We spent all of last week in NYC attending textile shows, and meeting with suppliers. I packed like a ninja assassin for the muggy New York late July heat and then of course it was flat out chilly most of the time we were there. Ha ha, New York. I had to pop into the Gap on 5th avenue one of the days and buy myself a pair of pants because all I brought were dresses and shorts and I was freezing. Neither of us even brought a jacket because you know, you don’t need one in New York in July! Anyways, when we’re not working we try to play as much as possible, because it’s New York and you don’t waste a minute there. Sometimes, I feel like I’m the real life, living version of the Green Acres theme song (except I’m both characters). When I’m in New York all I want to do is walk the streets and ride the subway and watch all the different people and explore all the shops, and eaaaaat. But. Then I get home and I look out the front door of our house on the top of a hill overlooking our tiny town in our pretty little valley, and all I want is a farm with chickens and an orchard and at least two handsome horses. Do you ever feel that there are two separate parts of you? I feel like that about myself. When we used to live in Seattle there was nothing I loved more than going downtown and riding the ferry around the Puget Sound or slugging up those hills (those Seattle hills!), or parking across the aquarium and walking up all those steps to Pike place market. But I also kind of always wanted to drive up into the hills and eat at Tweeds and then explore the Cascades and throw rocks in the river. One of the things I love very most about having this clothing line (besides the part about being up to my elbows in pretty clothes all day long) is that I sort of get to live in the best of both worlds, and that makes me feel very very lucky.
PS. This was Ruby’s bear. We took her with us.
Come back tomorrow if you’d like to see how we make the magic happen. AKA get our work done. ;-)
Also, 2 more hours to enter yesterday’s giveaway. Get on it!
Outfit details:
Striped Dress: Limited.
Striped Top: J Crew Factory.
Navy Pants: Gap.
Bag: Target.
Sandals: Target.
Belt: TJ Maxx. (similar.)

I TOTALLY know how you feel. Some days all I want is to travel and see the world, to be in the “big” cities and explore, to take my kids to see every urban thing the world has to offer. On the other hand, I love our smallish town, I love that we get to throw rocks in the river, and see people we know everywhere we go, I love that we know our neighbors and that life can be as slow as we want it. I love making jam and pie and sometimes wish we could live on acres of land and have a massive garden and chickens and all the space we could possibly want. It is those equal opposites that make our lives rich and full, I think!
I’m curious to know your opinion of Arizona, now that you’ve escaped (ahem) moved away. I am currently living in Arizona, and I am having the absolute worst time trying to be happy here. I also grew up in Sacramento; I’ve always wanted to live in Seattle. Your pictures of trees and green have me swept up by the beauty of it all, as well as depressed that my little doesn’t experience any of it right now. How on earth did you raise four children here??
What an obnoxious question, Veronica. Lots of people live in Arizona, it’s beautiful, and plenty to do for families and kids. Awesome in the winter. The hardest part–and probably not in your opinion—is how politically conservative the electorate is.
She isn’t entitled to her own opinion? I used to live in Memphis and I hated it…that doesn’t mean other people weren’t happy there, but it didn’t change MY experience. Why don’t we try to be more supportive of each other rather than a harsh judgement based on a very sentences.
What part of Arizona do you live in and for how long? Maybe you need to explore different neighborhoods or travel around to different cities. One thing I love about living in the valley is the mountains. Also, a couple of hours away you can head to cooler weather for a day trip, to take a break from the heat in the summer or to play in some snow in the winter. Try a subscription to Arizona Highways magazine, maybe?
Ooh, your trip to NYC sounds fab – what bakery did you go to?
Glad you had a great time in New York!! I lived there for a year (In Brooklyn) and loved it, but it’s one of those places where I just can’t stay for more than a couple years. It’s a great place to experience variety and culture, but I definitely prefer to live somewhere that’s more low key where I can appreciate nature :) By the way, I recently discovered your shop and I absolutely LOVE your pieces!! Your skirts are simply gorgeous, with such unique patterns. One of these days I’ll definitely have to get one and share it with my friends!
Will definitely be following along your site!
I live in the country and I also feel very comfortable in NY. I don’t think I could live there, though. The country is my refuge.
Glad you enjoy NYC, I commute there to work everyday but love going home to my “small town”. I would never think that bag was from target, looks so expensive.
I know exactly what you mean! I am a designer on one hand and love to visit the city to get dressed up walk around and visit shops and parks, but when I am back home I just enjoy living on our dairy farm, talking to cows, and working in my studio barefoot. It’s all about balance! And sometimes the city can really make you appreciate the country.
I just came across your website and I am so glad to have found someone who also (!) makes their products in America!