Shirt: American Eagle. (similar.) Skirt: My design. (find it here on sale.) Shoes: Old. (similar.) Bag: Kenneth Cole Reaction. (similar.)
The two things I love most about getting dressed in the summer:
Bright colors and bold prints.
Because you have to do it anyway, getting dressed should be fun.

I really like the combination of blue and yellow together
I love this outfit! Blue and yellow are gorgeous together!
What a beautiful vibrant outfit! I love it!
This look is absolutely delicious. You look adorable! Sleek lines, bright burst of solid colors and mini statement piece. A complete styling to the nines.
Definitely a perfect title for the post! So much fun in such a gorgeous outfit.
Great outfit! The combination of colors and patterns is so fun and looks so chic.
I love the color combination!
Wow! What a stunning outfit – bright and cheerful. Love the print mixing.