So in the field behind our house there’s a thick forest of blackberry bushes. I say bushes, but really, these are vines covered in huge, child impaling razor sharp thorns which I have not-so-lovingly nicknamed the “weed of death.” They’re an enormous pain 90% of the year. Our fence is rendered useless by these things, and they are always creeping into our yard with their tenacious prickly arms. But, during that 10% of the year in late July-early August when their berries are fully ripe, we reap a few benefits from the annoying neighbor in the backyard. Last Saturday, my littles and I braved the wild and snarly jungle of thorns to pick ourselves a heaping bowl of blackberries. My kids are amazing by the way. They have the brightest, wildest, freest imaginations. It was worth a few pokes to get to see them in their element. Which is planted firmly in the magical spot between imagination and nature where children become the most fantastic adventurers. I hope they never ever outgrow this.
After such a daring expedition, I felt it only right that my little harvesters be rewarded with a big blackberry pie. So we baked ourselves one on Sunday and it was out-of-this world delicious and so easy to make. (I cheated though and bought frozen pie crusts, because making life easier around here is how we roll.)
Anyway, you don’t have to be surrounded by the wild brambles of the northwest to enjoy this perfect summer pie. Picking up a carton of fresh blackberries at your local grocery store, or even grabbing them out of the freezer section works just as well.
Blackberry Pie
Makes one 9″ pie.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
1 recipe for a double pie crust. (or if you are like me, just buy the frozen ones from the grocery store, no one will ever know the difference.)
In a bowl combine:
1 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons flour
dash salt
4-5 cups fresh blackberries (or frozen, if they’re not in season.)
1-2 tsp lemon juice
Mix, gently (don’t break those berries ;-). Pour into the prepared pie shell.
Cut 2 Tbsp of butter into small squares and distribute over the top of the berries. Cover with a top crust, either a solid piece with a few slits or you can try a lattice top if your feeling extra ambitious. Don’t be too discouraged if your lattice top doesn’t turn out as beautiful as mine. It takes time to perfect something this artistic. ;-)
And my super secret tip for the most amazing (tasting) flaky pie crust ever? Add an egg wash.
1 beaten egg plus 2 TBSP of water. Paint it over the top of the pie with a pastry brush.
And bake for 40-45 minutes.
nailed it.

Wow…it looks amazing! Pies are my favorite desert, I would have a piece every day if I could. ha! Good job braving those thorns. It looks like it was worth it.
I make pies a lot, I was a huge crust snob always making my own. I never liked the taste of the frozen pre- made crusts until I tried the Trader Joe’s version. My life of pie making just got so much easier!
If you want to attempt your own crust, my FAVOURITE is Smitten Kitchen’s all-butter pie crust. It is flaky and buttery and oh-so delicious! That pie looks divine, like summer in a pie :)
oooh, sounds dreamy!