the thing about nail polish.

Top: Gap(recent).  Pants: Old Navy.  Belt: Thrifted.  Flats: Cents of Style.  Necklace: NY&Co.  Ring: Dillards.  Sunnies: Oscar de la Renta. Polish: China Glaze (re-fresh mint)

I don’t think I can call myself a proper girl. 

At least not when I compare myself to like 90% of the rest of the female population.

And here’s why.

I have like maybe 6 or 7 bottles of nail polish.  Total.

And 3 of them are some similar shade of bright pink.

Mostly only used on my toes.

Here’s the thing about nail polish.  It’s kind of a big pain in the patootie for me.  First of all, I’m not a big fan of my fingers.  Or my sausage toes for that matter, or my knees with their perpetual chnubs (Tashi, you know what I’m talking about here).  Come to think of it, I’m not a big fan of any of my joints.  Anyways, back to my fingers.  I wasn’t blessed with pretty hands.  My fingers look like that of a child’s; short, stubby, and (admittedly) chubby.  And unfortunately for me, there’s not much you can do for your hands.  I mean it’s not like you can do pinky lifts when you want to drop a few ounces in your fingers.  So I’ve adopted the nude shoes theory for my hands.  You know how when you wear nude heels it makes your legs look like 2 feet longer.  Well, I kind of figure that if I keep it nude on my fingers, it might make them look longer.  Or at least not draw attention to the overall stubbiness.  (Yes, that’s a word.  I said so.)

This conveniently coincides with the fact that applying nail polish requires a steadiness of hand which I also did not inherit, and a dry time without handling anything that is virtually impossible for a mother of 3.  Do you see how many things are working against me in the nail polish department?  My life is so hard.

Every once in a while, however, a color comes along, like this awesome Minty freshness on my nails, that makes me throw all caution to the wind and go ahead and paint my nails.

And yesterday, I did it at the park.

In the wind.

While the littles played.

Which was actually kind of fun and slightly awesome.

Even if every other mother might have thought I was nuts.

But I totally painted my nails without a single mistake.

Then I reached in my bag to get the keys when it was time to go, and smudged approximately half of my nails.  

And then I realized…

I am nuts.

Excuse me while I go repaint my nails.



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  1. Kimberly wrote:

    I never paint my nails, except for like once a year. And I use a nude or light light pink color. You should try Sally Hansen Insta-dry. Its the only reason my nails get painted that one time a year.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  2. The pastels in this look are so pretty! Sometimes I don’t have time, but I love doing my nails. I just feel like having a manicure makes you look so much more pulled together!

    The Tiny Heart

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  3. I love having colors on my nails but hate the time it takes for them to dry. I’ve been using one if those quick dry topcoats on my nails. Sephora by OPI makes quick drying drops and Revlon makes a good drugstore quick dry topcoat.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  4. Your top is incredible. Ok, really, the whole outfit is a total hit for me!

    I rarely paint my fingernails. I feel like I’m touching them up every day if I do and that seems like overkill. Oh well.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  5. Anonymous wrote:

    Have you heard of the new thing they are doing on nails called shellac?? It’s amazing and looks awesome and lasts for weeks!! You should totally try it. :)

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  6. I usually don’t paint my nails either, for all of the reasons that you listed. I can’t stand for my toes not to be painted though.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  7. newpetite wrote:

    I hate painting my nails too.. specially hands! I have like really skinny fingers which is also a problem you see :-) plus im a mom, who cooks and cleans and takes care of a toddler. So it wont stay on for more than 2 days with out chipping and I hate chipped nails!!

    You look lovely and totally adore the pic of your little girl!!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  8. I was also going to comment about shellac! It’s $20 but it’s a color on your nails that doesn’t chip and stays on for a long time! Totally worth it!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  9. Nerd Girl wrote:

    Seche Vite quick drying top coat is the bomb! Costs about $9 a bottle and has a bit of a funky smell, but it dries quickly, leaves a high gloss shine and my nails look good for a week – I polish on Sundays. Give it a shot!

