everybody has their place.

Mine is in a sunny corner of my bedroom, in our big soft sitting chair with a book…

It’s where I find my chi everyday.

Where do you find yours?







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  1. Love your style! And your hair! So pretty!!



    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  2. CDS wrote:

    My favorite spot is on the far right corner of our couch in the living room. This is where I unwind. xo

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  3. So gorgeous in these pictures!

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  4. Megan Nash wrote:

    where is that chair from? it looks so cozy!

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  5. CP and KW wrote:

    mine is in my bedroom under the canopy, in the morning light. adore your blouse
    kw ladies in navy

    Posted 3.19.13 Reply
  6. Amy Gaines wrote:

    Love love love that book! Mine is on the back porch on a sunny spring day.

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  7. Mine is in the comfy recliner in the nursery while I nurse.


    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  8. Janice wrote:

    I’m working on my new master bedroom and need a corner like yours! Funny enough, right now my “spot” is in my closet. It’s the biggest one I’ve had and I can go in and shut the door and just be for a few minutes before my one year old starts knocking.

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  9. if only there were enough space in my master for a nice comfy read-a-book kind of chair. hmmm. perhaps i’ll just have to make room. love the outfit, by the way.

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  10. I love everything about what you posted. Big comfy chair and a sunny corner? Sign me up! Too bad my apartment has the sun but not the space for a big piece of furniture like that.

    love the blouse btw.


    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  11. carolynmp wrote:

    the first photo of you – beautiful! your husband takes your pictures, right? he’s doing a good job!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  12. Jodi wrote:

    One of my very favorite books!!!!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  13. OMG you look GORGEOUS in these pics, Cori!

    Posted 3.23.13 Reply
  14. Amber wrote:

    Wow. You are stunning. That first picture is beautiful.

    Posted 3.27.13 Reply