This is one of those outfits where I look in the mirror and realize that I would have never had the guts to wear it a few years ago. Stripes and spots in this level of abundance would have scared the crap out of me, and now I don’t even blink twice. It’s it fun when you let go of your inhibitions; I mean really let go. I used to be this way as a kid/teenager, real fearless you know, and somewhere along the way in the middle of adulthood I got all timid about taking risks. I blame it on the fact that making adult sized decisions and going through adult size changes really does a number on you. Well, maybe not everyone, but it sure as heck did on me. At some point I forgot how liberating it is to take risks, big and small, even if you fail, even if it doesn’t look good or doesn’t sell, or nobody cares or people are crappy and mean. It doesn’t make that risk any less fantastic, or exhilarating. Plus, I’m remembering two things that I’ve known since I was a kid but sort of forgot for awhile. 1. When you try and fail, you learn a lot. 2. If you haven’t tried you haven’t really lived.
Now go have yourself a fearless Monday.
Pants: J Crew Factory. (similar.) Blouse: J Crew Factory(similar.). Necklace: Etsy. (similar.) Shoes: Zara. (similar.) Bag: Michael Kors.

This is a fabulous post…very inspirational!
I totally agree about trying and failing. If you never take risks in your life then you also may never succeed. Oprah is a great example of that. Love your outfit today Cori. Love the mixing of patterns and i love how you added that fabulous red necklace to it.
Love it and that last picture of you is just gorgeous! Taking risks is what has gotten all of us where we are today, good or bad. Without risks my little beauties would not be here, I wouldn’t have the most amazing Mr. in the world and I wouldn’t be a member of the church. Think of all I would have missed?!?
Great pattern mixing – I love this combo, and great pop of color!
I love your striped bag and your statement necklace! Both are fun and classic, which is the perfect look :)
Suzanne from