Jacket: Loft (old. similar.) Jeans: Forever21. Button up: JCrew Factory. Sweatshirt: JCrew(similar). Boots: Hunter. (adult version here.) Glasses: H&M. Bag: Target.
These cold winter days cast an odd blue light on the world around me every afternoon. It makes things seem eerie and almost melancholy. It’s been such a strange, dry winter. Our snow is old, and crunchy. It won’t melt into spring and it won’t really own winter. Everything is barren and a bit boring. Yesterday, Carter asked me which season I loved more, summer or winter. Any other year, I would have said it’s a tie, but this year, I’d vote summer. I knew what he was getting at so I asked him, which of the two he loved most. He told me summer, because winter has been so boring. And I do feel for him and all my littles. What a dull month January is, when you’re shut inside the house because it’s so very cold, and there’s no new snow to play in. We do lot’s of projects and we stay busy, but my children are true backyardigans. They love to be outdoors and these dark afternoons and frigid days wear on us all. There’s only so much a cup of cocoa and a warm fire can do, so unless spring decides to come early, I’m going to pray hard for some fresh snow.

I love fresh snow, but completely hate old snow because it loses all of the things that makes fresh snow so much fun. It’s not fluffy, it gets dirty, and there is nothing attractive about brown (or yellow) old snow. This winter has been cold, but I’d take freezing cold any day of the week over 100+ degree temperatures in the summer!
Great look! I love the casual, layering look!
Love the plaid and the red rainboots, brightens up the whole look!
I grew up with a lot of snow, so moving out to the West has been such a change. It doesn’t nearly as desolate and barren as it does in Alberta. But we do get a boat load of rain. Guess it keeps things fresh. Great outfit. Loving the red Hunter boots.
so chic!
ladies in navy
This is how we live…Hard to believe. Mostly cold, gray days. That’s my life. But my family has lived here for hundreds of years so I stay…
I’ll take any kind of snow over no snow with brown mud and garbage everywhere. Which is what you see when the snow melts…
Winter is hard, but once it starts to get warm time seems to go by too fast. It is summer and then Christmas, and then I’m another year older. So I’d rather it seem like time is moving slower…#ramble
I love your look!
My kids would appreciate snow, period! We got one days worth, but that’s it, so far! I guess this is Seattle though…You’re cute!
Welcome to Cache Valley winters! They last from October until May with minimal snow that is actually enjoyable and maximum cold and gross air. Thanks for reminding me why I was excited to get out of there despite my love for that little valley. ;)
Winter is not my favorite either! I can’t wait for warmer weather.
Oh you are describing my life exactly. It is cold and miserable right now with LOTS of snow, just none of it all that new (we keep getting little dustings but we have so much old crunchy, frozen hard snow all over). It snows in Alberta from October and stays until May and the summers are not all that hot. I can’t wait for warmer days and not having to bundle up every time we think about leaving the house!
This look is beautiful, I love your layering!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes