled up during the day because it just makes me feel better and I seem to get more done!

    Thanks for a really fun giveaway- the skirt is so lovely.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  157. Meg wrote:

    I follow your blog in my Google Reader

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  158. Jenna wrote:

    I just found your blog through your post on Nina’s and I love it already!!! I love to get dressed up for a date with my hubby. :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  159. Jenna wrote:

    And I’m your newest follower! :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  160. Erica wrote:

    I love to get dressed up for no reason at all. Why not get dolled up whenever you want, right?

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  161. Erica wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  162. just found your blog via the pleated
    poppy. oh my how cute are you1?!?!
    I love getting all dolled up for date night with my hubby.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  163. Also I became a follower!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  164. Came over here from Momma Go Round…so why not enter this giveaway too! As a mom of two I like to get all dolled up to go to Target! Yeah it’s nothing fancy, but when you normally have food and snot on your clothes you’ll take any excuse.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  165. Follower.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  166. Sarah wrote:

    I loved getting all dolled up for church, and any other random events I have during the week. It’s also nice to surprise myself and getting dressed up during the week :) One of my favorite thing s about you is that you believe you should also do your hair and get dressed!! I love you!!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  167. Sarah wrote:

    Also, I follow :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  168. I want one! And my b-day is Saturday so i really think I should win!
    I love getting dressed up on the weekends…it doesn’t matter where we go!


    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  169. Charlie wrote:

    I am a follower!!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  170. Charlie wrote:

    I dont actually have a reason to get dolled up, well maybe for work. But I do it even when I dont work. That is the beauty of being a girl! <3

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  171. I love to get dolled up as much as possible. I love the skirt and would love to win.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  172. chrissio wrote:

    I like to get dolled up because it make my husband insanely happy. He does so much for me and getting dolled up is such a simple thing I can do to make him happy….plus it is just so much fun! Win-win and who could ask for more!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  173. Seriously beautiful skirt.
    I love getting dolled up for my husband ;)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  174. I follow you now.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  175. schronlisa wrote:

    i get dolled up because it is a way to express my creativity daily, because i feel more confident if i put “real” clothes on, and because i did when i was dating my husband-so i should now!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  176. schronlisa wrote:

    i am a follower

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  177. Yay! I’m a new follower!

    You are adorable and I love other short people. :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  178. I love to get dressed up to go out with my hubby!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  179. Michelle wrote:

    I have been getting dolled up simply for myself every morning. It helps me feel better throughout the day without a doubt (and it’s fun to accessorize and wear lipstick for no reason at all!)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  180. I am now a follower of your blog- and you are so cute! I seriously need a wardrobe makeover and I am loving all of your tips!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  181. My favorite reason for getting dolled up is just to make my husband come home from work and tell me how beautiful I am…lame and cheesy I know, but I love it!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  182. Jaime wrote:

    I love to get all dolled up because it makes me feel so good about myself!

    I love all your clothes and all your outfits!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  183. I never have anywhere to get dolled up for so anything would do ;)
    I’d love to win cause I’m a shorty too and it’s so hard to find clothes!! You know.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  184. I’m a brand new follower!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  185. elise wrote:

    I’m a new follower from Momma go Round and I seriously love your blog!

    My favorite thing to dress up for is church. :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  186. elise wrote:

    Also, I follow your blog now. :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  187. chesam wrote:

    I LOVE getting dolled up for church & sometimes just because. I have 2 boys and I want them to know I care about what I look like…instead of just throwing sweats on and calling it good. Thanks for the chance.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  188. Erin wrote:

    I like getting dolled up any time! I tend to be an over dresser, but it’s because I have dressy work clothes or jeans and tees – not a whole lot in between so I err on the dressy side more often than not. Plus it makes me feel pretty!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  189. Meg wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is because I feel so much better when I do. It makes everything seem smoother :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  190. I loved to get all dolled up for dates with the hubby :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  191. Tiffany wrote:

    I’m a new follower from Momma Go Round! =)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  192. Tiffany wrote:

    That skirt is absolutely gorgeous! It would be such a hit at church with my new nude heels! =)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  193. JoEllen wrote:

    I love to get dolled up for dates with my hubs and church…is that weird? I love trying to look my best =)

    joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  194. I must must must have this skirt–as in I don’t know what i would do without it! AND I am the exact same size as you, so its basically meant to be.

