robe. necklace. kettle. perfume. bag. pajamas. tea cup and saucer.
Mother’s day is the Sunday after next.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t actually love a big fuss made on Mother’s day. I love being a mother and celebrating that gift, but I don’t really want to be spoiled or waited on hand and foot. Mostly, I want to take a long nap, read a good book, and not have to cook…
Thoughtful gifts are my favorites. Especially the handmade ones from my kids. As an adult, that’s a little trickier… My husband is really, really great at thoughtful gifts, and I’ve learned a thing or two from watching his gift giving all these years. The pieces don’t have to be spendy, the meaning is what counts. Here are a few ideas:
A comfy robe: it’s pretty and it’s telling her that you think she deserves a break, while also looking and feeling lovely.
A colorful tea kettle: I’ve gone through at least 3 of these since we got married almost 12 years ago. I love my tea kettles. I use them for either cocoa or herb tea (mostly cocoa) and it’s my little indulgence everyday. Ten minutes to just sit and drink something sweet and warm. When my husband buys me a tea kettle, he’s telling me he notices the small things, and that I deserve that time. A colorful kettle really brightens up the kitchen and adds a nice design element with a rather functional piece.
A subtle initial necklace. Need I say more?
Perfume. I don’t know about you, but I love to smell pretty. Especially for mom’s of babies, or the littler little ones, who are often surrounded (or covered) by the not-so-pleasant smells of motherhood (i.e. spit-up, dirty diapers) a bottle of something sweet smelling can make you feel like a million bucks. My husband bought me my first bottle of nice perfume about 6 years ago and it’s become a bit of a mother’s day tradition every few years.
Tea cup and saucer. If something warm and sweet is a hug in a cup, that cup should be pretty. (plus I collect teacups and pretty mugs, so I always love it when my husband gets me a new one to add to the collection.)
Classic pajamas: again, you’re telling her that you think she deserves some rest, and to feel pretty while she’s getting it.
A great big bag. Just because she’s carrying diapers, wipes, pacifiers, a spare change of clothes, two bags of cherrios and a month’s worth of receipts in it doesn’t mean her bag has to be shabby. This one is on the high end of the gift spectrum and a bit of a splurge, but sometimes spoiling the person you love can be just as meaningful (when done sparingly of course). It’s that whole, “you’re worth it,” idea. Buying someone you love something really nice that you know they’ll love once in awhile, sends the simple and profound message that they are worth it to you. A bag is always a great splurge idea, (especially a classic bag) and it will mean the world to her.
these and more thoughtful gift ideas below:

Oh man those are my sentiments abt Mothers Day too, you kinda want a day off from being a Mom. Sleep in, read a good book/magazine, and absolutely no cooking!