
On a crisp day in November, the clouds opened up, a light shined down from heaven, and USU actually won.

Miracles do happen.

And football games are a lot of fun.

ps. isn’t Mr. cute?

oh, I love that man.


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  1. See, now that’s why you support the USU hockey team. They almost never loose! You’re right, though, it’s awesome we won! Go Aggies!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  2. PS-I love your hat, so chic!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  3. Looks like a fun Utah trip!! Oh how I miss it there.. You look beautiful as always!! xoxo

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  4. Elle wrote:

    cute hat girl!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  5. newpetite wrote:

    All you girls have gorgeous hair and are so beautiful!!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  6. LaynahRose wrote:

    hahaha I thought your sister was you for a second.

    um, you and Mr. are the CUTEST.
    and i love that you call him Mr.

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  7. Heather J wrote:

    Random..I know your sister Meghan. We were in the same married student ward for a while. I thought there was some resemblance there. Fun! And yay, go aggies.

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  8. What gorgeous sisters! You are very blessed and you look like you’re having a great time!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  9. That cloche hat looks so cute on you!

    Posted 11.29.11 Reply
  10. mandi c wrote:

    Yes and now a bowl of something? (I majored in art, come now. They’re lucky I know anything ;) ) You guys picked the right game to go to! And a gorgeous day too. And you look super chic!

    Posted 11.30.11 Reply
  11. Mary wrote:

    You girls are beautiful!

    Posted 12.1.11 Reply
  12. Randi Lynn wrote:

    Currently at USU…and loving it!

    Posted 2.6.12 Reply