seven is a lucky number.

Little miss turned seven yesterday.
This makes me feel a bit old.  
She was a gem of course.
Sweet and unassuming as she always is.
I tell you what.
One minute they are sweet little roly-poly babies with froggy faces and delicious cheeks to nibble…
And suddenly they are beautiful little seven year-olds who want nothing more than a chef hat for their birthday.
This is my daughter.
She lovely and kind and funny and fabulous.
Lucky me.
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  1. You are lucky! Your daughter is so adorable!

    And they grow up fast. I have a 16 yr old and a 6 yr old!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  2. LaynahRose wrote:

    that cake is cute!
    and she is beauuuutiful.

    happy birthday to the little lady :)

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  3. We’re birthday twins! Happy birthday to the little chef!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  4. Dani wrote:

    ahhhh so sweet!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  5. she is sooo adorable!! you ARE lucky!
    xo dana

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  6. newpetite wrote:

    Beautiful! Just like her Mamma! Happy Birthday little girl!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  7. Michelle wrote:

    She is adorable! Happy Birthday to her!! My oldest just turned 12 and makes me feel *really* old!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  8. lori wrote:

    such a pretty little girl!! hope she had a great birthday!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  9. larissa wrote:

    She’s so precious!!! She’s your little mini. Happy birthday to her!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  10. CC wrote:

    How precious! What a beautiful smile and lovely blue eyes. And the kissing pic – how priceless is that?!

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  11. steffy wrote:

    What a cutie pie. She kind of looks like you. My niece also recently turned 7… what an age.

    Posted 7.18.11 Reply
  12. ok. that pic of the squished cheek kiss is freaking adorable!!!! those are my favorite… goofy candid shots


    Posted 7.19.11 Reply
  13. She is so cute! I’ll always remember the time when I was at your parents watching your ultrasound on DVD with the fam. She is a doll.

    Posted 7.19.11 Reply