
Since my last post was a bit gloomy, and before you all scroll down to see what the giveaway is, let me just preface this by telling you that I am having a fabulous time down in Seaside.  How have I never been here before?  It’s so beautiful.  Being with all my cousins and siblings and our husbands and parents and kids… it’s magical.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it. 

Okay, now on to the good stuff.
I really feel like August is just going to be fabulous.
Is anybody else getting that vibe?  This summer has been so crazy and different and eventful and fabulous all at once, how could this last month not just blow everything else out of the water?
In honor of the start of summer’s last month,
 I am going to giveaway a custom made Awning Skirt to one lucky reader, in their choice of color; Red, Navy, or Kelly Green!!!
To enter:
Become a follower of La Vie Petite (or let me know if you already are)
And tell me about your fabulous plans for August.
for an extra entry:
Blog, tweet, or Facebook about the giveaway, and tell me all about it.

Please leave separate comments for each entry, cause if you don’t my head might explode trying to figure it out.

No really it might.
Giveaway closes Friday, August 5th.
Good luck lovelies!
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  1. Jana wrote:

    i’m a follower! and i adore this skirt – just pinned it the other day and have been on the lookout for a similar material!

    august plans… we’re headed to the beach house in cambria this weekend and then keeping low the rest of the month :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  2. Kiersten M wrote:

    Already a follower!
    Our plans for August include many lil mini vacations back to Utah to spend time with the family!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  3. Gabi wrote:

    I adore your skirts! I would love to win one in red or blue (I have figured out which color is my favorite)
    I have a week vacation in August so I’m heading to Disneyland and Universal Studios:) Should be fun!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  4. lori wrote:

    i am already a follower :) i LOVEEE this skirt so, so much.

    in august, i have plans to go to the beach with my family! cant wait!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  5. rebecca wrote:

    I’m a follower! And this skirt is just lovely! In August I am starting my brand new career! Yes that’s right. Not just job. A career. I’m pretty dang excited about it.


    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  6. Jenna wrote:

    I’m already a follower! And we plan on going to this cool local art festival in august!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  7. I absolutely adore your skirts! In August, we aren’t going any where, maybe go to the beach and swim in our pool.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  8. mrs. olson wrote:

    I love your awning skirts!!! I follow your blog. For our August plans we’re going to Silverwood with the inlaws. Woo hoo!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  9. I shared about the giveaway on Facebook!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  10. I tweeted about the giveaway!/3fourandunder/status/96962411197771777

    By the way, I forgot on my first comment that I’m a follower!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  11. Erica wrote:

    Already a follower! I’m going to DC to visit my best friend, TX to visit family and then the Outer Banks with my in-laws. Yeah, it’s an awesome month. Kinda like your skirts.

    North Meets South

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  12. melis wrote:

    I follow your blog and I’m obsessed with your skirts! So pretty:) This August I’m redecorating my condo…not a huge fan of summer so I’m all about being inside in the air conditioning lol;)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  13. Michelle wrote:

    Already a follower! Glad you are having a fabulous time!! In August, my husband and I are spending the weekend at the lake to celebrate our anniversary (my parents are watching the kiddos for us). Love that skirt — I think you and I are just about the same size :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  14. Lindsay wrote:

    I am a follower!! And I’ve ordered a mustard and green striped skirt that I wore on my engagement pictures…I’ll be sure to send you a pic! I’ll be planning the big wedding and working in August! Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  15. I’m a follower – and I’d love a red striped skirt! For, ya know, all the babysitting that is on my calendar for the month of August. So I can be fashionable while I chase around 6 kids :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  16. Kate wrote:

    I’m already a follower. My husband is deploying this month so I am going to do day trips with my daughter and discover WA state a bit more.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  17. Liz wrote:

    I follow you! I’ve been trying to take notes so I can be as cute as you one day!! :) My family is not into fashion so I have to learn all on my own and I still try to stay in my comfort zone both budget wise and style.. :) I love your blog.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  18. Mindy wrote:

    I am a follower! I ran across your blog through a pin of your awning skirt on pinterest. I have to say, you are the cutest! I love your style. Can you help me shop for a new wardrobe please? And I know you look familiar-I’m pretty sure I saw your face around campus in college. In August I’m having a birthday party for my daughter, baby shower for my sister, an anniversary, and a trip home to California to play at the beach and hang out with family. August will be good! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  19. Ashley J wrote:

    Oh my goodness! I LOVE THIS SKIRT!!! I would die if I won it! I would definitely choose the navy blue one!!! Please oh please pick me!!! I follow you!!!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  20. Lindsay wrote:

    I’m gunna be spending time with family and going to a wedding in Utah!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  21. Lindsay wrote:

    I follow you…but not in a creepy way…

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  22. I am a new follower! Love your clothes, they are modest and pretty! hard to find that! This skirt is precious!

    August will be spent hanging out with my two beautiful girls and two amazing foster sons! that is until school starts:( Then it’s off to the races again!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  23. Ashley J wrote:

    I just shared this on Facebook and I like you on Facebook too. As for my plans in August I will be spending time with my little family, sewing, crafting, and having fun!!! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  24. Kiersten M wrote:

    I also facebooked about your giveway! Although not may fav thing to since it narrows down my chances. LOVE YOUR SKIRTS, if I don’t win I may just have to buy one!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  25. Georgie wrote:

    I follow your blog since I have seen this look which was really my favourite and I love the skirt… and the way you styled it is great!!! :)

    my plans for August… that will be the same as July. Still in Spain looking after two girls in one family = being aupair. But on the weekend I would like to dicover more Madrid and maybe some sorroundings. Sunday Toledo, maybe Salamanca the other day… :))

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  26. I’m already a follower of your beautiful blog!! i love that skirt specially in blue!!

    My august plans are: Going to Panama City beach, Go camping in Tennessee and go to the lake.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  27. Oh my goodness! I have honestly NEVER been this excited for a chance to win something!

    I’m a follower! How could I not be? You’ve helped me so much with your blog and through the couple emails that we’ve exchanged!

    For August, my two boys (2.5 years and 1 year), are planning to soak up all the time we have with my hubby whenever he’s home. It’s his intern year as an anesthesia resident, so time with him is really at a premium. Other than that, lots of time at Target, The Loft, the pool, and the park!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  28. Amanda wrote:

    Follower – love the skirts! No big August plans, just hoping to stay cool!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  29. Posted it on facebook as well!

    By the way your blog is awesome! i love your style, i wish i could go shopping with you someday! You could do a What no to wear LDS edition!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  30. Nell wrote:

    I’m a follower. And let me tell you, I adore your blog. You are just so cute. I look forward to reading it every day.

    My plans this month are a weekend away with my hubby for our friend’s wedding, and then a trip with a bunch of our friends and all of our kids to Yosemite. Should be crazy but we’re really looking forward to it. :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  31. Follow with GFC

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  32. Ashley wrote:

    I’m a follower of course! In the first WEEK of August, we have my lil guy’s 3rd B-day, My 6th Anniversary AND my other lil guy’s 2nd B-day! Needless to say there will be lots of partying over here next week. Hope I win!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  33. Sarina wrote:

    I’m a follower and I LOVE this skirt and I would be more than happy to win a red one.
    My plans for august? Well…i still don’t know. A new year of school starts and until then I will relax and spend time with my family and my friends. And I will spend a lot of time hoping to win this skirt. :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  34. Ashley wrote:

    I posted on FB about the giveaway! Loving this skirt! Crossin my Fingers!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  35. Mrs. Smith wrote:

    I’m a follower and this skirt would be so very welcomed and loved in my closet!

