and it was all yellow.

Cardi/Belt/Shoes/Ring: Target.  Cropped pants: Gap.  T-shirt: The Loft. Necklace/ Earrings:Ross.  Bag: J Crew (Thrifted)

When Mr. Husband and I were dating, he drove this little ’96 KIA Sephia.  And since it was winter in Rexburg, we spent a lot of time in that car.  There were no automatic locks, the back passenger window was missing the rubber seal so it leaked water every time it rained, and the handles stuck every time it was really cold out, which, incidentally it always was.  About a year after we were married, the knob on the fan gave out, so turning on the ac or heater involved a good pair of pliers and some skill.  Man, I loved that car.

Since there was only a tape deck, I would bring my walkman cd player and attach it to the car through one of those tape adapters that you stick in the stereo, and a bunch of my mixed cds.  (am I dating myself by admitting that I was married years before the first Ipod came out?)  Anyways, I was really into making mixed cds back then.  I know, so cool.  My favorite mixed CD had a bunch of great songs on it, but the first was Coldplay’s “Yellow.”  By the time I brought that CD for listening, husband and I were pretty much in love.  The song came on and half way through, Mr. Husband turns to me and in his never sappy voice says, “this is how I feel about you.”

I really miss that Kia. 
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  1. Date yourself away, those are good times. Love the necklace with the yellow.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    July giveaway

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  2. Love this story (and outfit too)!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  3. Jenna wrote:

    As always, you look fabulous! Thanks for helping to inspire me with your style!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  4. Chloe wrote:

    Such a cute story and a very cute outfit to match.

    C x

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  5. Ashley wrote:

    That is so cute! And I love all the different shades of Yellow!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  6. Coldplay is my absoulte fave. The combinations of yellows looks great! Thanks for the inspiration!

    I am hosting a super fun giveaway over at my blog. Would love for you to stop by and enter! :)

    Along Abbey Road

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  7. Oh my gosh, what a sweet post! Kinda gave me a lump in my throat and brought tears to my eyes.

    Cute yellow outfit, too!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  8. Love this story. :) And adore the shoes & bag!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  9. Love that song! I have so many fond memories of my husbands red pickup that he drove when we were dating. We would drive out to Lake Pleasant (in AZ), listening to Greenday — VIA HIS ADAPTER!!!

    Posted 7.25.11 Reply
  10. Flor wrote:

    It’s kind of embarrassing that I know what your talking about {the cd adapter thing} :)
    I love all the different shades of yellow, you look wonderful!

    Posted 7.26.11 Reply
  11. i saw your outfit post from clothed much and HAD to say hi :] i LOVE this color cardi! i’ll have to check it out!

    i’m going a outfit link up on my blog today…you should link this outfit up! my blog is:

    AlphabetSoup Style

    Posted 7.26.11 Reply
  12. You are just ALWAYS fabulous!

    Posted 7.26.11 Reply
  13. Lisa wrote:

    I love, love that yellow! Looks awesome on you! I’m your newest follower!~ :)
    Lisa @ Organized Chaos

    Posted 7.28.11 Reply
  14. Loving this amazing look!! xoxo.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply