Pants: Loft. Shirt: JCrew Factory. (similar.) Bag: Kenneth Cole Reaction. (similar.) Shoes: Nine West. (similar.) Watch: Michael Kors. Scarf: JCrew.
I don’t know about you, but after a long holiday weekend, I don’t feel like doing much of anything. That’s not exactly an option this week, since my kids start school tomorrow and I am hopelessly behind, but still. We ran away from home this weekend and went camping up north at Desolation Pass. We cooked over a fire and roasted marshmallows, explored rocky beaches, thick ancient forests, and kayaked through a kelp forests in the Sound. My hair still smells like a camp fire. It was perfect. I loved every minute but the 5 or so hours Ava spent shrieking into the cold mountain air on our first night. A fussy baby is stressful when the only thing muffling their cries are tent walls, which you know, don’t really muffle them at all. My consolation was that by the second night, she was so exhausted she curled right up into me and slept like a baby, er–slept like herself. Don’t you just love cuddling up with a sleeping baby? Mmmm. Heavenly. This weekend was such a reminder of how absolutely magical this place we live in is. I tell you what, I’ve lived a lot of places and nothing tops the PNW. That’s all I’m going to say about that. ;-)
Black and white stripes always make me feel so French. They just beg to be paired with a polka dot scarf and a pair of red pants. So of course, you know that’s what I did. Because, nothing French can ever be denied, even a vibe.
Here’s to a lovely (short) week!
Kiss, kiss.

Great look! Loving the “French” style :)
what cute pants! dying over the color
ladies in navy
Loving this chic look! Your trousers are just amazing!
Red Reticule
oh how I love this :)
I must have these pants! Totally adorable! Good luck for a smooth first day of school for the kiddies:)
This is probably one of my most favorite outfits ever. You do look so French! I also love your ponytail. I wish I had your hair skills.