
3 completely unrelated thoughts for you on this lovely Monday morning…

1. It’s officially fall, but don’t tell Arizona that, because it doesn’t care. It doesn’t exist here.  Arizona doesn’t care that it happens to be my favorite season.  It also doesn’t care that all forms of heat have literally become unbearable.  Oh no.  It doesn’t care at all.  It’s just going to keep being bloody hot, probably up until the day I deliver.  And I’ll continue to hide out in my air conditioned house with my pumpkin spice candle lit, and pretend it’s crisp outside. 

 BTW the high is 100 degrees today.  One. Hundred. Degrees. on September 24th…


2. I have a severe iron deficiency when I’m pregnant.  It’s happened all four times.  When I was growing Ethan this really freaked my doctor out, and he shoved all these nasty iron supplements at me that made me super nauseated, then poked my finger to test my blood at every appointment, and guess what?  It didn’t get any better.  Then I deliver, let a few super anemic weeks pass, and all is well.  Unfortunately, severe iron deficiencies come with weird cravings.  Basically, all I want to do it chew on powdery substances or ice.  Not eat.  Just chew.  And it could be anything, from Pixie sticks, to flour, to (admittedly) silty dirt.  I know, weird.  The only thing that helps is chewing on pixie sticks, or crushed ice.  And since I don’t want 18 cavities the next time I go to the dentist, I  basically chew on ice all day long.  Did you know that Sonic has the best crushed ice on the planet?  It’s true.  Did you further know that you can buy an entire bag of their ice?  So guess who has a giant bag of sonic ice in her freezer right now.  

Me, that’s who.   

3.  I am in love with this dress from Gap’s Maternity line.  And guys, I do not fall in love with maternity clothes.  I hate maternity clothes.  I mean I loathe and despise them.  But this dress is so fabulous that I actually look forward to wearing it, and I’m kind of sad that once I have the baby I won’t be able to wear it anymore.  (Not sad enough that I wouldn’t jump at the chance to be done tomorrow, but still)  Pretty please Gap can you make a non-maternal version of this frock with it’s amazing collar and luxuriously soft double knit fabric? 

Dress: Gap.  Shoes: Ruche.  Bag: Michael Kors.  (similar here.)



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  1. Kimberly wrote:

    When I was pregnant with my first I wanted to eat the high density foam at JoAnn. I knew it would be gross, but iron deficiencies do weird things to people. . .

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  2. Maria wrote:

    What? You can buy Sonic ice? You’ve just made my day. I don’t have low iron, but I crave ice and could eat it all the time. I wish I could blame low iron pregnancy on that, but nope, just me. Being weird.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  3. Beautiful pics, especially the second one!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  4. I’m in Mesa and I AGREE 100%! 100 degrees?? What is this craziness?! Well, I’ve lived here two years, so it should no longer be a shock, but I never let an autumnless autumn pass without voicing my indignation.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  5. Mrs. A wrote:

    I live in California and we don’t have fall either. Its been 100 all weekend and supposed to be AT LEAST in the 90’s for a few weeks. Bah! I need fall to happen, and soon or I’m going to be sweating it out in layers and scarves in 90 degree weather… You look gorgeous in that dress.

    xo Emily

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  6. LOve your dress. I live in Vancouver where it rains 7 months out of the year. It must feel really wierd in December to celebrate Christmas in the heat. YOu look stunning in your dress.


    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  7. newpetite wrote:

    Thats a gorgeous dress!!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  8. Learning wrote:

    That is a super cute dress!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  9. Chelsea wrote:

    Sonic does have the best ice ever. hands down. (And I may or may not know from personal experience that you can actually purchase it by the bag full) And also, you look fantastic. I did not love maternity clothes myself, but this dress is awesome!


    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  10. Daisy wrote:

    Come to England Cori, fall has definitely arrived here, a very wet one that is.
    I had iron deficiency as well when pregnant, I had to drink this fluid that tasted of rusty water, it was aweful!
    Loving the dress and the photos are gorgeous as always.
    Have a great week.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  11. sbk wrote:

    how are your Ruche shoes in terms of comfort? i need new black flats and new brown flats so those would be PERFECT. they are so cute! (as is your whole outfit..and pretty much every other outfit you wear).

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
    • Cori wrote:

      They are a dream. So comfy and the cognac is so rich on them. I’ll be remixing these all fall and winter.

      Posted 9.24.12 Reply
    • sbk wrote:

      oh no I was afraid you were going to say that…I may seriously have to break down and buy them now! :)

      Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  12. Amy wrote:

    You are so funny. I hope it gets cooler there soon! Utah is finally starting to cool off so maybe it’s headed your way!


