Pants: Banana Republic (thrifted). Long-white Tee: Gap. Sweater: The Loft. Scarf: Old Navy. Belt: Mr.’s. Oxford Shoes: Payless. |
I did this a few months ago and it was pretty fun to find out that there were a lot more people out there with strange idiosyncrasies like me…
7 random things you might not know about me:
1. I have TMJ. I have no idea how to pronounce what those letters stand for, but it means that my jaw poppity-pops all the time, especially when I’m eating. And it kinda hurts. It’s awesome. Apparently chewing gum can make this worse, but I like to have good breath, so I chew it anyway. I went and saw a dentist about it a few years ago and he basically told me they would need to cut my jaw open and do all sorts of horrific things to my general face area in order to fix it. Which included pulling out some of my teeth (what the?). This both terrified me and made me feel like some kind of freak. No thank you, Mr. dentist. I think I’ll just chew to the popping of my own jaw.
But I don’t know what I was expecting from that guy, he was the one who used to touch/caress my cheek while checking my teeth and tell me I had beautiful ivory skin.
(He’s not my dentist anymore.)
2. Mr. has never seen “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” This isn’t really about me, but I felt like a travesty of this magnitude should be shared with the general public. I don’t know why I haven’t introduced him to that stroke of brilliant perfection in the last, oh nine years that we’ve been hanging around each other. What is wrong with me?
3. I wore braces for a year and a half in high school. And it was not pretty. If you think my two front teeth look big now…
4. I have 4 sisters and we like to make up dances when we get around each other. This practice began with a vengeance during elementary school (think fully choreographed Lion King lip-syncing to Hakuna Matata), continued through high school, and now that we’re all grown-up doesn’t appear to be going anywhere.
The other night my big sister Tashi texted me a video of my little sister Meghan busting out a dance they had just made up in her living room. I was (secretly) so jealous that I wasn’t there. Whoops, I guess it’s not a secret anymore. Yes, I’m 29.
5. Speaking of dancing, I was a cheerleader in high school. My favorite teacher called me a “rah, rah.” This was the same teacher that brought a phone book over to my desk to put my feet on, because they didn’t touch the floor. (Still don’t.) And yes, they threw me in the air. And. I. loved. it. Sometimes I make Mr. put me up in a stunt, just to relive it. Also, the man has really nice arms. I like to see them in action.
6. I’ve read Pride and Prejudice more times than I can count, and every time I get palpitations when MR. Darcy starts talking about Elizabeth’s “fine eyes.” This occurred the other day while I was reading at the gym, but then again I was running on a treadmill so that might have had something to do with it.
7. I have very strong opinions about politics, but I won’t talk about them on the internet, because I think people can become despicable when hiding behind a keyboard, and it hurts my soul to see the things they write about other human beings. I believe that disagreement and respect can coexist. I also believe that this understanding is one of the (many) reasons I have an amazing marriage.
That and Mr. is a saint.
My goodness I love that man.

Ugh, my jaw pops too. Okay soo one time, after Spanish class, our teacher let us all crowd around the door and wait for the bell to ring and this Hottie McHotness/dreamiest football star that ever lived was in my little talking circle and I was so in awe just to be standing by him. Then he ASKED ME A QUESTION and I about died. It took a second for my brain to get over that he just said words in my direction and as I opened my mouth to answer my jaw popped and all I said was “ow…” and he was like “Um…did you just grunt?” And I’m pretty sure that’s the last time we ever talked.
Every single word in number seven is just perfect. Why can’t everyone understand that?!
I had TMJ as well!
One night at Church during communion it was really playing up and I was just like, “Jesus, I can’t handle this anymore!” And all gone, all healed right then & there never to be seen again!
I have TMJ too. Try finding a chiropractor to adjust it for you(they can adjust any joint)! It’s weird at first(it’s so close to your ears so it’s loud) but it makes a world of difference. And the best part is no surgery! Oh, and I love Pride and Prejudice too; it’s one of my favorite books.
