
Trouser Jeans, Shirt: The Loft.  Necklace/ Earrings: Ross. Ballet Flats: Target.

Guys, I’m guest posting over at the lovely Nina’s blog today.
She’s pretty much my bloggy BFF.  I wish we didn’t live a state apart.
Go check her out and give her some love.
Okay, you all know how much I looooove my trouser jeans.  Unfortunately, they have to be worn with heels.
So when I found this fabulous pair at the Loft a few weeks ago, I knew I was going to hem them for my flats.  
Trouser jeans with my flats.
and also, the lining on the jeans is striped, and the pockets too.
Which is pretty much the most awesome thing.
And also, my 5 year old is thoroughly convinced that if he gets bitten by a spider he will turn into Spiderman.
And I CANNOT convince him otherwise.
Kid’s been looking for a spider to “bite him” all morning.
Not really sure what to do about that…
ps. don’t forget to enter the giveaway.
you know you want a custom skirt made by me.
who doesn’t?
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  1. I’m visiting, love the spider story ~ that is such typical little boy logic. I have a Cory ~ she’d rather have your spelling. Now I’m going to check out your giveaway.

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  2. Becca wrote:

    Lovin the outfit today, especiialy the shirt!!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  3. Andrea wrote:

    Trouser jeans + flats, looks super cute on you!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  4. Melissa wrote:

    I am DESPERATE to find some good trouser jeans, with flats or heels! You look SO adorable in your jeans! I love that striped top too!

    Good luck with that Spiderman situation. I’d offer advice, but I only have a girl. :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  5. Vivian wrote:

    OMG you are so CUTE!!! I can’t believe I had the luck of finding your blog. Following and SO Excited about it!! :)

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  6. Lauren wrote:

    I came over from Momma Go Round. Like your style ;)

    Lauren @ http://www.iheartandygross.com

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  7. Lindsay wrote:

    Im a new follower from Momma go Round! LOVE your blog. Your adorable!

    Posted 5.10.11 Reply
  8. I love your site! You have inspired me to learn to sew. I featured your blog on my blog today…keep the great ideas coming!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  9. Tiffany wrote:

    You are adorable. And I love your style! I’m so glad Kayla led me to Momma Go Round, who led me to you. =)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  10. Kari wrote:

    Hello! I just found your blog via Little Miss Momma…and oh my gosh, you (and your blog and your family!) are just so CUTE!

    I have to admit that I started having some major BLOG ENVY as I scrolled through your posts and just felt overwhelmed with cuteness.

    I’m just 2 days away from my due date with MY FIRST BABY and I’m feeling incredibly enormous, so I had to hold back the jealousy as I looked through pictures of you PRETTY and TINY self!

    Anyway, you seem really sweet…I hope we can be “blog buddies” :)

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  11. Karri wrote:

    Super cute!!! Love that top, too!

    Posted 5.11.11 Reply
  12. Sarah wrote:

    You are so cute we should be friends…I think you live by me too just from pics! I’m in Higley Groves and a stay at home momma of one. Love all the stuff you sew and admire your domestic diva thing you have going on… Do you have an Etsy store??

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply