he. did. it.

Today was a very big day for our little family.
After 2 long years, and alot of stress, prayers, (admittedly tears), and studying…
Mr. Husband, is now Mr.  MBA.
Show him some love guys, cause he knocked this one out of the park.

A little wink.
I promise I’ll be good mom.  For the whole 2 hour ceremony.
As long as I get a giant pretzel…
Mr. MBA on the jumbo-tron.

Happy dad, happy family, really happy wife.

MBA chums.

Now, it’s off to Disneyland.
Because we all deserve a party…
I think I’ll call him Master Craig, now.

cause we’re super distinguished now.
Since blogger was down for two days I’m going to extend the giveaway until Sunday at 10pm.
***Important:  There were about 40 comments that disappeared when blogger went down, so make sure you go and check if you entered sometime between Wednesday morning and Thursday morning. Chances are your comment is gone.  Please enter again.  I want everyone to have a chance!

Loves to you all!
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  1. Craig, you rock, we are so proud of you and miss you guys TOO much. Can’t wait to see you guys in a month. Love your fam:)


    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  2. Andrea wrote:

    Cngrats to your Hubs!

    Posted 5.13.11 Reply
  3. Ashley wrote:

    Congrats to your husband! Your little girl looks just like you and your sisters when you were all young! So Cute!!


    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  4. Naomi. wrote:

    Conratulations to your hubby, now go and enjoy your well – deserved break. :) .


    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  5. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!! So excited for you all! Can’t wait to celebrate. ROCK ON CRAIG!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  6. Jamie B. wrote:

    Congrats to you and your husband. I am a new follower and I have to say I went back and read every one of your posts. I love your blog. I recently started one of my own and I have linked to your blog about your 30 for 30 challenge. I am going to start one of my own! Here is the link to my blog. http://www.jamiebdesigns.blogspot.com

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  7. Angela wrote:

    Yay. Disneyland is so fun. One of my favorite places. Following you now.

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  8. So awesome! Congrats and enjoy Disneyland!

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  9. Deveny wrote:

    Congrats to you both! My husband just graduated law school today.. all I can say is.. *whew* :)

    Posted 5.14.11 Reply
  10. TerinAleah wrote:


    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  11. Congratulations to your husband. I love the family picture.

    Posted 5.15.11 Reply
  12. Congratulations to your husband! Mine finished his MBA program this year too!

    Posted 6.21.11 Reply