    Hmmm, I love to get all dolled up anytime I have some time away from my messy toddler. The hubby deserves to see me cute every now and then–I also like to put more “dolled up” effort into my Church outfits.

    You are so talented and look beautiful in this outfit :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  195. and I follow your fab blog!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  196. Kari wrote:


    I’m a NEW FOLLOWER of your blog! :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  197. Amanda wrote:

    I’m a new follower!!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  198. HI Cori!!

    I am a new follower! Your blog is wonderful and I can not wait to keep reading!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  199. Hi again…

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is when I am going out on a date with my husband!!! It is so nice to feel pretty.. especaily for the love of my life!! :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  200. Kat wrote:

    I’m a new follower :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  201. I follow your l♥vely blog! :o)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  202. Karri wrote:

    I already am a follower. Does that count? :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  203. Karri wrote:

    I cannot believe you made that. It is absolutely beautiful!! WOW!!

    Hrm. I really do not need a reason to get dolled up, other than leaving my house. Volunteering at the kids school, meetings in the community, grocery shopping, errand running…really anything. Especially dates with the hubs.

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  204. New fan of your blog! i got dolled up when i go out with my hubby-date night!!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  205. Joelle wrote:

    I am a new follower and i love your blog!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  206. Joelle wrote:

    I would love to win because lately i feel like a frumpy housewife! I need some inspiriation to get myself pretty again! ha!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  207. Salazar wrote:


    I get dolled up whenever I want to feel pretty – which pretty much means every day! :)

    14 Shades Of Grey

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  208. becky wrote:

    my favorite reason to get dolled up is having friends over. not only do i love to dress myself pretty but also my home!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  209. becky wrote:

    and i follow you with bloglovin!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  210. emily wrote:

    Date night!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  211. Connie wrote:

    Also a follower!

    Posted 5.12.11 Reply
  212. I love to get dressed up for my cute hubby. He loves it, and I love that he loves it.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  213. I’m a follower, too.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  214. Lindsay wrote:

    Date night with the hubby. It’s so fun to get dolled up and have some one on one time together.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  215. Lindsay wrote:

    I’m a new follower! :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  216. rachelle wrote:

    I’m a mom of three and all too often find myself in the jeans, t-shirt, ponytail rut. But lately I’ve been trying to wear my cute stuff even on days where I have nothing planned. I LOVE your skirt and top and would totally wear it!!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  217. rachelle wrote:

    ps, I’m short too, and small up top which makes for some creativity with getting dressed. I love reading your blog and checking out your styles.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  218. rachelle wrote:

    and i’m just going to post another comment while i’m at it cuz i’d be in heaven if i were the recipient of your skirt and shirt!!! SO IN LOVE with the fabric and style. yay!!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  219. rachelle wrote:

    and i follow… :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  220. Oh I like getting dolled up for pictures…just did a maternity shoot and while it was stressful, I’m so glad I wigged out over my outfits appropriately :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  221. CAW wrote:

    LMM just sent me your way and you are too precious!!
    I dont know that I get dolled up but I would love to!!
    oh wait. i get dolled up for church
    but dream to bring back date nights

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  222. NEW FOLLOWER! And I’m so in love already. lol. sent from LMM…who so wants to be your bff! lol

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  223. i just had my second baby and i like to get dolled up whenever we leave the house now bc i’m trying to NOT let being a mom stop me from being fashionable!! so i’d LOVE a custom skirt from you! i LOVE your style!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  224. *katie wrote:

    I don’t get dolled up enough!!! But, like someone earlier said, I always put myself together for church. If my hubby and I were ever able to go on a date, I would definitely be dolled up.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  225. i love to get dressed up and see the look on my little girl’s face! she wants to wear exactly what i’m wearing!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  226. i love your blog and i just became a follower!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  227. Meagan wrote:

    New follower to your blog and you are A.DOR.A.BLE!!!!!!!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  228. Kate wrote:

    You are adorable and your clothes are too die for. I love getting dress up to meet the girls for lunch.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  229. LOVE your blog BTW. Just found it from LMM. AND OBSESSED with that dress too…. I need one. Okay I LOVE to get dolled up so my husband thinks I’m hot! Is that a good enough reason?

