
Skirt/Top: Made by me.  Shoes: Thrifted.  Necklace: Downeat basics.

Not everything I make for myself turns out fabulous.  Sometimes I think a fabric is going to look amazing as this or that and then when it gets made, it sort of falls flat.  Case in point: my dress separate ensemble I wore for formal night on my cruise.  I genuinely thought this gold and green striped fabric was going to look amazing as a skirt, but when I saw it in the pictures all I could think was “puke.” I don’t think I’m a gold person.  I was willing to give it a try but I think it’s out.  Also, these stripes are not doing me any favors, especially since by this point I had been gorging myself for 2 days.  I know, disgusting.  I promise that’s just a food baby.

But I do love my shoes.  I found them during my epic visit to the new Goodwill a few weeks ago, wherein I found so much loot, even I couldn’t believe it.  Anyways, they are the cutest shoes, don’t make my legs look shorter even with the ankle strap, they actually fit and they were made in Spain.  Plus, they are green.  Win, win, win.

Also, I really miss my husband.  He’s across the country again for the week and basically it stinks.  He won’t even be home for Father’s day.  Lame.  I try to get used to being away from him, because that’s what grown-ups are supposed to do, but I can’t.  I even slept on the couch last night, and I hate sleeping on the couch.  But I hate going to bed without him even worse.  I don’t think I talk about it very much on here, cause this is a blog about my clothes, and not my marriage, but I have the most out-of-this-world amazing husband.  Even 8 years, 3 kids, 2 houses, 8 cars, 3 degrees, 4 states, 2 jobs, and lots of stress later, he still treats me like a queen.  I am so blessed.  

BTW: did you know I have another sister?  Actually I have 4 sisters and they are all beautiful and fabulous, but my little sister Meg loves to sew like I do and she comes up with the coolest ideas for re-purposing stuff (table cloths, old shirts, etc.)  I think it’s safe to say that re-purposing  isn’t so much my strong point.  Anyways, you’ve got to check out what she did with an old men’s shirt.  Seriously, I died.

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  1. miamihoney wrote:

    I think you look adorable! And the shoes, too cute. I know you aren’t fishing for compliments but I really, really like that dress or shirt/skirty combo.
    Stinks to miss your hubby. My hubs was away last week and I missed him a bunch. I feel your pain.

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  2. OK I know nothing about fashion I look like a whale in trashbag half the time BUT IMHO have you thought about wearing the skirt with a fitted white shirt? And the same; the top with a pair of white capri style pants? Maybe you wouldnt feel so overwhelmed if you broke the stripes up a little and ooooo so many more outfits. Dont discard them… And if it still doesnt work how about a give away lol :D As for hubs, I never go to bed if hes away. Im like a zombie when he gets home, I just dont sleep right without him. I NEED to go home to England but I cant bring myself to because I cant even imagine being that far for that long… And this is just me but I know this is a fashion blog, its interesting to read a little about you, the woman behind the blog and the things that drive you. I really wouldnt mind reading about that, in fact Id probably come back even more. I hope hes home soon xx

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  3. You look amazing!

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  4. illumined wrote:

    I actually think you look gorgeous but what do I know! And what food baby?? I don’t see a pudge on you!

    I do think that the skirt might work better if it were knee length? Perhaps the length is what is overwhelming.

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  5. newpetite wrote:

    I think that dress looks pretty good on you and those shoes.. Lucky you!

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  6. Tiffany wrote:

    Oh, that dress is totally cute! I actually really like the stripedy fabric. And those shoes are just amazing!!

    My hubs has been out of town the past few days too and I’ve missed him dearly! He’ll be back this afternoon though! Can’t wait! =)

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  7. I DIE FOR YOUR DRESS! I love your skirts, I love your blog :)

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  8. p.s. the buttons are adorable as well. I really do think it looks great!

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  9. Katie wrote:

    I hate having my husband out of town too. Not fun at all. But it does help you appreciate them more.

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  10. Liz wrote:

    Oh my goodness, you are way too hard on yourself! I think the dress is great :)

    Posted 6.15.11 Reply
  11. I honestly see no “food baby” – I would kill to have your figure (and I haven’t even had a kid yet).
    Having my husband be away and/or working nights is miserable for me. Like you, I often find myself sleeping on the couch…

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  12. Andie wrote:

    I think this makes you look radiant!

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply
  13. You are crazy! I think you look smokin’ and I wish I had this dress in my wardrobe!

    Ask the Duplex

    Posted 6.16.11 Reply