Trousers: Loft. Top: Target. (similar here. and here.) Shoes: Enzo Angiolini. (similar here and here.) Hat:Old Navy. Scarf: Old Navy. (similar here.) Clutch: Loft
We’ve had a very lovely sun-kissed spring this year; the weather’s getting warmer by the week. (Now that I wrote that, it’ll probably turn cold and start raining.) I adore these transitional seasons, don’t you? Fall and Spring. That’s where it’s at.
I don’t know if it’s part of the female condition, or just part of being me, but I go through periods in my life where I feel weepy. It’s not exactly sad, in fact, it’s not sad at all. It’s more like I feel too much. Everything seems to make me well up and spill over. Right now, it’s one of those times for me. Everything feels very raw and real, and sweet, and good and sad, kind of all at once.
I’m sure there’s some scientific hormonal explanation for why it is I go through these periods of intense emotion, but I’m not really interested in them.
To me they are a gift.
It’s so easy to fall into life isn’t it? To fall into just doing the things that need to get done. Glorfying busy, glorifying hustle and drive. Focusing on the numbers, on the lists. Going here and there, never looking other people in the face, never letting yourself feel their humanity, or your own. When I’m in one of these periods, I feel my own humanity so acutely. It’s such a gift. Because when I feel my own humanity, when my heart is soft and vulnerable, I can see the humanity in those around me much easier, and it’s much easier to feel patience, compassion and love for others, and, in truth, for myself.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but sometimes you just need to send your thoughts out into the universe and let them live out there. So here you go universe, a little piece of my vulnerability.
shop the look:

So pretty<3
Shall We Sasa
cute outfit! I really love those pants! They look like the perfect balance between dressy and casual!
I love this post and can totally relate to it! I go through these periods too … I love what you said about seeing humanity in others and feeling compassion and love for others …. We all need reminders like that from time to time in the hustle and bustle of life … That’s what makes life worthwhile.
Thanks for the beautiful post … And you look gorgeous as always
Yeah, it can be exhausting to have all of those feelings sometimes, though. Or cleansing. It depends.
Every time I see you wear those pants, I want them. I have a similar pair, though, so I keep telling myself not to buy them. But they are more of a heavier weight…so maybe I should? I’ve been to Loft twice and looked at them hanging on the rack and I…I don’t know. I’m worried about possibly having a pants hoarding problem right now so I will have to resist…
Beautifully said! There really is something to be said for the power of human connection. I’m so grateful that I have chosen to make that a focus in my life–to make connections daily. What a blessing it is to be a wife, mother, and friend! That is what God gave us time for!