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  230. Kate wrote:

    I’m a follower now too.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  231. AND I am NOW following, how couldn’t I? I love your blog!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  232. This might be a duplicate, my comments aren’t showing up for some reason, I’m not trying to cheat if this does end up being a duplicate :) I am also following….LOVE your blog BTW. Just found it from LMM. AND OBSESSED with that dress too…. I need one. Okay I LOVE to get dolled up so my husband thinks I’m hot! Is that a good enough reason?

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  233. Samantha wrote:

    Would love a new skirt for date night with hubby!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  234. Samantha wrote:

    I’m a new blog follower.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  235. Christina wrote:

    Date night! WITHOUT kids! ;)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  236. I ♥ getting dolled up because I get that cute little look from my husband, when I get dressed up to go out… which rarely happens with my kiddo! I Love his smile when he is excited to go out with his wife!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  237. I am a new follower to your blog!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  238. I get all dolled up for church and date nights out with the hubby.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  239. I follow and LOVE your blog… :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  240. Why do I get dolled up? I don’t do it often, but when I do, it makes me feel so fabulous! I am a school teacher and a mother of two… did I mention I’m only 4’11, so I don’t always think I can pull off the hip fashion that’s walking the runways these days. Lovin’ your style!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  241. Erin wrote:

    Just found you at LMM’s recommendation and you are too adorable! I am smitten with your fabulous skirt and of course would LOVE to have one of my own! :) I dress up everyday for work, but I really like to get all dolled up for a date with my husband or a fun night out with the girls!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  242. Erin wrote:

    And I am your newest follower–YAY!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  243. I just became a follower!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  244. I love love love to get dolled up for girls night! And for birthday parties! And date nights with the hubby! Oh who am I kidding, I just love to dress up! So fun!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  245. Marie wrote:

    Oh Yes Please! This is so awesome! I only get dressed up for church and dates with my awesome hubby. And I LOVE your blog. I am 5 feet…ok, more like 4’11” tall, but who can really tell and I have…ahem…some hips on me. I can’t wait to see how you find clothes to fit your body. I need some serious help! Off to read!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  246. Marie wrote:

    I’m a new follower!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  247. Also, I am your newest follower! I found you through LMM :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  248. Daisha wrote:

    Just found your blog – adorable! Date nights and church are my times to get dolled up. Being a mom to 5 doesn’t allow me much in the way of “dolling up” events!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  249. P.Goodys wrote:

    new follower from little miss mama. I love what I’m seeing!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  250. P.Goodys wrote:

    I love getting dolled up because I dont get to very much anymore. I have 6 month old twins & a 3 year old. After taking care of them, my husband, the house, theres not much time for getting prettied

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  251. OH MY GOODNESS! that is SO amazing! i love getting dolled up with worship God and date my husband. :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  252. I love to get dolled up when I am going out with my sisters! It is fun to get ready together and then strut our stuff together!:)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  253. I am a new follower of your awesome blog, thanks to LMM!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  254. Angella wrote:

    I get all fancied up so my darling, Sasha can spend some QT with her Nana and I can spend some QT with My Sweet. Is there a better reason? Love the skirt!!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  255. Lacey wrote:

    I love getting all dolled up for a night out with my girls. Always being at home with a toddler makes me extra excited to wear my cute stuff.

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  256. Lacey wrote:

    I’m a new follower =)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  257. Salazar wrote:

    I totally forgot about my second entry, is there still time? I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  258. My favorite reason to get dolled up? When my husband takes me on a date!

