This one is so simple it’s almost funny. We’ve gone to the the museum of flight here in Seattle several times and my favorite part has always been reading about Rosie the Riveter and all the women like her who stepped up and took care of business during World War II. Those women were seriously strong, and it’s something I’ve always admired.
This costume needs:
Chambray Shirt. Jeans. Bandana.
Twist your hair up into a 40’s inspired bun and tie the bandana around the top. Voila!

Perfect and easy to put together costume with a message. Love those jeans.
Red Reticule
Love it! This is my back-up costume idea for a work Halloween party if my first costume idea doesn’t pan out. :)
Awesome costume idea!
On another note- please tell what you are doing for workout/exercise?! You look fab!
Where is that belt from?
These are great. You are in incredible shape btw. Can’t believe you have four children. I need to tone up so I can tuck in a shirt.
Love those jeans? What’s the brand? The link was taking me to the shirt. Ooh, and the nail polish too.