prim, but not too proper.

I feel it is my duty to eat crow and admit to you all that I caved.

I watched Downton Abbey.

All three seasons.

My convictions have their limit and apparently that limit is a bit of peer pressure from my sisters.

So here’s how it went:  My sisters called me up one night.  They do that a lot when they are hanging out so I don’t feel left out, even though I’m technically 800 miles away.   They were supposed to be getting ready to go out, but were they doing that?  No.  They were laying on my sister’s bed watching episode after episode of Downton Abbey.  They were on #4.  And they had just started watching that night.  So after spending a good half an hour raving/arguing the merits of watching it, I agreed that I’d take a look.  If only to appease them.  I went onto Netflix, which thankfully had season one (and good thing, because I’m pretty sure that’s as far as my effort would have taken me), and watched the first episode.

Holy. Hannah.

 Now I understand why the internet and all of social media has been raving about that show for the past few years.

Luckily(?), right after I discovered this new obsession, I contracted a massive case of bronchitis/pneumonia and Mr. was traveling for work for like a month, which meant lots of laying around with my baby.  An ideal situation for making your way through 3 consecutive seasons.

(and if that’s not making lemonade out of lemons, I don’t know what is…) 

I suppose I should feel bad about not having more resolve, but honestly I enjoyed watching it way too much to pretend I feel guilty.  You’ve got to indulge in a few little frivolous pleasures in life or you go crazy.  Which is why I drink a cup of hot chocolate everyday and I put as much whipped cream on top as I want.

Anyways, let’s talk about peter pan collars for a moment, shall we?  And how perfectly feminine and prim they are.   

I paired this one that I found over the weekend with a baseball cap to give it a little edge.  That way it doesn’t get too stuffy.

You know, like lady Mary.

Pants: Crewcuts

Top: Forever 21

Cap: Target.(black version in stores.)

Shoes: Kohls.(love this pair of cap-toed heels.)

Bag: Nine West.


shop Peter Pan tops:


(for those who asked, I wear between a 12 and 14 in little girls depending on the pant)

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Leave a Comment


  1. Rachel wrote:

    You look so much like Jamie Lynn Sigler here!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  2. Janice wrote:

    I’m on the short side too, will have to check out Crew Cuts because I LOVE those pants!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  3. I’m a huge fan of Downton, although after the season finale, I don’t know if I’ll tune in for season 4.

    Love the pants btw!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  4. looking adorable as usual cori! xo

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  5. CP and KW wrote:

    gorgeous pant and bag
    kw ladies in navy

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  6. Oh, I got completed hooked on Downton this year. Had to watch the first two seasons, in like a week, so I could watch season 3 on the telly. Welcome to the club!

    Cute outfit today Cori!

    Sue xo

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  7. Love your outfit today. It’s perfect. I’m such a huge fan of Downton Abbey. The season finale just about killed me. I wouldn’t survive a day in that house. I’m the furthest thing from being proper. I love Maggie’s Smith’s character. She kills me.


    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  8. Monique wrote:

    Love that show!!! Welcome to the Downton Abbey world. :)And, I’m loving how cute you look!Love it all!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  9. I love your outfit!
    I started watching the Downton Abbey just when it first came out loved every moment of it. But when they started bringing too much gay agenda in, I was done… Plus Mathew’s death ruined the show!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  10. Love that top – I see a trip to F21 in my future! As for Downton, my Mother-in-law told me I needed to watch it after my 389th time watching Pride and Prejudice and I thought, ahhh, not sure about it. She brought it over to me so I though, what the heck and popped it in. Oh my stars, I was hooked! Even my sweet Mr. watched both seasons with me and we both loved it. I have yet to watch Season 3 but I noticed it is at Costco so I may just have to pick it up there (wish Netflix had it – we don’t have cable either so that is the only place I can watch stuff). Sometimes it is good to cave to peer pressure!!!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  11. Carrie wrote:

    Nothin’ wrong with changing your mind!

    Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  12. Posted 3.20.13 Reply
  13. PM wrote:

    Hi Cori,

    I love your blog! I know you did a post on exercise and pilates but I’d love to know if there is a specific Pilates DVD that you use.

    Posted 3.21.13 Reply
  14. I totally resisted on that show as well. And fella and I even watched an episode and couldn’t really get into it. But then, I gave it another try. All alone, in one of those moments where you really just NEED a show like Downton. And I couldn’t stop myself. It is SO good. ::sigh::

    Is it wrong to wish life was just a little bit like that? I know, I know… we’ve come so far. ;)

    Posted 4.1.13 Reply
  15. Cute look! I love the new baseball cap trend!

    Posted 4.10.13 Reply
  16. I’m loving these pants! What a fun outfit. The hat is the best part.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    Posted 5.24.13 Reply