    August… we will move in with family, hubs may join the Marines as a JAG, I’ll begin prenatal visits for baby #3, and we have a fantastic trip to Colorado planned!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  36. Karri wrote:

    I am a follower and I adore your skirts!!!
    August plans…jam packed! Girls only trip to Chicago, family from CA are here to visit for 10 days, a wedding, the Dirty Girl run, and a visit to the north woods of WI for a few days with friends to enjoy peace & quiet and the lake.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  37. Karri wrote:

    I tweeted about this!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  38. s.a Sadler wrote:

    i am a follower, and I love your blog, and the skirts!!
    August for me is super exciting. Like you, my family packed up and moved halfways across the country for hubbys job, and so in august, im going home to my parents house, and were having a big “family reunion” type thing… cant wait!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  39. Karri wrote:

    I posted about it on FB!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  40. I follow and love your blog!! I plan on taking my almost 2 year old to Disneyland for the first time in august, so excited!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  41. s.a Sadler wrote:

    I posted this to my Facebook! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  42. i’m a follower and i’m gonna tweet this too!

    august… hmm. the 5th is my fiance’s birthday. august 11 will be 1 year to our wedding day. august 30 is my birthday. i think we’re just going to celebrate and be happy that life is good. so i’m excited to just relax, enjoy friends and family, and hope our weather in SF gets better. :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  43. i loveee this skirt. in blue of course. absolutely adore.
    im a follower :]

    plans for august, I start my first class at college!

    -Jessica Howard

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  44. New follower here! Love, love, love your skirts!!! To die for!!!

    August-My first baby starts kindergarten and I am going to cry and be happy at the same time.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  45. I am a follower and I love the blue skirt! Our August plans are going back to school.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  46. I just posted the giveaway on facebook.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  47. Breezylcp wrote:

    I am a follower of your blog. Really cute skirt! :) In August I plan on celebrating my 30th b-day!! Gotta stay excited or else I’ll cry. LOL!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  48. Esther wrote:

    I love your homemade skirts! I don’t have many plans for August, perhaps we will go on a weekend get away somewhere and/or go camping.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  49. Kayla wrote:

    Does it count if I follow through Google Reader?? Because I do :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  50. kittykerri wrote:

    I am a follower. I love your skirts!

    My only plans for August is nothing. The last month or so has been busy so nothing is perfect!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  51. Amanda wrote:

    I follow your blog. In August we have some camping trips planned as well as a family vacation to Bend, OR

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  52. Keri wrote:

    I’m a follower and I found you randomly through late night internet trawling. I love your fashion style b/c I love the way they look so proportional to your height (which I can also relate to from my own 5 foot stature)!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  53. Kasie wrote:

    I am a follower!!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  54. Abby wrote:

    I am a follower! I love your style and of course your skirts!

    My August is going to be AMAZING!
    On the 3rd we get to see Journey in concert…not only are our seats like right in front of the stage – we get to go backstage and have dinner with Journey, Foreigner, and Nightranger! So pumped my head might explode.
    Then 2 days later, we’re headed to North Carolina for a week and half for a much needed vacation. Laying on the beach reading a good book and working on my tan are at the top of my agenda.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  55. Kasie wrote:

    My plans for August are figuring out how to be the mother of two!!!! Just had my 2nd one 2 weeks ago and I’m trying to get into the swing of things! Those are my fabulous August plans!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  56. I am a follower!

    August plans– my nephew’s first birthday party!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  57. Kasie wrote:

    I facebooked about this giveaway!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  58. Courtney wrote:

    My lil’ sis showed me this skirt a few weeks ago and I have been drooling over it ever since.
    I am a new follower of your blog now!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  59. Keri wrote:

    I posted this to my FB. I forgot to tell you my August plans in my first post. We are going to soak up as much of the end of summer as we can before school starts. Details will work themselves out, I’m sure! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  60. I am a follower of your fabulous blog.

    In August, school starts back (I am a teacher.), so I am back in the routine and leaving my little boy during the day :( so it is bittersweet. However, this skirt would be perfect for school. So cute! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  61. I am a follower.

    August plans: Hubby goes to Mathfest in KY first week. When he gets back, we go to MI to visit my family. I go to Chicago Comic Con one weekend. My birthday is the 15th! Then back to Ohio because we need to move by the 20th (our 6th move in 3 1/2 years…4 different states!). Then school starts for my 7th grader on the 24th & hubby goes back to teaching at University & we still have to get our 3 year old getting started at preschool! Busy August for us. We have 4 kids…12, 3, 2, & 7 months!

    Oh and I love your blog. Makes me happy that us short ladies can still look good. I love the navy striped skirt btw.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  62. Courtney wrote:

    I just posted about it on FB under Courtney Juber Fisher

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  63. Elizabeth wrote:

    I adore your blog AND your skirts! I would love a navy skirt!! I’ve been a follower of yours for a few months and I check EVERY DAY to see what gorgeous outfits you have to share. I have a great August planned – my sister and I’s birthdays are the first week, my husband’s 30th birthday is 2 weeks later and his parents are coming to surprise him and the last week in August we are leaving for a cruise! Pfew that’s a lot!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  64. New public follower. You and your skirts are to cute!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  65. Ryann wrote:

    I already follow! My august plans include graduating from college, moving to a new city where I know no one, and starting my first real job. This skirt would be a very welcome addition to my tiny work wardrobe!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  66. I already follow! :-)
    My August plans are finishing my daughter’s decorations for her 1st birthday!! And maybe a little road trip!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  67. New follower! I love love your skirts sheesh!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  68. New follower who NEEDS this skirt for her trip to Europe in… not August… but September!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  70. Jenny wrote:

    I became a follower now, after Courtney Fisher posted on fb! Love your style..hard to find cute petite styles. I love this skirt in blue!! We are just finishing up swim lessons and may head to the mountains, school starts in August. So I plan to take a nap or two.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  71. I blogged all about it! (

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  72. I am a follower! LOVE the skirts! Hope I win!

    I LOVE August because its my birthday Month! Aug 8th is my bday! Its going to be fabulous because we are visiting old friends in Oregon, then a good friend of mine from Washington is coming to visit. Then of course my birthday.. and also Start of school again for my kids. My daughter is going into 3rd grade, but its my sons first year.. I am excited for him!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  73. Angela wrote:

    I am already a follower. This month I plan to swim a lot. It’s so hot here.

    Method Clothe

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  74. newpetite wrote:

    I am a follower. Aug is going to be big for us as our little one turns 2 and lotsa things planned :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  75. Ash wrote:

    I’m a follower (and buyer!). I am finally getting to go out of town in August-first time this summer!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  76. I am a follower and I WANT THIS SKIRT! I love it so much!

    for august, we don’t really have any big plans. probably just a weekend getaway, because my sister is getting married in september and my brother is getting married in october! craziness.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  77. Nicole wrote:

    I am now a follower of your blog! And August is going to be a great month because my husband and I are going to go to New York for two months! I’ve never been and so I have lots of exploring to do and i cannot wait! I hope this adorable skirt joins me on my adventures in NY!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  78. i facebooked about this giveaway :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  79. Jennifer wrote:

    I follow your blog and I love,love,love your skirts.

    This August I will be starting on my third semester of my Masters….three more to go :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  80. Shannon wrote:

    I am a follower! I start school Aug 15 and it is a very intense program so I am trying to get as much family and friends in before school.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  81. Shannon wrote:

    I am a facebook friend too!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  82. Hanna wrote:

    OH MY GOSH!!!! Please pick me!!!! I am already a follower of your lovely blog!! ANd i am dying to get my hands on one of your skirts.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  83. Samantha wrote:

    I’m already a blog follower! Our plans for August include our triplets’ 3rd bday party! We also plan on visiting the zoo and some splash parks!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  84. Just found your blog and LOVE the skirts. My plans for August…well back to work, teaching. This skirt would be PERFECT for the classroom. I love to dress up and wear heels, but sometimes skirts can be a little confining. I think this skirt would be amazing.

    Jessica F.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  85. I also blogged about your skirts!

    Jessica F.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  86. Already a follower! I plan to spend as much time as possible with the kids at the pool and enjoy the fresh fruits and veggies that you can only get this time of year. :)

    Love this skirt! …and even if I don’t win, I’d love to see one in your etsy shop again!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  87. Wendy wrote:

    Following, officially! LOVE LOVE LOVE this skirt!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  88. I’m a follower :) We are excited to celebrate our 2 yr anniversary this August!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  89. Lisa wrote:

    I am a follower of your lovely blog! :)
    August plans for me and my little family are to take our boys to a baseball game…visit Zoo Atlanta and the Coke Museum…plus it’s the start of school for my kids. K-5 and 4th grade!
    Lisa @ Organized Chaos

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  90. I’m an official follower, but I’ve been stalking your blog for some time now. I LOVE your skirts!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  91. melody-mae wrote:

    yes, I am your follower!
    Our August is not too exciting, I think we plan to go to the local county fair and well have a few picnics on the beach…yeah, I am exciting!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  92. Heather wrote:

    I am an avid follower of your fantastic blog! In fact, checking your blog has become one of my daily routines now (the kind of routine I actually enjoy taking part in!) :)

    My August plans can be summed up in one word: Wedding. Many of my college friends are tying the knot soon and one of your stunningly beautiful skirts would be the perfect addition to my wedding wear wardrobe!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  93. What a fabulous giveaway! I love your skirts! I’m a follower!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  94. Dresden wrote:

    Oh my this is the best giveaway ever!! I absolutely love your skirts! I am going on a lake trip to St. George UT in a couple weeks and I’m super excited. Love your posts, I’m a follower.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  95. Jenn wrote:

    I absolutely love that skirt!! I would love to win this giveaway. I totally follow!

    For the month of August I’m going to relaxing as much as possible, reading and watching movies, before the start of the school year.

    My email is complexcardigans (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  96. Kallie wrote:

    Definitely been a follower for a while! I was going to buy this skirt but then your shop was sold out! August is going to be crazy busy with wedding shenanigans. :) Maybe I’ll get to wear this skirt to a wedding shower! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  97. Lisa wrote:

    I just posted a link to your giveaway on my facebook page! :)
    ~Lisa @ organized Chaos

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  98. Andrea wrote:

    I am a follower! No real big plans for August… just looking forward to Seafair next weekend (your kids will love it!) and soaking up some more lazy days before 3 day a week preschool starts in September.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  99. meg wrote:

    I’m a follower and looooove your skirts!

    In August we’re headed to Disneyland! Can’t wait!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  100. Mary wrote:

    I am a faithful follower of your blog. I absolutely love the skirts you make! My “fabulous” plans for August consist of getting ready for fall semester at college. yippee

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  101. Lisa wrote:

    Love the skirt! In August I plan on relaxing, going to lots of bbqs and enjoying the sunshine.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  102. Lisa wrote:

    Oh and I am a follower!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  103. I follow! I follow!!!

    I recently discovered it and absolutely love it – you give women hope that even after they had babies they can be stylish and take care of themselves! Kudos to you!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  104. I tweeted about the giveaway and Facebooked….

    My plans for August – get super organized and start september with a fresh new outlook on life – a new beginning:)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  105. I am a follower! I read your blog everyday! My plans for August include celebrating my daughters 7th birthday :) and :( about that one! Also a trip to great wolf lodge water park and Oak Island Beach…then back to school on the 25th! I could totally be the hot mom taking their kid to school in a navy blue skirt!


    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  106. Brittany wrote:

    I am a follower and LOVE this skirt!!
    Plans for August- my birthday month…so have a fun little party and live it up before school starts!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  107. The Skirts wrote:

    Yay! Just started following you a few weeks ago, bought a skirt a couple of days later, and received it today! And it’s ca-ute. So I’m in for a give away. Actually think I might give it to my francophile sister-in-law if I win, because it’s just so her. Also, in August we’ve got my friend’s Solemn Profession into the Cistercians, my cousin’s wedding, and then a little trip to Michigan. Oh, and my birthday! Crazy.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  108. LaynahRose wrote:

    You blog is one of my faves, of courrrse I follow.

    I will have one of your gorgeous skirts one day, mark my words :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  109. Sarah wrote:

    I just started following! Thus far no plans are set in stone for August just yet.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  110. Sarah wrote:

    I just shared your link on FB as well.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  111. I’m following NOW! I would love this skirt in any of the colors!

    For August, me and my son will be hanging out at the waterpark daily. And preparing for back to school!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  112. I’ve been following you for a while. I sent you an email asking you about where your fabric comes from because I couldn’t get one, but now I’m crossing my fingers because I’m dying to have one of your skirts.

    My sister’s in town (yay!) and were spending August to finish writing a book! Hopefully we’ll finish it and get it published! : ) Yay summer!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  113. I am a follower! I LOVE this skirt so much! I am actually expecting my first child, and I’m 2 months along! I would love something ultra cute to wear as a preggo lady! I don’t have any huge plans for August, just visiting family and trying to squeeze as much time in with my hubby as possible before school starts again! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  114. Already a follower and love your blog! My plans for August involve lots of time spent playing at the pool with my littles and just getting to know the Overland Park area(we just moved here so I have a lot of exploring to do!)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  115. Miranda wrote:

    I am a follower! That skirt it so pretty!! I wish I could sew like that! My plans for August are getting ready for school to start and hopefully going to the lake!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  116. It’s Lorrie and I’m a follower! I love your skirts and reading your life adventures on your blog.

    My August plans are to stop and play and kiss my two little girls (4) and (6) more often. I’m going to get down on their level and savor each one of them before one starts pre-school and one enters the second grade. I’m going to ditch my planner and limit my time on the computer and devote some priceless time to my deserving little girls…because they are growing too fast….and i must create more memories.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  117. Meg wrote:

    I’m a follower!! I love your skirts. What a way to stand out! I will be spending August sending my baby to his very first preschool (he’s 2). So I’ll be spending that day with my head buried in a pillow sobbing. ha! Then I’ll prepare to go back to school myself. I will also turn 28 and my sister, 41. I’ll be hoping that the month drags by because I hate to say goodbye to summer and September will mark one year since my father in law took his life.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  118. I’m a follower! I’m celebrating my twins 1st birthday in August:)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  119. Lindsay wrote:

    Im a follower :) LOVE your skirts…Oh my gosh fingers crossed!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  120. JoEllen wrote:

    I follow and I love! My plans for August involve lots of driving between 1st grade and preschool schedules. Let’s hope we all survive this school year!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  121. Aimee wrote:

    I’m a follower, and in August the hubs and I are flying to VA to spend time with his parents and siblings. So fun!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  122. rebecca wrote:

    i follow of course! and i for august i am going to soak up the last of the sun i can!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot ocm

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  123. Lindsay wrote:

    I’m a follower! In August I’m taking a trip to my friend’s cabin in Utah, and then off to Salt Lake to visit my sister – it’s going to be a B-L-A-S-T!

    lindsayzockoll at gmail dot com

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  124. I’m a follower :) August is going to be amazing because it means we’re getting closer to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas !!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  125. Merit wrote:

    I just started following. But I have been kinda of “stalking” your blog for a while! :)

    My plans for August are:

    Starting school to better my education and myself. And I have just gotten a new job when I had been painstakingly looking for a few months. I start in August! August will be a good month!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  126. Lindsay wrote:

    Facebooked this giveaway! (Except none of my friends are allowed to win…’cuz I want that cute skirt for ME!)

    lindsayzockoll at gmail dot com

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  127. Dresden wrote:

    I tweeted about it! @dresdencarrie

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  128. Dresden wrote:

    I also fb’d about it!


    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  129. dazeeb wrote:

    I am now a follower and love your site!! Everything is amazing!! August is a busy month for my son and husband both start school, while I am finishing up my classes. We are going to squeeze in some camping before school starts for my boys!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  130. dazeeb wrote:

    I also shared your site and the giveaway on Facebook!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  131. August is my wedding anniversary month, so my husband and I will be heading up to Park City in a few days for a little getaway. We spoiled ourselves and got new bikes-and a trailer for the kiddos- so we are planning lots of fun family bike rides. Also, the husband will be heading back to scool. Yay August!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  132. I tweeted about it!


    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  133. Jessica wrote:

    I am a follower of La Vie Petite and love your style, I have been drooling over these skirts for a while now.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  134. Susanna N. wrote:

    I am a follower and I love this skirt! Not a lot of plans for August unfortunately! My sister is getting married at the end of August so we will be travelling out to KS for her wedding!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  135. Jodi wrote:

    I am a follower and I’m working for the month of August, I know exciting!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  136. Jodi wrote:

    I also linked it to my facebook!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  137. Amy wrote:

    I am a follower!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  138. Kristin wrote:

    I’m a follower of your blog! No big plans, just wanting to get away one weekend to Vermont. Would LOVE to win a navy skirt!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  139. Jess wrote:

    Follower!!! We will be getting my little one ready for preschool which starts in just a couple of weeks!! NEED a navy skirt!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  140. Alexandra wrote:

    I love following your blog! The August plan is lots of strolls with my one year old ad newborn so that I can slim down from being prego and fit into the awning skirt!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  141. G. wrote:

    You make beautiful skirts…and I’m a follower! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  142. G. wrote:

    I linked to your giveaway on FB, too!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  143. Courtney wrote:

    I blogged about your awesome giveaway!!

    oops…I didn’t write what my plans for August are..the kids and I are going to Utah for an extended weekend while my hubby goes to Minnesota for a work convention. Then a few weeks later school starts up again.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  144. Courtney wrote:

    I tweeted about it also @flipfloppearls

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  145. I am a follower and put your giveaway on facebook! I don’t know why I didn’t find out about your blog until after you left our ward for the summer but I LOVE it! So darn cute! We are ready to get back to some sort of a schedule in August! School supplies, dance shoes, music class, soccer…. all the fun things that come with being back in school:)
    p.s. I want this skirt!:)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  146. I am a follower!

    This August I will be celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary with my wonderful Hubby. I am planning a special overnight get away at a local Inn and Spa (he likes a good massage) but Shhhhhh! he doesn’t know, it’s a surprise!

    I have been wanting this skirt since I first saw it and have checked your store every hour to see if it’s posted so to win it would be AMAZING!!!!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  147. I posted on Twitter (@aCREATIVEgal) and Facebook!!!!

    keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to win! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  148. M wrote:


    This August, I hope to hit the beach for a week before returning to school fora little more law-related learning! The awning dress in red would be perfect for the first day of class!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  149. Aubree wrote:

    I love these skirts sooooo much. I am going to Washington dc so I am going to have the best august of you all! I already follow.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  150. Anjelica wrote:

    I love this skirt soooo much, i pinned the blue an red one a couple weeks ago.
    My awesome plans are packing up and going back to school for the fall :/

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  151. monica2431 wrote:

    I am not an official follower but i check in every week! I love your style!
    In August, I too, will be living in a hotel!lol My husband had a stroke 5 years ago and his speech is still weak. We are traveling to University of Michigan where they have an intensive speech program for the month. My 2 children and I are going with him where we will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and our daughter’s 3rd birthday! whew…im tired just thinking about it! Love the skirt. Enter me to win!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  152. I follow this blog, and my August plans include celebrating my birthday and driving cross country with my brother.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  153. Jill wrote:

    I’m a follower now! I hop in on your blog all the time, so I’m glad to finally be official :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  154. Jill wrote:

    I’m looking forward to actually enjoying steady sunshine in August… I live down in Oregon, so summer just began for us :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  155. Already a follower! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  156. My August Plans are gloomy :(. Living in Australia means August is cold and still categorically winter – BLAH!. So my August plans will be to watch out for yours and Ninas outfit posts so I can get some Spring/Summer inspiration :). Your skirt would be PERFECT for summer :)
    Even if I don’t win, i’m still purchasing one :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  157. arg wrote:

    i’m a follower of your darling blog! the first half of august will be filled with getting ready for school and the last half will be filled with the first days of school. i love teaching and a new school year is just about as fabulous as it gets! xx

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  158. Andrea wrote:

    August, I’m going to try to clean and purge before fall. Which Arizona doesn’t have much of a Fall here in Phoenix but i’m still going to do it!

    I really want one of those skirts! THanks for giving one away!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  159. Andrea wrote:

    I tweeted about this! @andreaworely

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  160. Andrea wrote:

    and posted on Facebook

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  161. arg wrote:
    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  162. Julie wrote:

    I am a loyal follower :)
    I love the Navy skirt so much!!
    This August we have my mother-in-law coming for a visit from Nevada (we live in South Carolina). And I’m so excited!! She is seriously the nicest woman I’ve ever met. I totally lucked out in the MIL department!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  163. Meagan wrote:

    So glad I am a follower now!
    I have plans to head to my local county fair and take my little toddler on adventures I had as a kid. He is going to love it! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  164. Meagan wrote:

    I Facebooked it! :)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  165. Julie wrote:

    I tweeted!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  166. lala wrote:

    I’m a bloggy follower! No big plans for August…our 4th anniversary, still holding out that this will be the year that hubby plans something.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  167. lala wrote:

    I babbled about your giveaway at

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  168. Jamie wrote:

    My plans for August are celebrating my birthday (8/1), starting my new job at Harvard (8/4), and going to Mexico for the first time (8/17-22). It’s going to be a great month!!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  169. Katy wrote:

    I am a follower:)

    My birthday is on the fourth of August so my husband and I are going to stay a few nights at a nice hotel downtown Indy:)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  170. D'Rae wrote:

    I follow on twitter and on bloglovin!

    August is my 10 year anniversary with my wonderful husband. We have a weekend trip planned to chicago.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  171. D'Rae wrote:

    I just tweeted about it.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  172. alicia wrote:

    LOVE your blog! have been trying to get an awning skirt and they keep selling out before i can!

    Plans for August…. planning my little girls 1st birthday party! its a country fair theme, so lots of DIY decorations and lovlies to make!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  173. alicia wrote:

    Just tweeted about this!!/wontonmommy

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  174. alicia wrote:
    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  175. alicia wrote:

    and fb’d again(on my wontonmommy page)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  176. Katie wrote:

    I am a follower!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  177. Marj wrote:

    im a follower!

    after a crazy summer having my wedding, my august plans are to wind down and get ready for the school year. i teach at a school where women are required to wear knee length skirts which makes this giveaway extra special!

    thanks for this opportunity! =)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  178. I tweeted about your giveaway! (@LiteraryLou)

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  179. Alice H wrote:

    My August plans are just to spend lots of time with family before my husband goes back to school in September. Lots of swimming too! Thanks for the chance – alicedemskehansen at

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  180. Nancy wrote:

    Following you on google connect. I have a week at the beach in Florida planned in August. First real vacation from work this year.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  181. Nancy wrote:
    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  182. Sarah wrote:

    I’m a follower! I love this skirt sooooo much, pinned it the other day.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  183. martini wrote:

    I am now a follower :)

    This August, I will be enjoying the last of my days at home with my newborn son.

    I am a teacher, so unfortunately fun time is over, but I’m definitely ready for a routine.

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  184. martini wrote:

    My facebook friends have been informed of the contest! Fingers crossed I win this spectacular skirt for my friend! Sharing is caring!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  185. I am now a follower! I love your blog and this skirt!

    Plans for August include getting my baby girl ready for school and enjoying the beach with my family.
    I must know where your shoes in this post are from. I love them!

    Posted 7.29.11 Reply
  186. Ashley wrote:

    I am a follower and would absolutely LOVE a skirt!



    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  187. Julie F. wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    August plans: my husband’s birthday and starting school (I’m a third grade teacher). Your skirt would make a perfect first day of school outfit!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  188. Jill wrote:

    I am a follower and really love the skirt!
    July was our fantastic travel month and August is the “Staycation” month. Looking forward to warm days!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  189. Mari wrote:

    Hey Cori! I am DEFINITELY a follower (and 4’11” at that!) and I love, love, love the skirts!!

    For August, I have to go back to school (sniffle, sniffle), but hopefully a mini vacay to Newport, RI will be in the works beforehand!!

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  190. Mari wrote:

    I also tweeted about the giveaway!



    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  191. Lindsay wrote:

    I am a follower! And those skirts just melt my heart with perfect-ness!

    In August, I am visiting San Diego for my lovely boyfriend’s sister’s wedding, and relaxing at my summer house for the rest of the month. So excited :)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  192. steffy wrote:

    I’m already a follower… and I love your skirts. I’m planning to buy one at some point.

    I go back to work in August so my plans for August are to make the best out of the time I have left, and to enjoy my time at work as much as possible!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  193. Meg wrote:

    I’m already a follower!

    This August we’re planning a road trip down to south Texas to visit the in-laws and I’m planning my girl’s 4th birthday party!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  194. I just saw your page and since I absolutely adore this skirt, I liked it!

    I am starting my August by sending out invitations for my daughter’s 4th birthday party. Next week is 3 friends/family birthdays, the middle of the month is my best friends birthday. Followed by the first day of PreKindergarten for my daughter-which in sure a few tears will be shed. Finally, we will finish off the month with my daughter’s baking/slumber party by making mini pizza’s and cupcakes.

    The very last day is her actual birthday, which I am taking her and my two nieces to get pedicures!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  195. I just saw your page and since I absolutely adore this skirt, I liked it!

    I am starting my August by sending out invitations for my daughter’s 4th birthday party. Next week is 3 friends/family birthdays, the middle of the month is my best friends birthday. Followed by the first day of PreKindergarten for my daughter-which in sure a few tears will be shed. Finally, we will finish off the month with my daughter’s baking/slumber party by making mini pizza’s and cupcakes.

    The very last day is her actual birthday, which I am taking her and my two nieces to get pedicures!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  196. Now google following you ;) Been stalking for a while…

    My August plans include a trip to Chicago with my husband for Lollapalooza next week! Can’t wait… and then my oldest son’s high school graduation party along with him moving into college… that rounds out our August…

    So the beginning will be fabulous and the end will be bittersweet… kind of fitting as it is the unofficial end of summer.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  197. KyRn wrote:

    Already a follower–found this skirt on pinterest and am in love!!!
    Getting ready to head on vacation with the hubs and sweet baby girl in August. Will be her first time at the beach.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  198. Amy wrote:

    I so need this skirt. It is the cutest! I am a faithful follower.
    This August includes: working on our garden, keeping up with four kids, and patiently awaiting the arrival of my hubby who has been working out of state for 6+ weeks. I also reopen our daycare in a few weeks, so I am enjoying the time off.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  199. Amy wrote:

    I facebooked this giveaway! :)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  200. Mrs. C wrote:

    I’m a follower! We have some great vacation plans for August, next weekend we are going to Myrtle Beach to spend the weekend with friends, then the following weekend we are going to be in Key West.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  201. KyRn wrote:

    Also, put your link on facebook!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  202. KyRn wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  203. Mindy wrote:

    Hello! I am a long time lurker and just became a follower. I love your blog, I check it out every morning while my little one watches sesame street :) I love, love, love this skirt!

    My big August plans is to get pregnant :) Hoping to make my boy a big brother this year! Thanks, Mindy

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  204. Kat wrote:

    I am a follower of your blog and I love reading it! In August I begin my last year of law school, but before that I plan to relax for another couple weeks!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  205. Yay Cori! Love the blog, but love you more. Miss u in AZ.

    This month I finally get my husband back from 3 months of work stealing him away. i know you know all about that! Can’t wait to have a little staycation with him.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  206. erikaon8 wrote:

    I have been a follower for a while. We are planning a road trip that will cover Utah, Idaho and Oregon, and then back to beautiful California.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  207. I blogged about it on my sidebar (so it’s always at the top of my blog) :)


    LOVE The skirt! IT’s gorgeous.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  208. I facebooked about it!


    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  209. I tweeted about it!!/jennabalenna


    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  210. I am a follower!


    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  211. Kari wrote:

    I found your blog a little while ago when LMM featured you, and your darling style and sweet personality made me an instant follower!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    We are starting off August with having my little sis (she’s half my age) come stay with us for a week. After that, we’ll spend the rest of the summer running around with friends and family showing off our cute little 9-week-old BABY BOY!

    p.s. that adorable skirt totally motivates me to shed of the last 15 lbs of my baby bump weight!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  212. Kari wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  213. Kari wrote:

    Whoa…I JUST pinned this skirt the other day and featured it on my blog. I was telling my husband how much I wanted it and then, BAM! It’s up for a giveaway! I posted a link about the giveaway on my FB, too.

    I realllly hope I win!!!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  214. Cerrisse wrote:

    Darling skirt!!! I am a new follower of yours. This August will be pretty hectic with birthdays, pool parties, and getting ready for a beach vacation! super excited :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  215. Whitney wrote:

    I just became a follower!! Your style is darling :)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  216. Chantal wrote:

    I’m a new follower and I love your blog!

    No huge plans for August just spending time with my wonderful husband and super cute baby :)

    this is my first entry at a give away even if I don’t win this is super exciting for me :)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  217. T.Smith wrote:

    Just started following… I’m going to the beach for a week with old friends from college to celebrate a wedding!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  218. Follow! We are spending time at Grandma and Grandpa’s in Washington!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  219. Amy wrote:

    We don’t really have any plans for August, it’s too hot outside!!!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  220. Chantal wrote:

    I am a new follower and this is my first time entering a give away! I love love LOVE this skirt in every color. Posted this on my facebook!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  221. Karla wrote:

    Sweet! I’m already a follower and I love all the skirts you make!

    August might be a little busy for me! Next weekend my MIL and I are having a yard sale. The next weekend, my parents are coming to visit–YAY! And, hopefully before the month is done, our house will be finished getting repaired after getting hit by a twister back in April–It’s been a looooong summer, getting it all fixed, but I see light at the end of the tunnel finally!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  222. Jodi wrote:

    Loyal follower, and lover of the awning skirt! My plan for August is to finally enjoy some summer weather here in Oregon! Vacation in Sunriver, camp at Foster Lake, put off back to school shopping for as long as possible… ;)

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  223. Love this skirt! I’m a new follower now… And thrilled about it!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  224. I tweeted about this giveaway @ardentsparrow

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  225. Posted on my facebook page as well:

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  226. I’m a follower! My amazing mom and dad are coming out to Reno NV to spend a week with my husband and I. We will be going up to Lake Tahoe, laying at the pool, and nice dinners out! I’m very excited!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  227. Ana Paula wrote:

    I’m a follower!



    Ana Paula – Pretty in Polka Dots

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  228. I’m a follower, and I loooove this skirt!

    My plans for august are boring… my husband is taking the MCAT this month, so he’s studying while I’m finding things to keep me busy:(

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  229. Ana Paula wrote:

    I tweeted about it (AnaPaulaPPD) and since I forgot to tell you what my plans for August are, I’ll tell you now: start working. :P I got hired to teach Spanish at a local high school and I’m super excited. This is my first job since I graduated so yipee for me!


    Ana Paula – Pretty in Polka Dots

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  230. Kristine wrote:

    I follow through Google Reader.
    My August is going to be spent getting the kids off to school my youngest is starting school…bittersweet. And I’ll also be getting ready for our baby coming in September!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  231. I’m a new follower! I have been waiting for August all year-I get to finally have my third baby boy and also see my husband on leave from deployment! Its going to be a great month!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  232. Meredith wrote:

    So far this Summer has been exiting, but morning (all day) sickness wiped away any and all events and outings planned thus far. August I know will be spectacular because my husband and I are off the Hawaii…and it’s my birthday! Just hoping the 2nd trimester magic sets in before the trip!

    p.s. I am already a follower

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  233. I am already a follower and LOVE your self-made skirts!

    I’m a teacher, but haven’t had summer yet since I’m teaching summer school. That ends next week. Then I’ll be down at the Jersey shore for four days with my teacher girlfriends, and then to the Outer Banks, NC with the family. Can’t wait.

    Enjoy YOUR vacay!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  234. Mellie wrote:

    I love browsing your blog and just became a follower! My August plans include a weekend in Bear Lake Ut,and I’ll finish off the month by running my second Marathon up in Idaho. So excited!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  235. You bet I follow. Crossing my fingers for this beauty!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  236. Emily K. wrote:

    I love your skirts!! So much! I already follow your blog and Facebook page. August is busy with day camp, swim lessons, and a trip to Utah.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  237. larissa wrote:

    I’m already a follower!…


    Plans for August: Since MT only has like 3 real months of summer, I’m going to spend as much time as possible in the good ole outdoors. Camping, hiking, tanning…haha

    These are so pretty! I love the blue and white one. =]

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  238. love this skirt! i am a follower. I am actually going to visit my sister and help her with last minute wedding details this august

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  239. erica wrote:

    Ahhh I’ve been eyeing this skirt since your first post of it! I would love it in green!

    August we plan on camping, having family in town and hitting up the splash park as much as possible before it closes!

