Overalls: Target. (kids. similar here and here.) Shirt: Boden. Wedges: Forever 21. Bag: Target.
So overalls are back in style. I’m not going to lie, my high school self is pretty happy about that. So is early college me–early college me used to live in overalls. I’m loving the new sort of boyfriend jean spin on them that I’m seeing everywhere. Incidentally berks are back in style as well, but I’ve not quite made it over to the “nod to the 90’s” section of the shoe department yet, but I’ll let you know how that goes.
I call this look: nautical farmer.
ye-haw and anchors aweigh and all that…
Happy Monday!

I love what you named this outfit! It seems too perfect. I love overalls as well. This striped shirt with them is the perfect touch <3
Fishbowl Fashion
Early college me lived in overall SHORTS. Full length never worked for me, unfortunately. I started wearing them around my house again last year, so I credit myself for bringing back this trend.
Yes, 90s shoes should stay in the 90s. Except for maybe some of the sneaker type shoes that people have basically been wearing every since…
this is super darling! :)
I’ve always had a thing for overalls but haven’t had the courage to wear them again… but seeing how adorable you are in them, I think I’ll go ahead and break them out again myself… thanks for the inspiration :]
I’m not sure I can convince myself to do overalls but you sure make them look cute! I think there is a rule about overalls after age 35 … somewhere with the rule about Birkenstocks ;) Those puppies belong back in the 90’s vault, forever!
You could not be any cuter!