Top: Michael Kors via TJMaxx (similar) Jeans: Zara. (similar) Shoes: Enzo Angiolini. Bag: Ivanka Trump(similar for a steal). Jacket: Halogen via Nordstrom Rack (similar). Sunglasses: H&M. (similar.) Watch: Michael Kors.
The Mr and I are over the moon that the Seahawks won the super bowl yesterday. While we’re not enormous sports fans or followers (understatement of the century) we do enjoy football (Mr. played and I was a cheerleader, so obviously: lol.) and Seattle is our adopted city forever, so I was super duper happy that the Hawks and their beloved 12th man got to celebrate such a sound victory. So sound in fact that I began to feel a little sorry for Mr. Manning and those Broncos. And also, the game was almost dull… almost.
Gladly wearing my Emerald today in tribute to my beloved Emerald city and all the people I love so much still living there. Wishing I was up in the PNW partying it up with you all.

It is Hawk fever here!! Unreal, actually. I wish you were here to party with us too!! Jake actually asked me if you guys were Sports fans, and I said, um no. But, I bet they’ll watch the Super Bowl!! Love you. You look super duper skinny Minnie lately. This pic especially… You’re hot.
i like to say we’re casual sports fans… hehe. Craig likes to watch a football game here and there. wish we were there with you! love you em!
I love your jacket! You look gorgeous!
Love the look! I have a question? What’s the name and brand of your lipstick? I’m looking for a color just like that ;) Thanks!
This outfit is perfection!
That jacket is so perfect!
All I can think of, though, is if you have gloves in that bag and if you are going to put them on as soon as the pictures are taken. Haha.
Yes, super exciting over here in Seattle! We were a little under the weather, so we had our own little party, but still so amazing! Our neighbor owns a Seahawk bus, so he hosted a huge tailgate party in the street, right in front of our house.
I don’t know where the rest of my comment went! Not done… I was saying, we were invited, but politely declined.
This is weird. It cut me off again… I just love your cute jacket and emerald top! Way to represent! Love and miss you oh so much!!!
obsessed with your jacket and pretty heels!
ladies in navy
I also felt sorry for Payton Manning. It was a hard loss, but a great win for the Hawks. We had a super bowl party, we aren’t big sports fans either but it was fun to watch it with friends.