    You are adorable, I love all of your outfits!!!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  240. I’m already a follower. And I would love to wear that super duper cute skirt (I’ve liked it since the first time I saw you wear it for Church), but since I live in Indonesia, I think that would disqualify me from the giveaway. *sigh* Ow, I forgot, my brother lives in Texas, so I guess I COULD enter the giveaway! Yayyy!!!
    My plan for August? If God’s willing, I shall go to Jerusalem with my parents at the end of the month! I’ve been saving for over a year to pay for this trip for three. This is like, the ultimate gift I could give my parents, so I’m so excited! Holy Land, here we come!

    LeeAnne, Style N Season

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  241. Marie wrote:

    I’m already a follower. In August, I’ll be getting our kids ready to go back to school. We’ve had a busy summer!

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  242. I am now a follower. I love your blog. I’m definately a Mormon mom who needs a little more style. Thanks for your inspiration.

    This August my brother and his family are coming to visit from Utah.

    Posted 7.30.11 Reply
  243. Shelley wrote:

    Faithful follower here! I want/need/desire/would love that skirt to wear to my baby girl’s dedication in August! With such a great event to wear it to, how can you refuse? :) As far as other August plans, we have out-of-state visitors coming all the way to Oregon to see us, a friend’s wedding, and just normal summer busy-ness. Oh yes, and my birthday is the 30th! Double bonus points!

    I hopehopehope I win!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  244. I am a follower!

    august plans: the first week I am traveling to Fancy Gap, Va as a chaperon for my high school. I get my laptop on the 5th. I get to babysit for my awesome aunt! & I start back college with my best friends in the whole entire world!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  245. Mary wrote:

    Followed on FB!

    August Plans: I just recently got engaged so we’ll be doing our engagement photo shoot and since we don’t live in the same state as most of our family and friends we’ll be having an Engagement Party BBQ/Potluck. I am so excited to see everyone and to share this wonderful and amazing time in our lives with them. Ever since the engagement news got out we’ve been bombarded with well wishes from everyone we know and this month has felt like one gigantic bear hug. I can’t imagine how we will feel when we get to do this in person with everyone we loved! I can’t wait for August.

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  246. Grace wrote:

    I follow you :)

    For August…I work at an elementary school so will begin work in a week! Yay!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  247. rachel wrote:

    i follow you on fb!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  248. rachel wrote:

    our summer plans are to spend some quality family time together. i cant wait!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  249. Gina wrote:

    Love your skirts! I hope my August will include more pool/lake days and less work!!!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  250. Andy wrote:

    I have been coveting the skirts! Want one so bad.

    I plan to spend every possible day in August with myself planted in my beach chair with my toes in the sand. Summer is going way too fast, and our few beach days are waning.

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  251. Andy wrote:

    I am a follower!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  252. New follower! You are too cute! I love this skirt!!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  253. Saralyn wrote:

    A beautiful skirt would be wonderful to wear in August when I become the mother of a (gasp) TEENAGER!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  254. I’m in love with your blog. I found you from Little Miss Momma and I’m so glad I did. I would definitely want a skirt in blue. As for August by birthday is Aug 6th and I’m pretty sure a skirt would make a fabulous gift.

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  255. jessie wrote:

    I am a follower! In August, I plan on playing outside with my kiddos and having fun. No big plans, just laid back summer fun, the best way to spend a summer.

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  256. Betherboo wrote:

    I’m a follower! In August, I plan to enjoy the last bits of summer in the park, on picnics with my husband, soaking up the sun and warmth before the Colorado snow hits. :)

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  257. Nicole wrote:

    I already follow your lovely blog! I have been dying for one of your skirts!

    Posted 7.31.11 Reply
  258. dessica wrote:

    I am a follower and my plans for August are to get myself prepared to send my little guy to school; its gonna be tough on me!!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  259. I am already a follower! Love your outfits and super jealous of your ability to sew your own clothes. Flattery will get me everywhere, right??? :)

    For August, we are having friends from out of town in (one all the way from England!!!), looking for houses after many loooong years of living in apartments and a rented condo (my husband’s job finally agreed he’s worth keeping around, so we can buy a house, and by the way I think it builds character when you don’t have your own washer and dryer, which I haven’t for 3 years now, although I would never recommend it to anyone – I can relate to your post last week about waiting on the public washer and dryer and being short 1 stinking quarter!!!), visiting the farmer’s market, and hopefully pulling lots of nice things from my garden.

    I would love, love, love to have the navy blue striped skirt because, honestly, I’m obsessed with navy and stripes right now and you can pair so many things with it. In fact, I’m wearing a navy blue striped shirt as I type this!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  260. Erin wrote:

    I became a follower. My plans for August are to get my kids ready to start school again and try to stay cool as much as possible.

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  261. Hilary wrote:

    I love this skirt! Because I, like you, love stripes!!
    I am your newest blog follower :)
    We have a family reunion in McCall Id planned for August, should be fun!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  262. I’m a follower!

    In addition to visiting long-lost friends in faraway states, August means starting law school for me. Yikes!

    It’s all going to be fabulous and terrifying and wonderful and everything all at once.

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  263. Nicole wrote:

    Already a proud follower! MAN I love the skirt!!! our wonderful plans for August is 2 family vacations (love family get-together) With a trip up to Seattle next weekend! Maybe I will run into you up there. :) Have a great August Cori

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  264. Nicole wrote:

    I just posted you to my facebook wall, and have been telling all my friends to visit your blog to see you amazing outfits and creations!!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  265. i’m a follower! and my fab plans for august are going to disneyland and starting school again. :)

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  266. Danny wrote:

    My plans for August…to “keep calm and carry on!” We are in the middle of building a house and living in my parents basement! This skirt would look fab-u-lous in my new closet…and on me! ~Denise

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  267. Love your skirt and follow your blog regularly. My plans for August are to continue to attend Boot Camp fittness everyday to keep my body well…I also plan to help my father become well again with prayers and love after having spinal surgery in the morning. More Augusts will come so we have to be well to enjoy them. Taking one day at a time!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  268. I’m a follower! My plans for August are to get my classroom ready for the coming school year!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  269. Deveny wrote:

    (Follower) Family reunion at a lakeside cabin in Oregon & then wedding prep for my little brother. Just spent a week at the Oregon coast too… *sigh* Love summer.

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  270. I FB’d your giveaway. And I’m a follower. I love this skirt soooo cute!
    I August plans are finishing the summer semester, turning the big 26, and enjoying the heat while I can!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  271. Jessica wrote:

    I’m already a follower and would love to win this, that skirt is darling! You are amazingly talented! I’m excited for some boating and BBQing with the family!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  272. I am a follower!

    This August I plan on going camping again with the hubby. I mainly am working though to save up money for a CRUISE!!!!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  273. I shared this on facebook!

    Posted 8.1.11 Reply
  274. Kara wrote:

    I’m a follower! My August will be filled with work (I’m a nurse that cares for chronic/terminal ill children… I love it) but hoping for some time to do some sewing :-)

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  275. MJ wrote:

    I’m a new follower!! Love the blog :)

    I’d adore this skirt in the navy, so cute!

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  276. I am already a follower and I love your style! I would be in heaven if I won this fab skirt! I want it oh so badly. My plans for this summer are D-land, and just hangin with the fam!

    A mommy’s life…with a touch of Yellow

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  277. Im now a follower of your blog! My two sisters in law and their kids are coming in town for a while, and a good friend of mine is staying by me with her twin girlies for a few nights! Plus looking fwd to more ice coffees and frozen yogurt fixes!

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  278. Lorena wrote:

    I already follow your blog but I found your giveaway from momma go round’s facebook page!

    I LOVE August! It’s my birthday month…who need just one day to celebrate…I take the whole month!!

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  279. Lindsay wrote:

    Hey Cori–I am trying to send you an email, but it says it is not accurate. Is this the right email–

    Thank you!


    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  280. I am in LOVE with this skirt!!!! Oh My, Oh My!! I have a few weddings in August that it would be PERFECT for!! I sure hope I win… It would soooo make my day :)


    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  281. I am a follower! So glad I found you thru Nina @MommaGoRound :) Love your cute blog and amazing style! August is all about staying home and relaxing for our little fam. This summer has been crazy to say the least! We are ready to just be home, and enjoy fun things our nearby towns have to offer :) THANKS for the chance :)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  282. Posted it the giveaway on Facebook!!! Now 446 followers know about this AWESOME skirt!!!!