HA! Funny post.
I had braces in my latter teens, and although I don’t have the jaw noises and pain, I have fluid retention in my ears and face which my primary doc says is related. I think I’d much rather have the pain, because the fluid stretches out your skin and ages it. :/ I think I’m going to have to do the horrific face-cutting-open thing sometime.
I like those olive pants a lot!
I want a pair of those and some red ones, too :)
And btw – your hair is gorgeous!
Happy Monday, girl!
Ooogh I have TMJ too, but my dentist says it’ll cost all kinds of money to fix, so I just live with it. Also, our second son was literally named after Ferris Bueller (just the Ferris not the Bueller) so I agree – travesty!
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. I’ve had the same thing since I had braces when I was a tween. I wanted to know what it stood for, so I looked it up and never forgot it. I get pain in my jaw when I chew gum too much, or when I sit on the couch and inhale a bag of corn chips all by myself.
I just pop a couple of Tylenol and ignore it. And keep eating the corn chips.
Thank you for saying that its okay to agree to disagree. My in-laws are a super duper conservative family (which there is NOTHING wrong with BTW) who need to be taught this concept. Makes family meals and raising their grandbabies very hard some days.
Love your pants in this post! :0)
Thanks for being you!
I will say that it is hard with the political stuff, because I believe that some policies that well-meaning people enact actually are hurting people, and the people who support them have NO idea. When the media only reports/supports one side, it just compounds the problem.
But, yes, all human beings should be respected and name calling should not occur.
i also have TMJ. it’s not a good time, but i’m pretty sure i, too, would rather deal than have scary things done to my face/mouth/jaw, etc. it’s been bothering me especially bad the last week or so. boo! and yes, i still chew gum also :)
I had my dentist fit me with a mouthguard that I wear each night and my jaw never pops now. Course, if I stopped wearing it, it’d begin popping again. I hate TMJ but this makes it manageable.
Also, you are too stinking cute. :)
I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one with TMJ, although I never knew what the heck it was called. I just thought my jaw was just weird!
That dentist sure sounds like a weirdo – glad you dropped him.
Love the disagreement and respect part. If everyone thought the same, what a great world it would be. *sigh* one can only hope.
This was fun reading….I really loved #7 :)
TMJ disorders can also be fixed by a Physical Therapist and it’s much less scary/painful than surgery or the chiropractor. Try to find one in your area that specializes in it and they should be able to fix you right up! And, as always, great outfit!!
My Mom wears a bite guard, her dentist had it made for her, at night to help with her TMJ.
My jaw used to pop too and I went to a chiropractor for something else and my jaw hasn’t popped since.
Yup, in total agreement with #7. I HATE it when bloggers talk about politics–because we usually totally disagree–and then I feel differently about them.
And forget talking about politics with neighbors, friends, or family. People just can’t be civil!
My brother had TMJ but it went away, and when I chew on something too much my jaw starts to pop, like if I eat too many potato chips. Weird.
And did you see the Ferris Buehler commercial from the super bowl yesterday? It definitely made me want to watch the movie again.
And I loved making up dances when I was younger. Wouldn’t it be so fun to be a dance teacher?
love your blog, been reading for a while, but don’t think I’ve commented.
OH I have TMJ too! I thought it was just me, but reading through all the comments I see that there are many others going through the same thing!
My dentist and my oral surgon told me I needed to have my jaw cut in half too. I have severe TMJ and arthritis in my jaw. I’ll, hopefully, be having that surgery sometime next year. I’ll let you know how it goes….= )
I have TMJ disorder and my dentist fitted me with a mouthguard to help with grinding my teeth. This, many times, is the reason why your jaw can get misaligned and start popping. I also see a chiropractor on a regular basis to get my jaw adjusted…which sounds painful, but actually it feels like nothing yet makes a tremendous difference.