Shorts: JCrew factory. (awesome anchors: here, here, and here.) Shirt: Old Navy.(similar.) Tie: My design. (coming soon.) Wedges: Forever21. Watch: Jord. (c/o)
This is the pretty brick wall outside my new studio. Have I even mentioned we are moving into a new studio space? Probably not, because I’ve been basically the worst blogger ever…(tragedy, I know.) Anyway, it’s this really awesome spot, right in the historic part of town; there’s a tiny italian restaurant, and a jazz/wine bar below us, which seems fortunate. I don’t drink, but pasta and jazz, yes. There are a whole bunch of women owned businesses around us, which also makes me wildly happy. I love being around other women who run businesses. They “get” my brand of crazy. I’m telling you, this whole month since we’ve moved back to Seattle has been so unreal and awesome.
We stopped by the studio last night on our Sunday drive because I’m a new parent and I feel like I need to check on my baby everyday; even though my baby is a century old and she’s somehow muddled through without me up until now. On Saturday we did a little demo, and beat out the random partition wall and ripped out the carpet. And by “we,” I mean Craig and our friend Jeremy (who’s endlessly nice-we owe you Jer!) I wrestled Ava, took pictures and tried to look useful. We brought all the monkeys along for the ride because I like to torture my children with long working Saturdays that build character. Our specific character building exercise this particular weekend was scraping remnants of the 60 year old carpet that some idiot who wanted to make my life hell, glued down on the wood floor we are literally trying to reclaim. The family that scrapes nasty glued carpet off the floor together… If it works, it’s going to be beautiful.
Let’s talk about the fourth of July, shall we, because summer’s best holiday deserves a nod. First of all, you should definitely put this watermelon lemonade on the menu, because I hear watermelons are at their peak right now, and it’s real lemonade, do we really need another reason? I’m not kidding, I made this stuff approximately 800 times last summer, so yeah. Addicted. You can also sub out the watermelon and mint for peaches–you know, in August when peaches are on the ins, and holy heaven, it is good.
BTW, I’m still an anchor addict and, no not interested in rehab, thank you. Living in Seattle again among all the boats and spending days at the sound certainly isn’t helping, but I don’t mind it.
So, I better run–I’m taking my monkeys downtown today to the aquarium, and I might just brave ZARA with all four. And by might, I mean, look out ZARA, we’re coming for you. Call me crazy, I am.

cute shorts and congrats on the studio!
Ladies in Navy
I’m really liking long shorts lately…Also, I can’t wait to see the finished studio with the nice floors!
I know you don’t feel like yourself with your current hairstyle, but I think it looks really sassy and cool. Not that your original hair wasn’t just as good as this.
Where in Seattle? West Seattle? I grew up there!
our studio is in Issaquah. ;-)
Congrats on moving and the studio! Love the shorts!
Love those shorts!!! You look adorable!!
The CHIC Insomniac
I’m so excited for you. For all the good going on in your life ;). Can’t wait to see the finished project. I know it will be amazing.
I am uber inspired by your life!! Who decides to do what they love and be successful, live exactly where they want to live anymore? I hope I can put the work in and say the same thing about my life one day. (Soon)
thanks Veronica! you made my day!
Loving those bangs!!!
Been following you for a long time. Are you still out there? Helloooooooo?