used book shops.










The other night we took the kids and my older sister to the Olive Garden for dinner.  Hannah turned nine last week and her birthday requests included going swimming, seeing Despicable Me 2, and eating at the Olive Garden.  We took her there last year on her birthday, and I think it’s kind of her birthday thing now for her, which makes me laugh because I remember being nine and thinking that, except about this Mexican restaurant in California called Chevy’s.  Do they still have Chevy’s?  I hope so…  Also, I think you should know Hannah brought a clutch with her to dinner.  A clutch!  She keeps hinting at becoming a pre-teen and I’m like “No!” and also “Yes!” at the same time, because I’m a mom and being a mom is the weirdest…

After dinner we went and walked main street in Logan, because when you live in a town that has a legit old-school main street you have to go walk it.  It’s one of the rules of small town living.  I almost cried when I saw that one of the used bookstores is going out of business (that kind of thing just kills me), but then I was too distracted by all the antique books on sex laying about on the display table.  I tell you what, those mid-century authors were all kinds of scandalous.  Also, why did they have a display table exclusively for vintage books about sex?  Perhaps it was to lure people in?  I can only guess…

Anyways, we’re still in New York, and holy muggy is it humid here.  My hair is such a mess of frizz I think I’ll do a crown braid today and avoid the whole thing.  Also, I miss my babies in the worst kind of way.  I feel like I left part of me back in Utah and I suppose I did.  It’s sometimes hard to love something as much as I love those stinky littles, but I really wouldn’t have it any other way.


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  1. Anna wrote:

    Oh Cori, your family is so adorable! Loving it!
    And yes New York is so very humid this time of year… Rain and heat is all we get.
    Loving your mint and red outfit!

    Posted 7.23.13 Reply
  2. Kellie Grant wrote:

    Chevy’s exists in Portland!

    Posted 7.23.13 Reply
  3. Carin wrote:

    Your pictures of downtown make me homesick! What a gorgeous place. :) I used to work at a law firm around the corner from the Bluebird. Also, because you mentioned it- would love to know how you do your hair while in NYC. I’m in AL and struggle with the frizz and mess all Summer… Not really worth doing my hair, but I’m the kind who has to every day or I don’t feel ready or put together. It’s kind of a love/hate relationship at the moment. New ideas would be grand! :)

    Posted 7.23.13 Reply
    • cori wrote:

      Carin, I always think I can get away with wearing it down and then it turns crazy frizzy. Today I did a crown braid and it worked fabulous. No frizz and I was so much cooler. I like to pull it up in a messy bun too, but not too slicked if you know what I mean. Yesterday I wore a hat and that helped a little too.

      Posted 7.23.13 Reply
  4. JOYCE wrote:

    Hi Cori,
    I have been reading your blog since late last year and I love it. Your family is adorable and i really enjoy reading your posts. I do have a little one my own and a full time job, so you don’t know how much jealous I am when I read all the fun things you are able to do with your kids. I wish the best for your and your family and please, keep posting.
    P.S. By the way, your sister looks like a top model!

    Posted 7.23.13 Reply
  5. Sara wrote:

    Yes, there are still Chevy’s! They are closing all over the place, but there are still a few around. Lots of people love them, I can’t believe they’re dying out. :(

    Posted 7.23.13 Reply
  6. jocy wrote:

    Hi i love ur blog!!! what camera does you hubby use??? i want it!!!

    Posted 7.29.13 Reply
  7. mandy729 wrote:

    Oh my goodness! Is that one of your skirts?? If not, where did you get it??

    Posted 7.31.13 Reply