Top: JCrew Factory. Anchor Sweater: JCrew Factory (boys. similar here and here.) Jacket: Loft. (old. similar here and here.) Jeans: Hudson (my faves. great pairs here and here also.) Shoes: Old. (similar here.) Scarf: Gap. Bag: Target. (swoon worthy one here.) Umbrella: similar here.
Yesterday was weird. Not bad necessarily, just weird. I had anxiety for no particular reason, which always kind of throws me off and then I looked at the weather report and it’s supposed to rain for basically the next billion days, which doesn’t usually bother me, but this uncharacteristically sunny winter we’ve been having has spoiled me. Then all of a sudden I was wishing it would get cold, like really, really cold and snowy like it is back East and we could all hole up in the house and drink cocoa and eat soup, and the kids could stay home from school and Mr. from work and we could hang out by the fire and I could read all the books on my nightstand and listen to every podcast my little heart desires. I’m weird. I know this.
Also, guess who learned how to climb out of her crib? Ava, that’s who. And it’s seriously messing with the sleep chi around here. I’m so tired (literally) of her sauntering wide awake into our bedroom at 4 a.m., which by the way shows real ingenuity on her part given that the master in our house is downstairs, far away from the kids rooms. (just like I like it. kidding, sort of.) It’s also made naps and bedtime a nightmare; she’s just not going down easy. And guys she’s always gone down easy. I feel like I’m sleep training again and I am NOT in new baby mode.
Quick, somebody call the wah-mbulence.
Moving on…
This field jacket is totally one of those pieces you buy on a whim that you didn’t even realize you had a hole in your closet for and it turns out to be the best thing ever. I found this jacket at Loft the spring Craig graduated with his MBA almost 4 years ago and I still love it. I’m so glad there are some almost identical styles available this season because it really is such a great spring jacket and it’s so versatile it literally goes with everything.
Speaking of which, have we discussed the merits of the bootcut jean before? Yes. Oh good, well here I go again. If you want to look taller and leaner and have a jean that goes with everything and will never, ever, ever go out of style… need I say more? I feel like bootcut jeans make me look taller, and guys I am so, so not tall that this feels like a real accomplishment. If my bootcut jeans were a human we would totally be best friends. ;-) I always recommend spending a little more on your classic jeans, because they are good stock, a worthy investment. A well-made pair of jeans will last forever, and become a closet workhorse. (don’t even get me started on cost-per-wear, or we’ll be here all day.) Not to mention, versatility hello. I’ve included a bunch of great options below, if you’re currently in the jean market… My all-time favorites are Hudson jeans. I seriously cannot recommend them enough. They’re the ones I always pull out, and I really love the way they fit my body, I wear them constantly and they last forever. I also have a couple pairs of Paige jeans and they are a fantastic brand as well. And one last piece of advice, if you go ahead and put some money into a good pair of jeans, make sure and have them tailored if need be. No sense spending a lot on something that doesn’t fit you perfectly. Nordstrom offers complimentary alterations on their jeans, but be sure to wash them 2-3 times BEFORE having them altered…
and now ends my jean tangent.
Happy Wednesday!

love your jeans! Hope you have a great day
So cute! Love it<3
Shall We Sasa
I have to say, living in Vancouver, BC, that I totally get that…the sun had me spoiled here as well and even though I know rain is par for the course I’m just wishing that it would be snowy or something other than more rain.
Though as you always remind me here, at least it’s fun to wear rain boots!
yes I love wearing rain boots! There’s some silver lining!
Love your chunky striped scarf!
I’m 4’11’ like you and I just bought a pair of Hudson’s and I love them. They are so soft. I did hem them 1 inch but they are great!! Thanks.
I had to hem mine as well, but I am obsessed. they are so so soft.
also (barely) 4’11”, did you order regular or petite version? I know you lined to the regular, but just checking. Thanks!
I got the petite version, I just linked to the regular version because I figured that most people aren’t as short as me. ;-) FYI I still had to have them hemmed a bit. #shortyproblems
my little lady is 15.5 months old, and has always been a good sleeper (at night. naps are a different story). i just know at some point she will figure out how to get out of her crib too and my life will be over as i know it. and trust you me, i am dreeeeeaading that day. yeah, yeah wah-mbulance on it’s way here too ;) love that sweater and button up together, ps.
Love your sweater/scarf/purse combo! You are always nailing the nautical looks!
I have the same jacket and love it! (I think I’ve had mine for almost 6 years.)
Love your amazing style! I’m 5’1″ and you encourage me to keep shopping! I get a bit discouraged trying to find items that fit this small frame and tiny feet.
I’m sorry that you’re feeling anxious. It’s a terrible feeling. I had overwhelming anxiety for a year after my first child. Have you ever had your thyroid tested? The doctors determined that my thyroid levels were elevated. Sure hope the best for you Cori!