    PS: Made my way over from LMM!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  259. I also became a google follower!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  260. Noelle wrote:

    I just found your blog through LMM and I am in love with it – especially since I am a shortie as well :-) I love to get dolled up to go to a nice dinner then out dancing with my friends! noelle(dot)gaspard(at)gmail(dot)com

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  261. Noelle wrote:

    I also just became a follower and added you to my reader!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  262. Jana wrote:

    these days i feel like the grocery store (perhaps my one outing of the day) is worth getting dolled up for :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  263. Jana wrote:

    I’m following :)

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  264. Amazing!!! I like to get dressed up for church or date night! You’re so cute!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  265. Cheryl wrote:

    This outfit is the start of finding the “old me.” You see when I had my little boy (4.5 years ago) it was my proudest moment as a mommy, but also my most difficult. Big baby, small lady and pushing for 3.5 hours didn’t mix for my body. So I was left with a wonderful, beautiful, fantastic and HEALTHY baby boy! Yeah!
    But also a very unhappy body for me. I had footdrop, a stretched nerve, back issues and later RSD and fibromyalgia. To me this outfit makes me remember and appreciate the time when I could dress up and feel beautiful! So thank you for listening to my tale and if nothing else let it bring awareness to RSD. Have a great day!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  266. Cheryl wrote:

    By the way, I am a follower. Don’t worry, I am in therapy for it! :)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  267. I love to get dolled up to show people that you can dress nice from Goodwill and yard sales.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  268. Love love love your style and would so love to get a skirt made by you!!! I love getting dolled up because I am to a momma of 3 and sometimes it’s “Just because”!!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  269. HI Cori,

    I entered already but when blogger went down i think it deleted my post … so ill enter again!! I started folloing your blog this week!! It is awesome! Thanks for the good reads!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  270. Hi again…

    I like to get dressed up when I go out with my husband, to work and to church! It is nice to feel pretty! :)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  271. I just became a new follower of your blog through google connect!! BTW I came here from LMM!!


    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  272. Erin wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for dates with the hubs… even when we never leave the house, just make a great dinner at home!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  273. Erin wrote:

    Just found you from LMM :) Now I am a public follower! Great blog!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  274. I love getting dolled up when I know I’m going to see my boyfriend. He lives an hour away from school and two hours away from home, so I like to make his drive worth while by not being in sweat pants when he gets to where ever I am.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  275. Jessica wrote:

    My favorite time to get dolled up is for a date with my husband! Love your blog!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  276. Jessica wrote:

    I am now a follower!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  277. Meredith wrote:

    I love getting dressed up because its an instant mood booster. I walk to and from work and I always feel like Ragedy Anne, so when I have the chance to really get dressed up, I REALLY enjoy it!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  278. Meredith wrote:

    official follower. i love your style!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  279. Joelle wrote:

    Love this giveaway! I’ve been feeling like a frumpy momma latley.. this would certainly boost up my sad little wardrobe! Thanks Cori!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  280. Joelle wrote:

    I am a dedicated follower! love your blog!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  281. Dresden wrote:

    WOW what an amazing giveaway! I love getting dressed up to go on dates with the hubs!


    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  282. Dresden wrote:

    I’m a new follower, I LOVE your blog, your outfits are adorable and such good inspiration for me!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  283. Vanessa wrote:

    I love to get dolled up whenever I can. I just had my second baby and I am looking to start dolling up regularly again. I love your blog (because I am petite too)!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  284. Amy wrote:

    My biggest reason to get dolled up is church! Sadly haha. But I love to get dressy for a date, whenever we have the chance to go on one.

    amy day to day

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  285. Amy wrote:

    Following you!

    amy day to day

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  286. Kasie wrote:

    I’m a new follower and I just have to say I LOVE your BLOG! You are so cute!!! I found you through LMM! Love your style!!! I love to get dolled up for date nights… which doesn’t happen often but I feel pretty on those nights. I would LOVE to have a touch of your style added to my wardrobe! It’s in desperate need!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  287. Kasie wrote:

    Forgot you said SEPERATE comments… haha.
    So yes… I follow your blog!!!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  288. Michelle wrote:

    I love getting dolled up all summer long. Its just something about the weather and the cute shoes that makes me wanna pull out a cute dress just to go to the Farmers Market! Love it!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  289. SOY wrote:

    I found your blog through Little Miss Momma. You are the most stylish mom I have ever seen!

