
Tie-blouse: Ruche.  Trousers: Banana Republic.  Cardigan: Target.  Belt: Vintage.  Oxford Shoes: Payless. Ring: c/o Little Miss Momma.
A quick hello from the Beehive state.
I’m happy to report that my family is just as awesome as ever.  My sisters are the bomb, my brother the best, my parents wonderful.
And spending endless hours just hanging out with them doing any number of silly little things, is more wonderful than anything else I can think of or imagine.
Including ordering 14 sushi rolls and eating them all.  Swooning over the new Twilight movie (not even ashamed). Ordering breakfast at Ihop at 2 am in the morning because we’re too lazy to stand in a 3 hour line at Kohls’ Black Friday sale. Taking a 3 hour nap the next day on mom and dad’s couch, cause we stayed up all night.  Painting our nails at the kitchen table while our men folk made bio diesel at the counter. (We have really brilliant husbands–don’t ask) Laughing, talking, eating, laughing, talking some more.
That’s what life is all about.


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  1. newpetite wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  2. newpetite wrote:

    gorgeous! Love when family gets together. The fun, the talks, the lazing around and the happy sigh :-)

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  3. Lisa wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  4. Lisa wrote:

    sounds perfect cori!

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  5. Love the blouse! Great pictures.

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  6. Momma Bird wrote:

    You are too sweet!! So glad you’re having a wonderful time! Live the pants too – what style are they?!

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  7. Michelle P wrote:


    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  8. lori wrote:

    that bow blouse is to die for- the color is beautiful! the loft has a similar style… red, ivory and black… i bought 2/3 of the colors :)

    your family sounds so fun! hope you guys are having a great trip!!

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  9. Sounds like an awesome holiday!

    Posted 11.26.11 Reply
  10. Emily K. wrote:

    So glad you’re having a perfect time. It was heaven with my parents here. My other 2 sisters and brothers would have made it even more delicious. Hooray for families!

    Posted 11.27.11 Reply
  11. Nav wrote:

    Aw Cori, sounds like an amazing time with the family and your husbands joke totally made my day. I thought only men in our family did that!

    lovely blouse, you look wonderful as always!

    xo Nav

    Posted 11.27.11 Reply
  12. I always love your outfits! And I especially love the color of this top on you!


    Posted 11.27.11 Reply
  13. Truly sounds like a perfect weekend!!
    Love your outfit! That top is gorgeous.

    Posted 11.27.11 Reply