    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  283. I am a follower and I love to win that gorgeous skirt…my plans for August is a trip to the beach (Destin, FL) and hanging around the pool..finished school shopping for the kids (class starts in 2 weeks) and just chilaxing for the rest of the summer

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  284. Chelsea wrote:

    I’m a follower.

    This month I’m going to start a job. Exciting, eh?

    I think I would love this skirt to show up in.

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  285. I liked La Vie Petite on facebook (:

    August Plans …

    Shop for the new school year. Can’t wait!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  286. Rachel wrote:

    I’m a follower and for August I’m going to vege out w/ my husband and watch obscene amounts of Instant Netflix before he starts school again at the end of the month. Then maybe I’ll take the littles to the splash park. Oh, and I’ll cook amazing food, yum. I think it sounds perfect :)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  287. Alissa wrote:

    I’m a follower via GFC. August is a little bit crazy for us… I’m headed to BlogHer tomorrow (woo hoo!) and we’ve got lots of little trips planned for the rest of it. Tiring, but fun.

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  288. JeaFunky wrote:

    Gorgeous! I’m a follower.
    I would love to go out on our first date in 2 years since my don was born. Two beautiful children, but momma and daddy need so
    time to get to know each other in this new role of life of seven years married and still going strong!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  289. Erin wrote:

    Blogged here for the extra entry.

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  290. I am a follower! I would love the skirt in Navy! I could where Navy every day if that wasn’t totally lame! This summer is filled with dino and pirate birthdays, house projects, maybe some library trips, and of course lots of reading, house cleaning and enjoying my time with my three little ones!!!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  291. Felisha wrote:

    I am a follower and a HUGE fan. I love your skirts. So cute!!!
    Plans for August, swimming, museums, family time and kids starting school. (Sad about the school part-means summer is ending)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  292. Felisha wrote:

    I posted you on my FB page.!/felisha.hurst
    You are so adorable and fun!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  293. Felisha wrote:
    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  294. I’m a follower (as ‘sassystyle)! In August I plan to have a baby, but would love this skirt for post pregnancy. I just don’t know what color scheme I would pick!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  295. Oh, and I tweeted about this lovely giveaway:!/SkyletteH

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  296. Hillery wrote:

    Saw this on Pinterest and fell in love. Now I’m a follower! Can’t wait to fly home to spend time with family in August!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  297. Sara wrote:

    Ive been reading here for some time but now I’m making it official and following.

    (I have dreams about la vie petite skirts….)

    My plans for August involve getting my homeschooling schedule together, drinking in the lingering bits of summer, planning a huge surprise baby shower for my best friend, and making as many cobblers out of the last blackberries as I can.

    Crossing my fingers!!!!<3

    –Sara Sophia

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  298. Sara wrote:

    I tweeted!!/sarasophia/status/98828894454554624

    (and the fifth better hurry up and get here…I can’t do much with my fingers all crossed up :D)

    –Sara Sophia

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  299. Sara wrote:

    I shared this on my facebook wall….only I don’t know how to show you other than link you to the entire wall <3!/profile.php?id=100000097925109

    There you go!


    –Sara Sophia

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  300. Sharone wrote:

    That skirt? So, so wonderful. I’ve become a follower. :)

    August plans are (hopefully) to write a chapter of my dissertation. Or start one anyway. Oh, sigh. Anyway, reading and research and writing, that’s me. :)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  301. Just started following you. Saw your skirts on Etsy & fell in l-o-v-e!

    This August I am going to start my last year of college – studying elementary education :)


    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  302. Posted on Twitter! :)!/christinebarber


    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  303. Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  304. I just became a facebook fan. I am obsessed with this skirt. I LOVE it. Wow. I’m a new HUGE fan of yours. Navy is my favorite. SOOOO cute!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  305. jaclyn wrote:

    this skirt would b the best birthday gift ever!! just saying.

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  306. jaclyn wrote:

    i’m now a follower!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  307. Beautiful!


    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  308. Ok, I just tweeted too! :-)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  309. Love those! Would love the navy one…plans for august include lots of bbq’ing, cycling, heading to the beach, and making the most of late summer days (don’t you just love august?)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  310. A.D.C wrote:

    Follower! We have spent the summer in California, so in August (next week) we are headed back to Utah where I start teaching Special Ed at a new school, my husband starts the University of Utah, and are 1 year old starts daycare for the first time! Scary, but exciting!!!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  311. I am a follower. I love this skirt and my plans for this august are to get ready for school and enjoy the rest of the summer as much as I can :)

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  312. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  313. I’m new to following your blog! The skirt in Kelly green would be to die for!

    Maybe I could wear it on my trip to TX in Aug!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  314. Magalie wrote:

    What a succes! I am already a follower, from France! I love your skirts. When new items will be available on your etsy shop? I will be thrilled to win the blue one to wear them at the end of the month in San Francisco and California where we are lucky enough to go on holidays! I couldn’t be more excited.
    Best from Norway where I am living!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  315. I’m a follower!
    My plans for August are to get my son ready for school!! Ahhhh! Where has the time gone!?

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  316. and tweeted about it too!!/lenabaird

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  317. Katie wrote:

    I’m a follower. :)

    I am hoping that August passes by quickly, because September we are heading to California for 2 weeks, and then a week long cruise to Bermuda. I’m thinking that this skirt would be PERFECT for the cruise. :) Navy and white…..swoon!!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  318. amy wrote:

    I’m a follower!

    Just spent a couple days on the Lake Erie shore with the hubby and kids.

    Love the blog (& skirt)!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  319. Mary wrote:

    I like your page on FB! You are just precious and have great style. I’d love to move during August…our house has been on the market quite a while so I’m hopeful this month will be IT!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  320. I already follow your blog. ~ Andi

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  321. Nay wrote:

    Hi there:) So happy I found you and your bloggy. I’m your newest FOLLOWER! (Nay)

    Plans for August…bake more with the kids, read more than one book to the kids at night, prepare them for their new schools:), go on a hike with the fam, and a picnic at the beach…oh and I want a girly day at Huntington Gardens (California)…a lot, but manageable!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  322. Nay wrote:

    Hi:) I just “shared” the giveaway on FB (Renee Soriano)

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  323. Nay wrote:

    Just tweeted about the giveaway too:) (naycover2cover)

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  324. kaleedo wrote:

    august is going to hot here so some giveaway may make it seem cool

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  325. I’m a follower! And I love love love this skirt!! My plans for August just include some home improvements starting with redoing a powder room. :) Thanks for the giveaway!


    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  326. Heather wrote:

    I am now a follower of your blog. I don’t have too many plans for August, probably the biggest one is gearing up for my toddler to start pre-school. :)

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  327. Kate wrote:

    I’m a follower! This month has already been a crazy one, we just moved to NYC so we are getting to know the city!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  328. Kate wrote:

    I blogged about it because I love this skirt!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  329. Kate wrote:

    OK, I love it so much I shared on facebook too!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  330. A friend just told me about your blog and I think it is so awesome! I would love to show off this fabulous skirt to all of my friends. My husband and I just moved to Cleveland so we are setting up shop here as he starts graduate school and I finish up my degree.

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  331. Just become a follower- that skirt is soooo cute! August we’re meeting my husband’s family in St George for a few days. Hopefully going to the beach here every chance we get.

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  332. I’m a follower now thanks to discovering you on! August will consist of practicing waking up way too early, followed by going back to school (as a teacher) and meeting all my cute new kiddos! This skirt is precious, as is your blog, and you!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  333. I’m a follower! (And I love this skirt!)
    August is a pretty big month for my little family. My husband has a dental school interview, so our August will consist of practicing lots and lots of tricky questions to make sure he’s ready. Cross your fingers for us!

    — Courtney

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  334. All my friends on facebook now know about this fantastic giveaway!

    — Courtney

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  335. Alyssa wrote:

    I love your blog!! I would love to win one of these skirts! They are so cute!!!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  336. Melissa D. wrote:

    I LOVE this skirt!! I’m already a follower of your blog. My plans for August are to explore our new area (we just moved to Washington state too!) and enjoy time with my kiddos before school starts!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  337. becky wrote:

    this skirt is amazing! for august i plan on helping my sister get settled in after having her baby! so excited!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  338. LOVE this skirt!! It is so…me! OK…maybe not “me” but for sure what I would want “me” to be if I had it!!

    This August…and after almost 3 years…I am going back to work!!! Our little guy is now in preschool (tear) and while he get’s his socializing and fun time at preschool I am going back to work as a hairstylist!! I would LOVE to have this skirt to show off to all my clients and put me back on the sass-ometer!! FINGERS CROSSED!! I NEED cute clothes, I’ve been living in yoga pants and tank tops for the last three years….PICK ME PLEASE! PLEASE!!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  339. Just started following!

    I was browsing through Pinterest tonight, saw your skirt, and followed links to your etsy page and then this lovely blog. These skirts are so classic and beautiful.

    I’m hoping to fit in a lot before I head back to school on the 20th: visit my sister in CT, help my mother with my niece’s first quilt, finish a few sewing projects so I’ll have some new duds for teaching, and make it up to Chattanooga for my nephew’s 5th birthday. Loads of fun!

    Posted 8.4.11 Reply
  340. Kayli wrote:

    I’m now following and I really really really want to win the skirt. Please pick me!!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  341. colette wrote:

    I love your blog! and i love the skirt!

    my fabulous plans for august… my brother in law’s wedding. more swimming. taking my 4 year old horse back riding for the first time. maybe getting her ear’s pierced, too. crafting, sewing and gardening more. loving life and living it to the fullest.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  342. Jessica wrote:

    I shared this on Facebook and I’m a follower! But this summer has been super busy for me, graduating college, moving apartments, getting MARRIED and my husband starting a new company. This weekend I am going to Chicago with some girlfriends and at the end of Aug, the Mr. and I will being going to the Minnesota State fair with his family!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  343. I’m a new follower!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  344. mstalcup wrote:

    I already follow la vie petite and LOVE your blog! You are so stinking cute!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  345. mstalcup wrote:

    August plans – going to Orlando with the hubs next week! Its a work thing, but we do get a lot of free time to do stuff on our own! Plus, alone time without the teenager and two toddlers. :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  346. Jessica wrote:

    I posted about your giveaway on my facebook page!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  347. Lauren wrote:

    Awesome giveaway! I love this skirt. In August, I’m pretty much just working (lame) the whole month. But I do get do spend two days in Zions National Park!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  348. Nicole wrote:

    I just facebooked about you, this lovely skirt, and how much I want it! Pick ME!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  349. rachelle wrote:

    It’s August and summer is finally here! As a fellow Northwesterner I am happy to say that we finally are getting our summer in Seattle! Our August will be spent with lazy days at the pool, sleepouts on the trampoline, waterfights in the backyard with the kiddies, and an 11 year anniversary celebration downtown with my hubby!

    ps I LOVE your awning skirts. so cute. so in love with stripes.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  350. rachelle wrote:

    ps, I’m a blog follower! And I’m in your new ward!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  351. Mallory wrote:

    Of course i follow your blog!!! and i would REALLY REALLY love to win this skirt!!
    we just bought our first house, so for august it involves a lot of searching on craigslist for the perfect, inexpensive, accent chairs. Lots of painting, and decorating. And lots of cookie making to say hello to the new neighbors :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  352. Mallory wrote:

    i tweeted about the giveaway! @seekingmystyle

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  353. I can’t get this skirt out of my head!! I even added it to my “pintrest” board!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Now I just need to find the perfect shoes:)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  354. Senessa wrote:

    I am a follower! My plans for August include trips to the beach, park, playing in our backyard with the two cutest kids EVER(mine) and learning fun new recipes in the kitchen :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  355. Chantal wrote:

    I’m a new follower to your blog, I discovered it through Kari Otto. I entered the giveaway and posted your blog on my facebook. It wasn’t until Today that I REALLY started to read your posts (not just skim through them) And I have to say I am sold. I LOVE your blog. When I first opened this page I thought oh boy, another fashion blog. They all seem so similar. And I’m not a huge fan of fashion today, it just looks so frumpy to me. But your blog is head and shoulders above the rest. It is amazing. I love your style, you look so put together and so amazing! I have issues with style these days, I’m 5-8 and super skinny. And I hate it. Its so hard to feel motivated to buy new clothing because its hard to find something that fits. So i usually stick to t-shirt and jeans. Not so cute I know. But you have motivated me.

    August is going to be a fun month for me, I just started a new blog and I will be really working on it thought out the month of August. I’ll also be spending lots of time with my amazing hubby and super cute super sweet beautiful 9 month old baby girl.

    As I said earlier I already facebooked this, but I am blogging it right now. I am 100% a believer in your blog!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  356. Senessa wrote:

    I posted the giveaway on facebook!

    Senessa Tiffany
    I love this blog and she is having a GREAT giveaway!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  357. My cousin just introduced me to your blog! Love your style, LOVE the giveaway skirt!!!! I will be finding you on fb!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  358. Now a follower, like you on fb and posted the giveaway on fb!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  359. monica wrote:

    I’m a follower! love your blog. Plans for the rest of the summer: just work hard until September when I get a tiny vacation.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  360. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  361. Lindsay wrote:

    I follow you!

    LOVE, love your blog!

    We are heading out to the coast next weekend! I love living so close to the beach.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  362. I just started following your blog! I think it is fabulous! The skirt is so cute!

    My plans for August are to do a scrapbook for my beautiful daughter, who was recently a stillborn, before I get started back with school the end of the month.


    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  363. D-Bo wrote:

    I follow!!!!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  364. Emily wrote:

    I really really really want this skirt! I will even pay for it if you put more in the store! I’m a follower and my August plans include camping in Branson with my family. Hey y’all. :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  365. follower!
    no big august plans, just getting ready for school!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  366. lisa wrote:

    I love this skirt! I found your blog thanks to I am now a follower!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  367. lisa wrote:

    just tweeted about it as @justfabuless.

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  368. I’m a brand new follower of your blog thanks to this very skirt that i saw on pinterest! I absolutely love this and have shared your work on my boards!

    I’m not exactly sure how this works so ill put my email just in case it doesn’t link you to it!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  369. Oh, and silly me i forgot! In August I’m heading out to Chattanooga, TN away from my family and friends for my first year of college! so i’ll need some amazing style points there ;)
    I shared your page on tumblr too! :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  370. Lisa wrote:
    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  371. Mari wrote:

    I’m a follower and I would so love this skirt! I’m not sure what our plans are for August but we may also end up in seaside (we live in vancouver, wa). We like to visit the coast a couple times each summer because you are right, it’s totally gorgeous!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  372. Anna wrote:

    i’m a follower! my august plans involve chasing my two kids around and regular trips to the pool!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  373. Maggie wrote:

    Help Wanted

    Fashion insecure female seeks fabulous skirt, preferably of the blue and white stripe variety, to pair with great blouse and cardi for a can’t miss fashion victory.

    Qualifications: must be handmade, fantastic, and (hopefully) free as employer is a stay-at-home mom living the student’s wife lifestyle.

    Applicant may gain useful employment as soon as it becomes available. August will be an ideal month as skirt may be required to appear in family pictures.

    We look forward to hearing from you :)

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  374. Have I mentioned I love this skirt?? Because I DO!! I keep telling all my friends about it and how I NEED it as I re-join the world after almost 2 and a half years of staying at home!! GOODBYE sweatpants…HELLO NAVY AWNING Skirt!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  375. brnidtica wrote:

    LOVE the skirt!!! I’m also a follower!!!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  376. Chereebee wrote:

    I am already a follower. Looove your blog and i neeeeed one of those skirts, so cute!!
    Swimming, swimming and more swimming for us in august!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  377. brnidtica wrote:

    Posted about the comment on FB!!

    Posted 8.5.11 Reply
  378. brnidtica wrote:

    Oops!! Meant to say, Posted about the GIVEAWAY on FB!!! Thank you!! :-)

    Posted 8.6.11 Reply
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    Posted 3.30.13 Reply