Wishing my darling sisters weren’t 800 miles away from me right now.
Nobody makes me laugh like them.
Thinking about how we ditched all the Black Friday sales and went to IHOP in the middle of the night instead.
One of the best times I’ve ever had.
Miss you all.

ps. if you feel so inclined jump on over here and vote for me, s’il vous plaît.
(I’m under “recently added”)
Such a beautiful group of ladies!
And I have to ask, twins?
definitely a beautiful group of ladies, I miss my oldest siblings since they live in another country, I can relate to this. I agree with CC, you’ve got to be twins, right?
You and your sis do look like twins! So true! Love the pictures.:) Gorgeous!
You four won the gene pool lottery!
Samantha @ myfulllife.blogspot.com
Aww, I know how it is to be far from family, no fun. Hope you get to see them soon!
Wow! Your sisters are so beautiful. And the one in the middle with you looks just like you!
Are you a twin???
I hear ya girlie! My 2 sisters live almost 1k miles away and it’s the worst. Thank heaven for phones, facebook and skype!
awww cute!
Same question. Twins???? All Beeutiful girls.
miss you too sis :(
wow you are all gorgeous! What good genes in your family.
Totally voted for you as well
Hugs xxx
so glad to have found your blog through bouffe e bambini! you are gorgeous inside and out!!
If you only knew how much I miss you too Cori, EVERY DAY!!! Love you and love this post:):):)
Wow, how crazy.. every time you would mention your sisters I would auto-envision Cori + 3 other quasi-look-a-likes, perhaps with slightly different hair… and yes, there’s one who fits the bill but where did the blondes come from!? Man I love genetics, you just never know…
So gorgeous! Love the smiles here! voting done :)
Oh! My sister is flying in this weekend! And I can’t wait. There is nothing like a sister.
what a gorgeous group of women! i wish i grew up with sisters… hopefully i will have 2 baby girls so they can have lifelong friends like you!
Are you a twin? That’s so creepy, seeing the too of you together…like seeing double! But in a good way :)
I can’t find your blog on the lists to vote for you :-(
It is so lovely that you have such a good relationship with your sisters, the four of you are so gorgeous!
All four are my daughters. Their looks come from their mother and my mother. No help from me directly. The key to having a close family after the kids grow up? The family that plays and prays together stays together!!!
It’s not complicated, but it does require effort! Church every Sunday together as a family, weekly family night’s, lots of family vacations and lots of really fun traditions . . . especially holiday traditions! Lots of group hugs, lots of hide go seek with Dad as he comes home from work, lots of Mom as taxi driver, classroom volunteer, at every game to cheer for her cheerleaders (three of our girls were cheerleaders), baking and sewing with Mom, raised on lots of great music (from The Beatles to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir), piano and dance lessons, summer girls camps, church youth conferences, etc. Lots of work and expense, but it is sure worth it!
Ah, thanks Dad. Love you. and ps. you are very good looking!
The two blondes look so much alike, and you and the sis in the middle…i almost can’t figure out which one is you! Hilarious!
And to everyone who asked, no I’m not a twin. ;-) But people have been asked me and my sister that question since we were very young. I guess that means we still look alike??
asking not asked. hehe
How far apart are you two? and the rest of your sibblings?
You have such a beautiful family!!!
Great candid photos! I can’t believe how much you and Meghan look alike! Such a beautiful family!
My sister and I have gone throught the same thing our whole lives. We are 19 months apart. Even in adulthood people still ask if we’re twins.
You can feel the love by looking at these photos… thanks for sharing
I def thought you were forsure twins!! Well either way you and your sisters are beautiful and look very happy together! :) Love that your dad made such sweet comments! :)
You and your sisters are gorgeous and I love seeing the diversity in your looks while still seeing the resemblances. I never had a sister but I am looking forward to this for my 3 girls!
Is your sister Toshina? I am not sure how I found your blog. :) But I work with her indirectly as we share some of the same clients/students. :) Lovin’ this adorable blog!
Yes she is! How funny. What a small world! And thanks so much for reading.