i have in fact, been getting dressed.

Despite my lack of outfit posts for the past few days, let me reassure you that I have, in fact been getting dressed.  Some of the outfits were even blog worthy.  Unfortunately, I failed to take any pictures on those days, cause I’m lame.  Instead you get to see me in a pair of cut-offs with the hair going au-naturel.  Which, in other words, means frizzy.  Sick.  But isn’t my family beautiful?  I mean, I don’t want to be vain, but the Mr. and I make some beautiful babies.  We should have ten.

Also, I am very much aware that my gorgeous children all look like orphans.  Vacations are for playing in the surf and running around like hooligans, and not fussing over hair and whether outfits match and whether or not little 3rd born still has chocolate on his face from the cookies he ate 2 hours before.  


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  1. Pricilla wrote:

    Welcome to Oregon! I love your blog, and seeing as how I am from the Portland area, I thought it was about time to make a comment :) Glad you are enjoying Seaside! LOVE your style too. I am living vicariously through you for that as I am super preggo with number six and too big to want to wear much other than the hubby’s t-shirts. Okay only on most days ;)

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  2. newpetite wrote:

    You are right.. vacations should be carefree and fun!

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  3. Emily wrote:

    Sweet photos and blog! :)

    Posted 8.2.11 Reply
  4. Michelle wrote:

    Looks so beautiful where you are! I would take your hair any day (mine is baby fine and super flat — blah!). You all look great! Enjoy the rest of your time there :)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  5. Flor wrote:

    your hair looks gorgeous and your kids are just adorable! And I totally agree with you about the vacation..you just have to enjoy it and not sweat the small stuff! :)

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  6. That’s what’s so wonderful about summer! Your kids can look like mismatched hobos, everyone wears flip flops and no one cares because it’s summer time!!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  7. Erin wrote:

    Yep I agree your kids are pretty darn cute! I also agree vacations are a time to enjoy without worrying about outfits etc! We too are in Seaside right now, and are just loving it! Just spent the day at the beach at Fort Stevens skim boarding and splashing in the waves. A bit too cold to swim though! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  8. Erin wrote:

    ooh..sorry one more thing! Have you visited the SEA SIDE CANDY MAN @ 21 N Street??? My kids are addicted to the Salt water taffy from there…he has over 180 flavours!

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply
  9. Courtney wrote:

    You family is so cute. I’ve been looking at your blog for a while. I’d love to ask you some questions – how do you post pictures of your kids without feeling fear of something bad happening!! I would love to post my baby’s pictures but I’m so afraid! my email is courtneyfowler(at)gmail(dot)com if you feel up to sharing some advice! otherwise, keep looking beautiful!

    I Can Be Many Things

    Posted 8.3.11 Reply