    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  13. Essence wrote:

    On your weather comment, I live in Indiana (Home of corn and lima beans). Today I woke up to a frost advisory. IN SEPTEMBER! Here is the biggest bummer, Its 50 degrees out which can be awesome for some fall layering and rich colors. Like plum, and burgundy, or browns, you know colors that match the beautiful trees. But NO, we had a drought this year and the trees went from green to dead. No beautiful trees to color coordinate with… Just freezing weather. Ba HUM Bug!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  14. Nathyness wrote:

    I feel you on the weather. Here in Miami it was in the 90’s last week. It’s in the mid-80’s right now because it’s cloudy, but it feels so much hotter because of the humidity. And on Saturday night, it was 73 degrees and it felt cool! I was like, “Yes! Our version of the fall is finally here!” Too bad it comes and goes, and goes more than it comes.

    Your shoes and bag are so beautiful. I want them in my closet.

    Earnestyle | Enter my worldwide statement necklace giveaway! Ends September 26.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  15. Mrs. Smith wrote:

    Ew. 100 degrees?! That’s criminal.

    I had anemia for nearly all three of my pregnancies. The first two saw me chewing ice like a mad woman. We didn’t have any local Sonics so I would leave ice out to “sweat” so it would become slushy. Rather sad. I tried *all* the iron pills and the made me nauseated and sick.

    Finally, a midwife-friend told me about Floradix. It isn’t metal-based. It tastes gross, but if you drink OJ before and after it (Vit. C) not only helps the absorption of the iron (but don’t drink milk, calcium inhibits) but it also masks the taste. Finally, for my third (and most recent) pregnancy, I’m NOT anemic. Yay!

    Hope this helps you!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
    • Cori wrote:

      Ah, yes! Thanks for the tip! Where do you find it? Is it at health food stores?

      Posted 9.26.12 Reply
  16. You are absolutely the most beautiful pregnant woman!!! I am loving the dress! Also, I am in Florida… it doesn’t believe in Fall either so I know how you feel there!!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  17. Jillian wrote:

    Cori, you look fantastic! Hope the 2nd time around, I can dress as cute as you do! That dress looks fantastic on you… and now after reading these comments, I have to go check out those flats!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  18. Just love your blog. Love love love it! And I’m 13 weeks pregnant, hoping I can be somewhere near as stylish as you are during pregnancy. I tell you I feel anything but stylish right now. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  19. Rachel wrote:

    I have been following your blog for a few months and love all your outfits. I am due around the same time as you. I have this dress in grey and LOVE it too. I have three more church-going Sundays before my due date and I kind of want to wear it every Sunday. You look SPECTACULAR!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  20. Abby wrote:

    Well, I live in the NE and we’re kissing the warm weather goodbye now. We’ll get a few pleasant weeks, and then about 8 or 9 months of dark, cold HE double hockey sticks…if you know what I mean. Fall is a bad omen.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  21. Monique wrote:

    I love that dress! And, it is quite amazing that it’s maternity. You look great! So, I think about calling you almost every single day. But, I’m a terrible friend and let the day get away with me and it doesn’t happen! One of these days, I promise. We have Samantha and Taylee’s baptism this weekend, so hopefully after the craziness of this week I’ll be getting in touch. I hope everything is going well. You look fantastic! I can’t wait for your little one to make her appearance. I’m just slightly disappointed that I won’t be snuggling her to death though. :( I’m so excited for you! Love ya! Talk to you soon!

    Posted 9.25.12 Reply
    • Cori wrote:

      Miss you so much Mo! Wish I could be there for the girls’ baptisms this weekend. We will all be thinking about you! Hopefully after I have the baby I can make a trip up to Seattle and see you all. Miss you. Love you.

      Posted 9.26.12 Reply
  22. Natasha wrote:

    Oh, you look gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

    Posted 9.25.12 Reply
  23. I crunched ice like crazy when I was pregnant too! And believe me I was thrilled when during delivery the nurse handed me a cup of ice exactly like Sonic’s. :D

    Posted 9.25.12 Reply
  24. Michelle wrote:

    Since you love the dress so much I challenge you to alter it post baby so it can be worn again and again. :) You can do it!!

    Posted 9.25.12 Reply
    • Cori wrote:

      Oh, good idea!

      Posted 9.26.12 Reply
  25. Jenna wrote:

    You look great! I love the dress on you! :)

    Posted 9.25.12 Reply
  26. Emily wrote:

    Do those cute flats run true to size? I’m either an 8 or 8.5, but the 8.5 are sold out. I’m trying to figure out if that size 8 will fit me. Believe it or not, I already have that same dress and bag (Hamilton from last season though), so I might just need to complete the look!

    Posted 10.1.12 Reply