Dear Readers,

I didn’t sleep last night.  Like I literally never went to bed.  I was still sitting up working in my sewing room when I saw the sun rise through the blinds.  Yesterday, I wrote a post.  I thought it was harmless, and in my hurried state put it out there for all the world to see.  And then I got a comment in the evening saying that I had really offended one of my readers.  To say I felt horrible would be a huge understatement.  I went back and read my post, realized how callous and insensitive I came across and deleted a bunch of it. I felt so bad.  I hate making people feel bad.  It’s probably the thing I hate most.  Then I started thinking about all the other people I might have offended and I felt even worse.  And when something eats at me, I can’t sleep.  And usually I have my husband here to lay by and make me feel like everything is okay and normal, but he’s gone 3,000 miles away in Philadelphia.   And so I stayed up all night wondering what to do about this and really the only thing is to say is that I am so very sorry for being insensitive.  I never meant to offend anyone or insult a country that many hold dear.  And to the reader that made the comment, thank you for pointing out that even something written in good fun, can hurt another person.  I won’t forget.

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  1. Diana wrote:

    Don’t worry about it. The girl already forgave you. No matter what you say, people do take offense at even the most innocuous comments. It is always a good reminder to be sensitive and nice, but you can’t spend your life worrying about what other people think if they’re not even in your family or close circle of friends. Worry about being nice to the people you love and being courteous to everyone else. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I think that being quick to apologize is what matters.

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  2. nicole. wrote:

    i agree with the comment above.

    and, quite honestly… YOUR blog should be YOUR space to freely write…. without having to second guess yourself and question every single thing you are saying.

    blogging is NOT a popularity contest. you do not have to please everyone.

    after all people do NOT have to follow you if they dont want to, and they should like you… for YOU.

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  3. Kayla wrote:

    Yeah, seriously, don’t worry about it. People are way too sensitive. My sister raised the ire of an anti-circumcision group when she mentioned very briefly on her blog that her son was about to get snipped. I mean, really? You just can’t please everyone.

    Freckles in April

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  4. Christine wrote:

    It takes a lot of guts to do a blog like this and put yourself out there. I love reading blogs but I have yet to make one of my own for that reason.

    I enjoy your blog and appreciate all the work you put into it. Keep up the great work!!

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  5. Susanna N. wrote:

    Sorry to hear that you lost a night of sleep over worrying about that! We all have our own opinions and should appreciate that about others as well. People are too easily offended about anything and everything that other people say. There is nothing wrong with what you said (it was YOUR experience of Mexico) so don’t lose another night of sleep over it, sister! :)

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  6. miamihoney wrote:

    Please, please, please don’t lose sleep over any of your blog stuff. It should be a fun outlet. No stress! You apologized for offending and it was not you intent so don’t beat yourself up over it. Sleep is too precious to do without ;P

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  7. illumined wrote:

    I think a lot of pressure might be on you being that your blog is very popular and read by many people. But don’t forget that it is your blog, your journal, and your thoughts and words. It’s all personal and sometimes, things typed are not always the way things are meant. I don’t know you well at all, but I can tell you are a good person. I hope you won’t let this bring you down!

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  8. i completely agree with the others, that this is YOUR blog, your journal, your thoughts and your hard work. you have a wonderful way of writing your entries, sweet and fun and really enjoyable to read. you apologized and should move on without worrying about it for a second longer. now go take a nap!

    Posted 6.17.11 Reply
  9. Heather wrote:

    I think you handled the situation with class and grace. Try and get a nap in today and don’t worry about it anymore. You are doing the best you can. I love your blog and all the helpful tips.

    Posted 6.18.11 Reply
  10. Annie wrote:

    I agree with everyone, too. Seriously, every blogger gets those kinds of comments, and 1) bloggers need to let it roll off their backs and 2) readers need to not take things so seriously. I read the blog, and I really can’t even recall of anything that might have been so offensive. People have said that they don’t like Texas (where I’m from), and while I can’t for the life of my figure out why, I don’t take it personally. Who really cares? We’re all different; it takes all kinds, yada yada. If a blogger can’t be real on her own blog, then it dilutes her writing. Be real, girl! It’s impossible to please everyone. Chin up, girl! And take a nap!

    Posted 6.18.11 Reply
  11. Amber wrote:

    Cori, I love your sweet blog. I think you are adorable. I read your post and didn’t think twice. Your opinions are always welcome on your blog and in the just the little glimpse of you I see I have no doubt that you wouldn’t intentionally offend someone. Keep up all your goodness!! By the way, I am sorry you are missing your cute hubby. Hope he comes home soon!

    Posted 6.18.11 Reply
  12. B wrote:

    Cori, I LOVE your blog. Please do not lose sleep over offendeding someone. Everyone has their own feelings and beliefs and you can not please everyone. This is YOUR blog and all your readers love to read it BC you invite us into your life daily with your post and we appreciate that. Thats why we read, bc we enjoy what you have to say, feel, or to see how adorably cute you are dressed each day :) By the way, my husband thanks you for getting me addicted to The Loft now LOL. I’m sorry your missing your hubby! Please cheer up bc we love your genuine post.

    Posted 6.18.11 Reply
  13. danielle wrote:

    i just found your blog & love it! don’t worry about it..i have always been told that people choose to be offended.

    Posted 6.20.11 Reply
  14. Linda wrote:

    First thing, I LOVE your blog. I’ve been following it for over a year.

    I was completely surprised to see that someone was offended by your Mexico post. So, I went back and reread it. I honestly don’t see anything wrong with it! You mentioned that a road was bumpy, so what? (There’s a lot of traffic in Rome, but it’s still great.) You mentioned to be prepared for a whirlwind. That seems like a good thing to me. Further, your photos and explanation actually had me looking at cruises to Mexico! The food looked delicious and your photos made everyone look like they were really having fun. I think that the reader was being overly sensitive about her home country and the problem is hers, not yours!

    Posted 6.21.11 Reply