Blazer: H&M (old, similar.) Skirt: My Design: Ikat Rust. Tights: Old Navy. Blouse: MyDesign. Wedges: BGBGeneration.(similar.)
Do you want to hear a sad story? Not terribly sad, more unfortunate really. And it has to do with a blouse, so you aren’t going to shed any tears or anything, although I may have. (not disclosing)
Once upon a time, I woke up with a design in my head. That happens occasionally (all the time) and I decided that if my life were to be complete, this design which was just in my head, must become a reality. So I got to work, because that’s how designs that are only in your head become designs hanging on a rack and then in someone’s closet and then off their shoulders, a whole lot of work. And obsession. Over a year of it, to be exact. Changing, perfecting, getting the length/width of the tie just right, the fit, every button hole properly in place, finding the most perfect, beautiful bird fabric on the planet, sourcing buttons, and when it was all done, we had a lovely little secretary blouse that made all my vintage dreams come true. And then the cost. It was just. so. high. And try as we might we couldn’t get it down low enough to even consider making them, let alone make any kind of profit. The day that Mr and I sat down and really, really decided there was no possible way we could make these blouses, I cried. I won’t lie. My designs are like my babies. Not in the way my human actual babies are my babies, but they are my ba-biessss. If you know what I mean. And seeing a dream, all that work and effort shelved for at least a season until we can come up with a better way to make them, or at least a more reasonable cost effective one, it kind of hurt. This is the struggle with owning a creative business. You have to balance staying true to your vision, your art (yes clothing design is art!) with the cold hard financial realities associated with distributing that vision.
I don’t really know where I am going with this except that I wanted this blouse to see the light of day, because it’s lovely and has whimsical little birds flying across it, and a pretty bow at the neck. And it kind of deserves at least a nod at the outside world. It’s been exiled to the far recesses of the studio for months, because honestly, for the first little while I couldn’t even look at it without getting sad, or kind of grumpy. Anyways, for now you can enjoy it via the interwebs and know that at least for a little while it’s one-of-a-kind. I guess that is something.
Hopefully not,
the end.

I am so fascinated by your design process and everything that goes into it! This blouse is beautiful (love the snow pictures!) and I can see why you were obsessed;)
It’s gorgeous! Maybe someday, somehow it’ll be realistic to wait. But in the meantime keep designing and keep pushing yourself.
This blouse is perfect! And I love anything with little birdies.
Tracy @Its Mostly About Fashion
this is a beautiful look!
ladies in navy
I’d pay for it!
The blouse is gorgeous and it’s too bad. But you never know, someday you might be able to make it.Never say never.
I love the blouse! Hope you make it eventually – I would buy it!
It’s adorable! The fact that a design just pops into your head fascinates me – every time something like that happens to me I realize it’s because I had seen it before ;) You have a gift! And as others have mentioned above – I’d buy it too.
That skirt is perfection along with that blazer!!! And the shirt…still cute! You look great!
A blouse with little birds? I would buy it! In fact, I have a peasant shirt with little birds all over it that I bought at Old Navy (on clearance) last year and although it’s one of the least expensive things in my closet, it’s one of my favorites. Little birds are so whimsical and just make you feel good. I hope your blouse is able to hit the market someday…love the story behind it!
Love the blouse and your sense of style!
I have been anxiously awaiting this blouse since I saw the sneak on Insta. (I really am not crazy. Promise) So sad for you (and the rest of us) that it is not meant to be. Whatever you have next is going to be even better. I just know it!
I’d love a closer shot of that blouse! it almost looks like the french hen print from j.crew! xo
This is a beautiful shirt. I love it. if you don’t mind me asking how tall you are? I am petite myself but you never look like it in your picture. Its always nice when you see another cute petite girl. LOL if you know what I mean.
Hi Sam! I am 4′ 11″. So pretty petite
The blouse is beeeautiful! I love secretary blouses but have yet to purchase one.
The blouse is beeeeautiful! I love secretary blouses but have yet to buy one.
Do you really dress this great as a mom? It is great. You should convince my wife to dress more like this!
Lovely mix of patterns! You look so beautiful in the snow :)
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