farewell fall…






Boots: Steve Madden. (similar.) Hat: Nordstrom. Coat: Gap. (similar here and here.) Jeans: Target. (similar.) Sweater: Zara Kids. (similar here and here.) Ring: TJMaxx. (similar.)

I was driving home from my studio yesterday, through this perfect little mini valley that I pass through almost everyday, and I realized that all the beautiful golden leaves had fallen from the trees.  Autumn is almost over and winter is fast on it’s way.  It’s been so cold here lately, and snowing in other places.  People are putting up their trees and Thanksgiving is only a week away. I don’t know where this year went, but it’s passing in a blink.  Winter is almost here, and then the new year.  I feel like I was just looking forward to 2014 a few weeks ago and now it’s almost over.  Crazy, crazy…

This time of year I really start pulling out all my cozy favorites, and this season I’m all about the pom beanies.  They’re just cozy and fun.  It’s a hat, but not too serious.



more cozy favorites:

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  1. Jeanne wrote:

    Perfect outfit! You look amazing!

    Posted 11.21.14 Reply
  2. Sherry wrote:

    Would you mind sharing the style name of those Target jeans? Thanks so much!

    Posted 11.24.14 Reply
  3. Merrie K. wrote:

    So elegant. I am in love with those Boots!! Great look!!
    -Merrie K.

    Posted 11.26.14 Reply