    Cute top! And my daughter has the same sweater as yours ;)

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  10. I just love the soft colors of this outfit!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  11. I paint my nails all the time, I hate chipped nails so I’m constanly doing them. My solution? Seche Vite. It dries them mega fast. You can find it at Target too.
    Also Shellac works wonders like they mentioned.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  12. So true. And even if and when I do find time to do my nails, they chip within a day, which totally negates the hassle of doing them in the first place! Cute pics…do your children take your pictures? I’ve tried to teach my 5 year old, but they end up blurred….of course. :)

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  13. Shellac/gel is amazing!! No drying time and lasts up to 2 weeks. Perfect!! Love that mint green color!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  14. i love your outfit today :)
    and i’m the same way with nail polish. i usually try to get my nails painted a color that i have at home so that way i can do touchups at home when they start to chip. but i think i get more polish on my fingers than my nails whenever i do it…

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  15. Susan wrote:

    I am the exact same way! Right now I only have 2 bottles of polish, red and pink and they are only for my toes. I am horrible at putting on the polish and for some reason I feel like I can feel it when I put in on my fingernails! :)

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  16. I am the same way! Until recently I only had like 2 or 3 bottles. Now I have a lot more and am trying to get creative! It never fails though I always at least mess one if not 7 up.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  17. lori wrote:

    i have super long, skinny fingers (and finger toes for that matter) and i have an obsession with buying nail polish. i LOVE it. but i always smudge, too. mine were actually mint as well… until i had a job interview and had to take it off to be “work appropriate”. boo. i’m off to repaint, too!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  18. koolady wrote:

    cent of style? tell me about their products.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  19. Lindsay wrote:

    This is EXACTLY why I rarely paint my nails — because I always smudge them and have to start over! Grrr. BUT Urban Outfitters has super nice nail polish with pretty colors. You should check it out! :)

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  20. Laura wrote:

    I know how you feel about the nail polish, but you are so good at doing your eyebrows. I claim the same steadiness of hand problems, but that is why I leave my eyebrows to professionals. The lady who used to do my eyebrows (and hair, but quit recently when she had a baby) used to tell me to just go ahead and NOT even try to do anything with my brows between visits. hahah.

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  21. Jess wrote:

    I never paint my nails either because they chip so quickly that it doesn’t seem worth it. However, I just got new nail polish from (love that
    website!) by a company called Keeki and I really like it. It’s water-based and non toxic so I don’t have to worry as much if my teething baby wants to chew on my fingers. It doesn’t smell bad either, which is nice. I plan to use it to paint her toes/nails when she gets older. It’s pricey but worth it (although it was a great steal on babysteals!). Lasts about as long as regular polish on me, which is to say not long…bringing us back to the beginning. Oh well!

    Posted 4.3.12 Reply
  22. Loooooove this look. And I, too, am not a proper girl. I think I have 5 bottles of nail polish, also 3 in pinky/corally shades.

    Posted 4.4.12 Reply
  23. karpat24 wrote:

    You should try a fast drying top coat. My personal favorite is Seche Vite because it gives a wonderful glossy finish and drys the polish in about a minute. Good luck!!

    Posted 4.4.12 Reply
  24. Who is G? wrote:

    I hear ya sistah! I’m the same way, nail polish for the toes and rarely…very rarely the fingers. I love the color you picked though, very Spring-y.

    Posted 4.4.12 Reply
  25. Anonymous wrote:

    I enjoy reading your blog – thank you for posting! Today, I felt compelled to share something I’ve learned and find helpful. It’s easy to be critical of our bodies; all the parts that don’t conform to some ideal model in our minds…and all over our culture/media. However, when I saw you write about your joints specifically, I wanted to respond to remind us all that joints are meant for movement. Growing up with a mom with severe joint disease, I actively remind myself that my body *works*. It does what it is intended to do, and it does it with relatively little pain or complaint. I encourage all of us to remember what our bodies are meant for, rather than just what they look like, and to be grateful for our bodies’ many accomplishments and capacities.

    In terms of nail polish, consider UV gel polish, or shellac. It’s awesome, stays on without chipping for 2-3 weeks, and dries completely in 2 min/layer. Perfect for playing with the littles, and much easier to apply than old-school polish.

    Posted 4.4.12 Reply
  26. Mallory wrote:

    Love that shirt! Where did you get it? I have grey crop pants just like those, and I love that shirt with them!

    Mallory @ Faith. Fashion. Beauty. blog {Follow Me!}

    Posted 4.4.12 Reply
  27. Mallory wrote:

    by the way have you announced the winner of the DEB dress yet? i must have missed it!

    Posted 4.6.12 Reply
  28. Darla wrote:

    I feel the same way about my knees and hands..but I do like my feet. ;)

    Posted 4.11.12 Reply
  29. ayako j. wrote:

    I have short fingers and really small finger nails too. My pinkie is smaller than one carat diamond… I used to paint my nails with nude color. By the way, is that Old Navy Perfect Khaki? I’m 5’1 and always having hard time perfect pants.

    Posted 4.20.12 Reply