I feel like just about everyone out there has a person. You know, someone who’s just special. Someone you’d defend and protect come hell or high water, with no thought for yourself, no thought of the personal consequences.
This is my brother Matt.
And for me and my sisters, he is our person.
And what if there was a word, a really derogatory, unkind word that had been used, sometimes innocently, sometimes not and always negatively for a very long time by a whole lot of people that degraded that person, that implied that they and others like them were stupid– almost less than human.
A word that implied that being like them was an insult. A short-coming. A flaw.
You’d probably want people to stop using that word. To lay it to rest with all the other derogatory, hateful, racist words we’ve come to despise as a society.
You’d probably spread the word.
I’m amazed every year, how much progress we’ve made towards laying this word to rest, every year I hear it less and less. Especially from the younger generation,which is why every year it’s so important to keep asking people to spread the word to stop using the r-word.
“When you know better, you do better.”
-Maya Angelou
Please share this message with those around you and pledge to stop using the r-word.
Thank you.
To read more of my thoughts on the r-word, you can see my past posts:

Thank you so much for this! My brother with Down’s turned 23 last week, and it still amazes me how people can use the r-word so flippantly. It’s great to see people spreading the word on this issue, so thank you again. Your family is beautiful!
Thank you so much for posting this! I work with children with disabilities and train special education teachers, so this campaign hits home for me. The r word is so hurtful and unnecessary. Let’s keep spreading the word!
What a beautiful family! I am sure you all give your parents so much to be proud of! He is a lucky brother and you are lucky sisters!
I found your blog because of your 2011 post on this subject, and I’ve followed ever since. Wonderfully said, again. I try to encourage those around me not to use this word, and there has been progress, but there’s still room to go!
Love this post, our society has come along way with the use of that word, Yet, there is still room for improvement!
yes!! it bothers me so much when others use that word, ESPECIALLY bloggers. I’ve definitely shared that link with a few of them ;)
The five of you are so ridiculously cute with your matching shirts, jeans and giant smiles, I can’t handle it!
Cori…what a joy it was to watch that video of Matt! I have so many wonderful, fond memories of him and all you girls. Keep spreading the word about “the word”.
Love to all…..Sister C
I absolutely love this post! Your brother is awesome, and so are you for spreading such an amazing message!
God bless you, dear, for fighting to educate people and spreading the word that this word is NOT okay to use! I am so touched by your beautiful family and the amazing relationship you all seem to have. You are so lucky to know and feel that kind of unconditional love. Your faith and family are truly an inspiration!
I’m ashamed to admit it, but I needed to see this; I’ve let the R-word creep into my casual vocabulary…and there’s no excuse. Thanks for reminding me of that. :-) I pledge to eliminate it from my vocabulary.
Can I just ask this? I agree that the r word needs to go, but is there anything that should replace it? The thing is, when any word like this comes in to existence, at first it is just used as a description, and then eventually the negative uses take over. The r word was preceded by moron and idiot, and it was followed by disabled (mixed response to the latter, though). More than banning a word, society needs a fundamental shift in how we view people with Down syndrome or in wheel chairs and everything else. Otherwise, it won’t matter if we stop saying the r word because another word will just take it’s place. Any word to describe them should not be synonymous with “less than.”
Matt rocks!!! Love him!! What a sweetie. Thanks for posting this. I will take the pledge to not use the “R” word. Bless you, Matt and your beautiful family