I think the people who work the flower section of Pike Place Market have got to be among the coolest I have ever met. Maybe it has something to do with hanging around flowers that smell so good all day everyday, I mean how does that not put you in a good mood. And while I’m on the subject, I think I love the people of Seattle the very most in the whole world. You know how every city just has a vibe. Seattle’s got the coolest vibe, everyone is so low-key in the best possible way. It’s like you’re in the middle of the city and no one seems to be in any kind of hurry. I blame it on the Puget Sound. It just works its misty magic on everyone and every thing. Also, I don’t think you can be considered a tourist if you used to live somewhere and then go back, right? Because Seattle will literally always feel like home, and my city, and I can’t bear the thought of being considered a tourist in my city. Someone please back me up on this. Also, can we talk about how I accidentally matched my baby to myself one of the days we were there. Wha?? It’s like I’m a subconscious catalog mom. You may have to have been a child of the 80’s and 90’s to get this, but remember when JC Penney catalogs were a thing? My mom totally ordered me and my sisters matching clothes from those things; we would dressed alike for years. So sad.
Speaking of my mom, when I was a kid she used to love to go through the drive-thru everyday and get herself a Dr. Pepper with extra ice. Dr Pepper is totally her drink of choice. I could never understand this as a kid/teenager, and thought my mom was a total nerd for doing it. Just fill the fridge with Dr. Pepper mom! Now that I’m a mom, what do I want to do like literally everyday? Drive down to Taco Time (they have the very best ice) and get myself a fountain drink because everybody knows that fountain drinks are about a gazillion times better than that crap that comes in a can. Also, I’ve just realized that a Dr. Pepper or a Diet Coke with a shot of chocolate (just trust me and try it) really help me get through that mid afternoon drag that shows up around 2 o’clock everyday. Also, I get grumpy if I don’t get out of the house at least once a day, and no one likes a grumpy mom. Long story short, I finally get my mom’s behavior and in true karma form have come full circle and become a nerd as well, right down to the extra ice. (It’s really good ice!)
So, Happy Friday everyone! We’re spending the weekend in Idaho with Mr’s folks, my FIL has promised to make us steaks and we are going swimming in some wicked hot springs. We’ll see if I get the guts to leap from the high dive, we’ll just see.
And with that, I end the most random post on the planet.
Hey Links!
Pants: Anthropologie. Top: J Crew Factory. Bag: Michael Kors via TJMaxx. Shoes: BCBGeneration.

Yes- fountain sodas are best!
Hi, I have watched your style for awhile now and My style has stepped up thanks to you.
However my husband is turning 30 and we would both like to up his style just a bit. He typically wears cargos and t’s or athletic wear because he coaches. But when we have events he has no clue what to wear. Do you know of any blogs that focus on mens fashion with out being overly feminine i.e. pink pants and what not.? Please advise
thanks and thank you for sharing your life with me.
Cori-I have been spying your blog for a while now- ever since I ran across your beautiful skirts on pinterest. I absolutely LOVE your style and I squeel with excitement every time I see you wear something I have in my closet! I love this post about your fountain drink because I too have to go to Sonic to get my Route 44 diet coke with Lime- EVERYDAY!!! It is neat to see you living in Cache Valley, I am a True Aggie and my sister lives there also. I now live in the great Apple State, where the mighty Columbia and Snake Rivers meet. Anyway- keep on blogging, it absolutely makes my week!
I love the combination of dark and light patterns! Plus the background of flower shops don’t hurt! Happy Sunday!
I moved to seattle about a year ago from NYC and absolutely love it!! I wouldn’t want to call any place else home! I also agree with your sentiment about being a tourist in a city you once lived. I felt the same way when I was back visiting in NYC; once you’ve been a resident, you’ll always be a resident. :)
Okay, you can’t just tell us to try Diet Coke with a shot of chocolate and not explain. This sounds out-of-this-world amazing, and I must know how you make it before I try it! Please make a post just about this! LOL
Haha. It’s so easy. You just get a diet coke and put a teaspoon or two worth of chocolate syrup in it and stir. Best. thing. ever.
Every time I read your blog, I feel like I read my own thoughts. Love it! You are adorable. :) AND, taco time??? I’m so jealous… There are no taco times in Alabama.
Just a heads up you can actually buy a BAG of ice at taco time. Greatest thing for parties. Yummy ice in the go:)
The guy at the QT in my neighborhood knows my name. I’m not sure if that is something to be proud of or not but I’m with you on the mid day pick me up.
Found your blog/site through a pin on Pinterest by Michael Kors, lovely that he led me to your blog, which is fabulous, love your family story and your sense of style, I shared your blog this morning with our three daughters and a daughter in law and know its going to be a fav with them too! Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing!