Skirt: made by me. (similar here and here.) Sweater: Target. Boots: Hunter Kids. (adult version here.) Hat: Target. Tights: Target. Necklace: Target. Jacket: Old Navy. (similar here.) Bag: Ivanka Trump. (similar.and here.)
Thanks to everyone for bearing with us through the last couple weeks. Website headaches and the holidays just do not mix, but we are back up an running! Yay.
I wore this outfit on Christmas eve, for our ferry ride over to Bainbridge and breakfast at Doc’s, a little restaurant right on the pier overlooking the sound. It’s one of my favorite traditions, and I’m so glad we’re back in the Emerald city and able to do all my favorite things again. Seattle is such a special place, so uniquely beautiful, I can never get enough of this place. After breakfast and a cocoa filled ride back on the boat, we came home and had a PNW Christmas–king crab and fresh salmon(I’m still full), and then sang carols, made cookies for Santa, read Luke 2 and sent the little ones off to bed. Then, Mr and I stayed up till 3 am assembling toys, and putting the final bows on all the Santa stuff. It never gets old, watching the kids come down the stairs, all the magic and excitement of Christmas morning… But next year, I’m crossing my fingers for a little more sleep…
I hope your holiday was lovely as well and that you’ve had time to snuggle up and enjoy your families. We’ve been reading and watching movies and playing lots and lots of games since Christmas… our littles love games and the older they get the more fun it is to play as a family. This Christmas we added an extension to our favorite family game, Settlers of Catan which made it even more fun, and we got this one as well, which is really fun and was super easy for the kids to pick up. My in-laws also gave us Clue which I hadn’t played since I was probably 10, and we’ve been having a ton of fun figuring out “who done it.”
So what have you been doing over the break?

lovely outfit! That skirt is adorable
We got a 2 player settlers game! lots of family, snow, reading, etc over here!
Lovely skirt and boots! Very cool denim jacket!
I wish you very happy holidays!
This Christmas Eve we hiked Superstition Mountain and we had to WAKE the kids up for Christmas morning! It tired them out good!
Every time I see your photos of Seattle, I immediately think “We are moving there tomorrow.” I let my fear get in the way. I was meant to live in a beautiful lush, gloomy climate like that, but I worry about my kids having a good strong circle of friends growing up. It is great you are living the dream.
Woow those boots are so awesome with your skirt! Love it :)
X Willemijn Sofie
Amsterdam So fashion
Such a cute overall look! Lovely red boots and it’s amazing that you made the skirt yourself! You are so talented!
Love that skirt! Is it flannel?
We got boss monster too.
Absolutely love this outfit! So cute!