    I wish I could doll up and accessorize as well as you.That way I can find a husband and be a mom too!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  290. I love getting dolled up just cause it can make a regular day seem more extraordinary. And who doesn’t like to feel beautiful while you are doing the dishes, making dinner, or changing your 3 month olds super poopy diaper.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  291. I’m a follower

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  292. I get dolled up, because it makes me feel Lovely; and it makes my Husband very happy!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  293. I am a follower as well.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  294. Kari wrote:

    I cannot believe you made this! You are SO talented! I would love to wear this as one of my first post-pregnancy outfits. I’m pregnant with my FIRST BABY (1 day overdue!), so my little boy could be arriving any day now. I would love to get all dolled up in a cute dress like this for church, a date, or…oooh! Family pictures! :)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  295. Kari wrote:

    I’m a new follower to your blog, and I think you are just so cute and sweet. Let’s be bff ;)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  296. Sami wrote:

    I love getting dolled up for no reason at all ~ I rarely have the opportunity, and I love dressing up just when I’m having a good day

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  297. Bec:) wrote:

    I think my first comment got deleted:( My Husband is the favourite reason to get dolled up:)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  298. I love this look! I was wondering where you got your patterns?

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  299. Lauren wrote:

    I am just a jeans and t shirt girl… so to get dolled up on go the heels and the lipstick :) I just stumbled upon your blog tonight! You are so talented!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  300. Salazar wrote:

    I think Blogger ate my first entry :(

    My second entry is still up, so here is my first entry again: I like to get dolled up whenever I want to feel pretty, no matter the time, place or occasion!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  301. Joy wrote:

    I love getting dolled up just for myself. Love the feeling of looking cute and knowing it! I must say you have to know how cute you look in this skirt and man, oh man, I want one!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  302. Sami wrote:

    I follow you!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  303. Lindsay wrote:

    Just started reading your blog and I’m pretty much obsessed! I would love one of your skirts. I grew up in Scottsdale but met my husband at school in Provo and he is now a dairy farmer and we live in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE Idaho! But it’s what he loves and I’m supporting him in this! Every once in a while we make the 25 minute drive into town for dinner with our little boy and I love to get dressed up for that! :)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  304. Lindsay wrote:

    And I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  305. I get dolled up for my fellas (Jim (hubby), Jimmy teenager ( it is always easier when your Mom is trendy), and Alex 10 (looking good makes it easier when advocating for his Autism Rights). I also love to sew and create all while building our family memories. Love your blog just stumbled upon it this past week.

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  306. Just became a follower too:)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  307. Liz wrote:

    I love to dress up for dates with my husband. :)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  308. I follow your blog with the google reader

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  309. I like to get dolled up for date night!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  310. I follow your blog! Love all of your outfits:)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  311. I love to get dolled up because it makes me smile. Plus I love to twirl in skirts and dresses!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  312. I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  313. Getting dolled up just to show off! With a fabulous dress and new lipstick, and have people ask why you’re so dressed up and you get to say “no reason” :)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  314. Karla wrote:

    I like to get dolled up anytime…usually going to work, but on the weekend with the hubs I like to doll it up, too.

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  315. Kelly wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dolled up is date night with my hubby!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  316. Karla wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  317. Kelly wrote:

    and I do follow your lovely blog!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  318. Jody wrote:

    I found your blog through LMM.

    I have 4 small kids and never get dolled up.

    But my husband and I would like to start going on date nights – perfect reason!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  319. I just started following thanks to Little Miss Momma and love your blog! you are adorable and so is your family! Love the striped outfits from Easter and this amazing skirt!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  320. I just moved to NYC a little less than a year ago and I’ve found that getting dolled up gives me an extra skip in my step walking the streets of the city! It’s great to feel glam. :)

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  321. Jullie wrote:

    My favorite reason to get dressed up is to hang out with my awesome husband!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  322. Jullie wrote:

    I am officially a formal “follower”. I’ve been following your blog for a while now. Your cute mom led me this direction and I’ve been loving your la vie petite posts. I would love to get a version of your cute and modest dress! Thanks for the great posts!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  323. kassie wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  324. kassie wrote:

    Please let me win! I just recently found your blog, and you have totally inspired me to rediscover the skills I learned in high school sewing class! I love the stuff you make! It’s adorable!

    Also, I love getting dolled up because I think you feel differently. You behave differently in a skirt or a dress than you would in pants. I like feeling lady like and refined. It’s the best!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  325. Lauren wrote:

    It’s so fun putting the whole ansemble together. It’s the most fun seeing the final outsome!

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply